People are waking up to being played but still can’t stop following all the shiny objects…..a spiritual problem

“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

One way for a stick to be straight infinite number of ways to be crooked. Reject the straight what is left…..?

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So it is...When Demons have deceived, manipulated, connived and perpetrated all manner of evil onto the world and twisted all up beyond recognition; the foundation which is Jesus Christ remains as the only TRUTH in the end analysis.

Those of the strong foundation of Jesus Christ remain calm and know God will bring all to pass in His way. That way may or may not mandate Conventional War to reclaim spiritual ground for God...🙏🏻🌹💖🙏🏻

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Would AI be considered more than a spiritual problem? More than "strong delusion?" More than "being played?" Are alleged off-world beings who may consider us as only a food source, able to "shapeshift?" Why would the god in II Thessalonians 2:11-12 do this unless this god is a demon of Satan to fool us? Was Paul overcome by a demon when he wrote his letter to the Thessalonians? Or simply unable to interpret what he "knew" and did the best he could in his time? See the short YouTube videos found at: https://beforeitsnews.com/events/2024/08/250-million-humans-on-the-moon-millions-all-over-the-universe-mining-ex-secret-space-program-recruits-total-recall-mission-planet-1-area26-2437468.html

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Like, Donald Trump, for instance, and JD Vance.

I was a Trump voter a few years ago. Now, I’m not voting, probably ever again.

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Write in "I do not consent" at least the pollworkers will get the message that we dislike vehemently being shit on.

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I’m not going to waste my time 😵‍💫-lol!

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Revolutionaries burned the King in effigy since they were not electors. Could be an option to use for one of our major party characters (or both).

Note: Just don't do it during no burn days and try get yer permit ( or not and do pay any consequences).

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Very smart Renee, that’ll show them 😣

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4

Voting, now, is an illusion. Voting has been an illusion for very LONG time!

Unfortunately, people have been in a brainwashed state, to believe it is legitimate.

It’s not.

It’s exactly how people are made slaves.

Did “you” vote for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Of course you didn’t! That’s why it was passed a day before Christmas Eve, in 1913. Do you realize how many “laws” are passed in this way? I suggest you wake up.

I’ve been awake for years. My hope, is that one day, people will understand what has happened to them, their countrymen, and their world.

I used to be just like you.

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Will anyone on the planet be allowed to vote on whether they want to participate in World War III?

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By the way, Trump/Vance are Zionists. How do you think that is in the best interest of your country?

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A miserable woman is one with no hope. I pray you find some.

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I have hope, LOVE, and God my Father in Heaven!

I also have a heart, a brain, and Intuition.

I research, and I read as not be deceived.

It’s truly unfortunate that more people do not do that = Truth

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Perhaps you may want to read this! It’s a very enlightening article… https://www.globalresearch.ca/pipe-dreams-american-voters/5864500

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Do you understand the MIL operation that is going on? If you don’t, you might want to go down that rabbit hole. It will answer a lot of your questions and I hope you find hope in it.

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Trump attended a Jesuit collage for 2 years!

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I’ll back your play.

I, too, will NEVER vote again.

About 2 years ago, the Lord God saw fit to deliver me from my talk radio idolatry and gave me something of far greater value. Namely, His Word.

I was truly addicted to ‘the juice’ of politics and in His mercy, the deliverance was instant, and final. I never expected that. My faith is no longer in a podcast by Daily Wire, or Levin, but in Jesus Christ.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the matter: To fear God and to keep His Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

Ecclesiastes 12:11.

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My bad, Ecclesiastes 12:13.

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I got you Ron!

Because, when you cross over, your eGO is gone-your soul, your essence is manifest-God/Creator. And He loves you unconditionally. We are here to learn!

“For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing…”

God sees and knows all. And God is pure, forgiving LOVE.

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Ron…I GET IT! I understand exactly what you mean! I had Truth delivered to me on my doorstep 20 years ago-GOD! I was in an extremely traumatic car accident-I should be dead. I went through a spiritual experience at 40-WOW! It’s something I cannot explain, or ever forget. It was a turning point in my soul. This is not man made religion (I grew up Catholic-12 years of Catholic school). That experience has carried me through my life, thus far.

I love God with my heart, soul, and mind. I’m working on my eGO. What work!

By the way, I used to listen to Levin too-what a joke! Now, I can’t listen to any of that bs! I also threw my television out 20+ years ago🤪!


