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DARPA's Frankenscience: In 2021 US Military Announced Plans to use Genetically Modified PARASITES to Create Super Soldiers
"The effort is part of DARPA’s Personalized Protective Biosystem (PPB) program, which is exploring the use of new transgenic commensal organisms to secrete therrapeutics..."
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The idea is to enhance the parasites using CRISPR gene editing technology
Protective Biosystems: Parasites to Fight Chemical and Biological Weapons
DARPA's New Biotech Division Wants To Create A Transhuman Future
The Pentagon's advanced research wing has announced its latest budget — and whoa, does DARPA ever have some ambitious plans for the future. Their new Biotech unit will be harnessing biology for national security, and dealing with everything from stopping plagues to building synthetic soldiers:
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Geez. Whatever could go wrong?!!!!
Those Chinese coming to North America those are the 100, million Chinese Super Soldiers
They Don’t feel any Pain whatsoever they have Cut that Pain Receptors to these individuals
You can stab them shoot them you chop off a arm and blow their feet off And their Designed just for the Purpose of Killing