Edward Dowd: They Are Playing Us
The modern world is a simulacrum, where reality has been replaced by false messaging and imagery, to such an extent that one cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.
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By Edward Dowd August 2, 2024
Almost everything in our news cycle is questionable. The lines between fact and fiction have become blurred.
What our leaders and mainstream media peddle as the truth is often misinformation. And what is really the truth is smeared as misinformation. In an era of rolling news and social media, the bamboozle has captured us. In particular, our ‘elites’ masquerading their greed as virtue.
The modern world is a simulacrum, where reality has been replaced by false messaging and imagery, to such an extent that one cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. And as a result of this, everyone squabbles through the prism of their own confirmation biases and ideological impulses.
We are ruled by a nefarious group of individuals that have an unquenchable thirst for power, control and money, and they don’t care what they have to do to get it. And that includes tricking people into thinking they are the virtuous good guys who are here to keep us all safe. And tragically, millions of people are completely duped by this.
What we have witnessed over the Covid response, the war in Ukraine, the Net Zero agenda on climate change and many other current issues is a movement of faux-virtue that has been carefully crafted by corrupt politicians, messengers within legacy media outlets, greedy corporations, messiah delusional billionaires and undemocratic technocrats to create the impression that they are the virtuous ones who are our friends.
These people are not our friends. Their primary objective is to hoodwink us into believing and complying to their virtue, but in reality being tricked into giving away more freedoms, power, wealth and assets to these virtue vultures.
The reality of all of this is that we are sleepwalking towards the biggest asset grab in the history of the planet.
They are trying to destroy farms, land, businesses, freedoms, housing, individual wealth, travel and own them or sell them off to the highest bidder. And at the same time, they are trying to ring-fence society into the entrapment of being controlled by data – either through health passports or the slow mission creep towards central banking digital currencies (CBDCs).
It’s a giant asset grab of what we own and control. They frame all of this being in our best interests. But it’s the biggest swindle ever.
This gargantuan virtue con-trick also comes with a huge slice of authoritarianism. Anyone who sees through it, questions it, stands up to it or shows opposition to it are immediately ridiculed and ostracised by the group-think mob:
Question the Covid response? “Covidiot” Question the wars? “Putin apologist” “Antisemite” Question net zero? “Climate change denier” “Far-right”
This is gutter politics designed to shut down and undermine any opposition or questioning.
But not questioning the narrative is a huge form of denial. Because any government, technocrat or institution that advocates medical discrimination, suppression of civil liberties and a transfer of wealth and public assets to the rich while the rest of society endures a cost of living crisis is not your friend.
Don’t be fooled by their virtue. It’s a giant con. In reality, they are indulging in a massive asset grab. They are treating the world as feudalism, but under the guise of “it’s for your own good” or “safety” faux virtue. A Machiavellian weapon that power hungry sociopaths use for control.
Fake virtue peddled by governments and authorities for mass compliance and social control is oldest trick in the authoritarian playbook.
Don’t be fooled by it. Because when totalitarianism arrives, it will come cloaked in fake virtue.
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People are waking up to being played but still can’t stop following all the shiny objects…..a spiritual problem
“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
II Thessalonians 2:11-12
One way for a stick to be straight infinite number of ways to be crooked. Reject the straight what is left…..?
The “vaccine” deployment was a military operation using military countermeasures aka biological weapons worldwide.
The whole thing was carefully planned by the spooks so most of the “scientists” we see on the TV are also CIA assets.
Our politicians (except Andrew Bridgen) are all complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
My best guess is that SarsCov2 was definitely not a “lab leak”.
There has never been a worldwide viral “pandemic” because they are not that contagious, it at all, so the only way to fake a worldwide pandemic is to deliberately kill people all over the world by poisoning and hospital protocols (NG163).
The poison they used may have been SarsCov2 clones (JJ Couey),
or biological nanoparticles (Karen Kingston).
It is going to be very hard to prosecute any of these criminals or even get accurate information because of the fog of war.
Tax rebellion is probably the only way to stop these murderers because protests are ignored and riots give them an excuse to pass even more draconian laws, i.e. they are deliberately provoking riots because they want even more power.