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Well said, following Christ is work just like being a father or husband! But ‘His yoke is easy and His burden is light.’

And yes, all the hysterics of those like Levin are just that, a joke, and it’s no longer funny.

He talked a lot about unserious people…

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Thank you, Gary, for sharing and being a witness for our Lord. Thank you for fighting the good fight! May I suggest ordering my quick reading book "Our Forefathers Truly Appealed to Heaven" at Barnes N Noble, Amazon, Walmart or Books A Million. We need fighters, like you in the growing Spiritual Warfare that already has begun. Blessings. Dr. Lyle - ARIZONA TODAY

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Thoughts on steps to resist and survive?

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Not complying is the only way!!!!!

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That’s what I’ve concluded. I really don’t trust anyone to create a group to work together.

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They seem to be messing with comms and emptio al resonance so that doesn't happen.

It's fairly effective, not gonna lie.

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Check out Part IV of documentary, Covid Unmasked, 2020 and Beyond. It premiered on CHD website under Movies. The whole of it is excellent and Part IV tells us how to fight back.

Do Not Comply!

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For sure, I won't! Ready to die if it must😊🙏

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+1 (can't upvote on substack)

The readiness to die makes everything else possible.

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"Never tell a child 'you have a soul.' Teach him, you are a soul; you have a body."

~ George MacDonald

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Habit by now. I knew all those visits to the principal's office and H.R. would one day come in handy!

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Keep repeating the Lord's Prayer and continuously call upon Jesus, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael for protection.

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Call on God. Angels and saints bow to God!

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Toss your TV.

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I tossed the television over 20 years ago! What garbage propaganda!

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Tossed mine 14 years ago.

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I tossed my TV around 2002, if I remember correctly. I consider it to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself. At some point (soon, I hope) I'll be tossing this phone (aka tracking and surveillence device) too.

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No smartphone here...just a landline and an old flip phone for emergencies when I am out.

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LIKE! Actually, I love that you said that!

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Tossed mine for good in 2020. Had been watching only streamed shows then for several years. Mainly old mysteries. Also tossed my phone at the time because I could: no one depended on me for instant communication. Will get a flip phone when I move next year for safety on the roads. Hope to be rural. Only have landline here, too. I'm not afraid; I simply refuse to assist in my own surveillance and eventual AI control to the best of my ability.

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For starters we MUST refuse digital IDs, CBDC and crypto ( if you have crypto sell now before it's too late) refuse toxic "va€€ines and start using cash only

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Continue to seek ways to grow and store your own food (with or without power).

Develop a network with trusted neighbors to barter and find resources.

Get off municipal water and drill a well.

Secure weapons.

Accumulate books on survival.

Return to a simple lifestyle.

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The absurdities of today, such as transgenderism, there being more than two sexes, is designed to test the limits of what the sheeple will accept from a corrupt govermnent. If there is no significant pushback, next it will be you can only drive your car on alternate days, use electricity only during non-peak hours, house migrants in extra bedrooms...the options are only limited by the imaginations of the depraved Leftists☠️

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Ditto. This was exactly my thought when reading that Angela Carini abandoned the fight with transgender person in less than a minute. She followed her intuition and stood up to the insanity imposed onto female boxing competitors. Like Jokovic, she stood up to the bullies. A real Warrior of Light she is💜🌟🦋

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Should have never stepped into the ring. Taken further, all offended by the opening ceremonies should have packed up and refused o participate. Easier said than done after a lifetime of preparation, but great sacrifice holds great meaning and conviction.

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Did she know her opponent was male? Had the organizers even told her? And where is the demand that the Olympic officials verify the sex of each participant, especially in the womens' events?

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I agree, 26. Women have got to stop dignifying these competitions when fake women want to join. Leave them by themselves, or with the other fake women.

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Did you not hear ? She has apologised. Whether she was forced into it or what, I don't know.

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She’s not warrior. She sucks. Even five minutes after she stop the match after seconds and it was crying. She started calling herself a warrior. She’s not a warrior women are not warriors. I don’t give a shit what anybody says. Yes, they were plenty of women but it’s a different word. Mother of Jesus was a strong woman.

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In 1973, in California at least, you could only buy gasoline for your car on odd or even days depending on the last number in your license plate. People complied. Presumably there was a gas shortage.

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NJ too. Long lines and the only way to get gas.

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"...when totalitarianism arrives, it will come cloaked in fake virtue."

As it always is.

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The “vaccine” deployment was a military operation using military countermeasures aka biological weapons worldwide.

The whole thing was carefully planned by the spooks so most of the “scientists” we see on the TV are also CIA assets.


Our politicians (except Andrew Bridgen) are all complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity and war crimes.


My best guess is that SarsCov2 was definitely not a “lab leak”.

There has never been a worldwide viral “pandemic” because they are not that contagious, it at all, so the only way to fake a worldwide pandemic is to deliberately kill people all over the world by poisoning and hospital protocols (NG163).

The poison they used may have been SarsCov2 clones (JJ Couey),


or biological nanoparticles (Karen Kingston).


It is going to be very hard to prosecute any of these criminals or even get accurate information because of the fog of war.

Tax rebellion is probably the only way to stop these murderers because protests are ignored and riots give them an excuse to pass even more draconian laws, i.e. they are deliberately provoking riots because they want even more power.


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Bingo Robert - you put a good scoop in the nutshell above

Operation Warp Speed, is a Military Operation by the US Dept of Defence -DoD. Assisted by the US NIH, both Rogue outfits.

The Counter-measures are actual injectable bioweapons aka 'ConVid19' genetic + nano tech, 'non vaccination'. This a Huge topic with many vectors harm and slow release issues,

EMF issues and more

They were designed with INTENT to harm, M. Yeadon, F Boyle, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Karen Kingston, Vernon Coleman and many more.

These facts are not secrets, they in the open and in our faces, yet in many (most?) countries the gubberments continue to push the lethal RNA tech platform. Why?

The ConVid PlanScamDemic has been wall to wall lies and coercion from the get go and most likely a decade or more being planned.

Fund's for Bird flu RNA bioweapons, why? One would almost think they want harm and kill more people, narrr they wouldn't want that would they?

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Until recently I did not know humans could be that evil. This is another level, murdering 17 million with vaccines, 7 million with the poison aka covid19 and God only knows how many they murdered with the hospital protocols and lockdowns.

I do hope Hell is a real place because it doesn't look like we will see any actual justice anytime soon.

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For concise road map of how got to messy state, reading Eustace Mullin's, 'The Curse of Canna', goes back to the year dot to give a complete historical revelation of the Canaanites, The Synagog of Satan, and other 'bad actor's'. It's a world wide conspiracy, that connects a great many dot's across Europe, America and the M. East. This book goes to root of the global 'cancer'. Never was it more important that it is now. For those wishing to get a clear background to why the world is in such a state - I can recommend reading Eustace Mullins's, "The Curse of Canaan" (1987/2020) A demonology of history (1987) Republished @ 2020 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Curse-Canaan-Eustace-Clarence-Mullins/dp/1915278635/ref=sr_1_1?crid=74844PSLGQ1H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._aha4jqlH0LZMwSbctTfuw.1Y4IXQZVyqBtYo42b2hzJ4I0cKdKSnAFDkyLWs5bxH8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eustace+Mullins%27s+%22The+Curse+of+the+Canaan%22&qid=1721728509&s=books&sprefix=eustace+mullins%27s+the+curse+of+the+canaan+%2Cstripbooks%2C204&sr=1-1 Also from the Publisher @ >>> https://omnia-veritas. com/shop/the-curse-of-canaan/ {close the Gap in link}

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Eustace Mullins**Massmurder by Injections*

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They are lying vis a vis death metrics from massmurders by Isreali-briitush..European......American Russian and chinese quackzine injections..many fact checkers insist

actual deaths and damage is worse than WW2 metrics...global not only national mass murder..read Jewish bioethics...**Paul Ehrlich Ezekiel Emanuel........menachem mendle Schneerson... (now in Hell)l..on and on and on...it's far too late to play dumb....*we have passed the 11th hour...**Rearm Now**

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Typo...British quackzine...injections ..see dr.v.coleman..nurse Kate sherimani...etc

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There is no time to delay, because son-of-covid is in the works. This time TPTB are calling it "bird flu" - another fictitious infectious agent capable of fictitious transmission. And with no accurate diagnostic test. Will we allow ourselves to be fooled again?

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That’s why they are making the IRS where guns now. They knew we would be upset about it one day when we woke up. That’s why the guns.

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Edward, what’s your take on Africa? We are pretty lawless but see the governments signing up to the agendas, no doubt for a bob or two.

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Since as far back as I can remember, my family has asked; "Do you HAVE to question everything?". My answer was, is, and always will be, YES! Maybe that's the only way to find the TRUTH; QUESTION EVERYTHING!

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Growing up, my dad always said to me, “Renee, always question authority.” I’m 61 now, and I have for a long, long time! He didn’t pay child support, but he did give good advice 😉!

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I always question authority , specially concerning the attempt on President Trump's life:


WITHIN HOURS after the attempt on President’s Trump’ Life

The FBI was/is claiming that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a REPUBLICAN , ANTI-SEMITE , ANTI-IMMIGRANT WHITE SUPREMACIST

The Gab - President ANDREW TORBA - told the FBI per their request that Crooks was an ANTIFA LEFT WING BIDEN SUPPORTER



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Its more than this & really beyond most people's comprehension. If you look at Dr Ana Mihalcea 's work, Clifford Carnicum, Dr David Nixon & others, we are being turned into synthetic cyborgs.

It was in the shot, but there is shedding & spraying in the skies & contaminated food, water, meds, supplements so everyone is compromised. This is not scifi. There are patents & other scientific literature. And has been found in dark field microbiology.

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💥BOOM💥 I saw chemtrails yesterday over my house.

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The country we live in there’s tons of Chemtrails in a regular basis.

My son, and I can tell the difference between a real cloud and fake cloud.

We also know how to tell the difference between a contrail, and a chemtrail.

However, yesterday, the planes in the sky they were just submitting a little bit of what it looks like a contrail.

But there were several planes up at the same time.

We both looked at our phones and put on flight radar and we did not see these planes.

And then we realize they’re changing the way that they spray so that they’re spraying chemtrails and trying to disguise themselves as normal planes doing contrails.

As these planes were flying in the more clearer part of the sky, as opposed to where the other clouds were. And this clearer part of the sky had these weird wispy clouds where it was really clear they were artificial.

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I know Gypsy!😉

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I think it depends on what they are spraying, as to what they look like. If they aren't on radar, it's only military that can do that. Military planes do the spraying so...?

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Yeps. Military for sure. Maybe they change the constitution to be more strong with intermittent intervals of spraying. But it was clear that they were not commercial jets, they were in the part of the sky that was more “clear “surrounded by artificial clouds.

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Check international conventions AGAINST 'Weaponising weather' - ENMOD. Plus, ALL Pilots have to 'KNOW/SIGN OFF' on the Aircraft - WHICH THEY ARE 'FLYING' - The ONBOARD 'Payload' parameters - IT'S MAKEUP/ DESCRIPTION - DANDEROUS GOODS/Weight/ Flight 'Mission'! IT IS part of their Pilot License REQUIREMENTS! = So 'They' the pilots HAVE ZERO EXCUSES FOR DECEPTION - 'Up the Line' Orders or not!

Last; WHERE are these 'Agents of BioLogical destruction' , Going to 'Run to' when this Toxic Crap 'Comes back to earth' & causes Excess Health Exacerbations to Them, their Partners, their Kids, Their Community & The Environment 2 large ( This includes atmospheric 'Drift' of 'Components'. As a Ratio starter, we live in Rural west OZtopia [Australia]. Boom spray of Chems @ ground level with the 'Right Conditions' is 15>16 Kilometers. Crop Dusters are 150>160 Kilometers.What range would folks give to 'Drift' @ 10,000 Ft Plus{3000 Metres??} ?? And their Medics, WILL NOT have a clue, How to treat these 'Mysterious' illnesses, OR,where to even start! TOO STUPID by Half!

Wellness - John D.

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IF, folks want to check The MIS/DISinfo existence, when dealing with Clown World or the Idiot Factory, InCorePoorRated into Planetary Circus'R'US- it's easy!

Go to Geo Engineering 'Patents', (Dates & 'Inventors/ Owners' of patent)& see how Much COMIC Tech is available- ALL with the knowledge of the Politico PETS!!

COMIC - Corporate Organised Military IndusTrial CONplex.

PETS - Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes. ( I guess $ CAN BUY Anything!)

Wellness - John D.

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Such a relief that there are others who get the synthetic part. I’ve been saying it for years. I used to determine the overhead rate for sponsored research so universities that received federal funds were my clients. I can’t even describe some of the stuff I saw in that job. I did not comprehend how it could be used. But knowing what I saw and living with it alone was tough. I could hardly believe my own eyes much less expect anyone else to believe it.

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I might. ❤️

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I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Especially what was done to animals. I wish I had not seen it. There’s not enough money on this planet to entice me into extending that career.

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Thank you for taking a stand against it. I won't ask you to relive it. Just know if you ever need to talk to someone about it... I can take it. ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you. I wish more people had refused. That is the most unnerving part. People just did what they were told. I like science but science without ethics and empathy quickly takes a wrong turn. As in so many things, “just because we can does not mean we should” applies. I think that about gene editing, genetic engineering, too. I do not think humans are capable of handling such capabilities responsibly. I, for one, am over the For Profit model when it comes to “healthcare”. Overall, we are not healthier. Maybe the top income grossing people are but the average person is not. Thank you for kindness. I wish the whole world was into that.

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I can say with absolute certainty that what I saw has been weaponized against humanity. I don’t know why we could not take all those bright minds to create something amazing. A biochemist pal told me that “there’s no profit in a cure”. That’s just messed up. I also did not know at the time that we had brought Nazi scientists to the US and that certainly explains some of what I saw. I loathe sadistic actions.

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Money and Empathy rarely go hand in hand.

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Ain’t that the truth? Bad grammar intended. Let’s put psychopaths with no empathy in charge of “science” and see how that works out….

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I believe it may be more than that we are being played. I believe we may be getting closer to the truth. Check out this woman's work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EudWcVW6npk She may have discovered "shapeshifters?" This link contains a few short videos that could be linked to all of this?


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Greetings Edward -

Your article speaks politically clearly and biblically sound as to the days we are in, and those still to come. Thank you for such boldness and uncompromising sharing. If you would, please go to my website arizona2day.com and review my credentials and other materials. If so led, please contact me, as I would like to follow-up with what you have written regarding Playing Us. Thank you and may the Lord Bless you and continue to guide you. Dr. Lyle -

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Stockholm syndrome on global scale...

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If they are grabbing land and other assets it would behoove us to build a big movement using GIS and other software to land map who owns what where and what is happening with these very visible land assets. Our movement works to tax shift onto the commons rent which would mean those owning more and better located land would pay more into the common fund while removing taxes from labor and production. See theIU.org

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Believe me- the amount of prime Midwestern farmland is being snatched up for wind and solar projects. The amount of money that is being offered to farmers is staggering. The average age of working farmers is 67 so perfect timing to sell out and retire. But who is thinking about what is needed for the future? It certainly is not our government. My husband and I are Midwestern farmers but refuse to sell. The writing is on the wall. They want a food crisis…

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I think it already arrived.

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Ed Dowd nails it! The Awake see what’s going on. The Sheeple are being craftily led into a Technocracy of Tyranny. When the Sheeple are your close Family and Friends, and they will not heed a word or action you take, it’s beyond exasperating.

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I can truly relate to your last sentence big time.

The consequences they have already seen and the ones to come sadden me to my core.

I warned them from the very beginning with articles, documents and verifiable facts and evidence but they laugh and still don’t see.

I have come to the conclusion that I did all I could have done.

Even so it still breaks my heart because they are my family.

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I hope we can pull them from “fire” before it’s too late.

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Amen !!!

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I hear you too! My adult sons won't speak to me...some sort of tough love, I guess. If I won't agree with the narrative, it makes them "sick to their stomachs, to talk to me!" No matter what information I have tried to present. My whole family including my husband see me as some kind of kook, "brainwashed by the internet" ? If it isn't displayed on that black box news they watch, or Amy mainstream media source, it isn't true! The most heartbreaking thing, beyond my imagination.

They knew this would happen as well, divide and conquer. Destroying families comes from satan's playbook!

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Thank you for sharing your experience.

We are not alone as there are many of us that struggle with our family and friends relationships.

Your last paragraph is so true. You did the right thing to warn them.

We can still pray for our family and for each other that one day we can fight this evil together.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His Light shine upon you.

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Amen and may the LORD bless you as well, always.

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So sorry to hear that Jeanette. You are not alone. But do not worry - time will prove you right. Keep your chin up!

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Rearm.Resist.Rrmember Rome and the Goths.The goths served by day and slew by night*Get ready.Now**

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More than ever before… con of a con . Use discernment and “ you will know them by their fruits “ Matthew 7: 15-20.

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be aware the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details....also be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets..it currently has over 2,511000 signatures

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Why did citizengo.org refuse my email as not valid?

My email is valid and wonder who or what is denying my signing the petition.

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the censorship gestapo

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