Trans-Humanization of Society: DARPA Injections With Nanotechnology – Dr . Steve Hotze
Also: A military officer from DARPA attending a Pfizer sponsored legal conference on vaccines...DARPA's New Biotech Division Wants To Create A Transhuman Future... Five Most INSANE DARPA Projects
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DARPA Nano-Technology Injections: “So what they've done is, through the injection they put nanobots in the form of graphene oxide and hydrogel into your bodies” - Dr. Steve Hotze
"And there are companies, like INBRAIN Neuroelectronics that use graphene oxide to interface with the brain to create a receiver and transmitter that can be used to control people's behavior.
This is how we do it. It's transhumanism. And that's what we have to fight and fight against."
A military officer from DARPA attending a Pfizer-sponsored legal conference on vaccines
DARPA's New Biotech Division Wants To Create A Transhuman Future
The Pentagon's advanced research wing has announced its latest budget — and whoa, does DARPA ever have some ambitious plans for the future. Their new Biotech unit will be harnessing biology for national security, and dealing with everything from stopping plagues to building synthetic soldiers.
DARPA's commitment to cutting-edge innovation is unquestioned. The very essence of the defense agency is to make sure that U.S. military technology is more sophisticated than that of the nation's rivals. Among its many current initiatives, DARPA is working on advanced robotics, an artificial human brain, next-gen robotic aircraft, advanced prosthetics, and self-teaching computers (if anyone's going to build a recursively improving AI it's going to be DARPA).
Darpa Total Information Awareness Logo
Moderna strategic alliances: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics
The truth about the presence of Nanotechnology in the CV kill shots is hidden in plain sight in their own documents. Why do most health freedom movement leaders continue to avoid the subject, focusing solely on Spike protein damage?
"At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth." - Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
"I compiled all the evidence we have into this article that prove Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide and other Graphene variants are in fact being injected into people by governments and Big Pharma"- Dr. Ariyana Love
Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself
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In 2007, I was introduced to the concept of transhumanism. I was active in the tech community affiliated with a major metropolitan university at the time, and transhumanist tech and projects was all the academics would talk about in closed circles. At present day, this concept is neither new nor in its beginning stages.
There are around 6 publicly disclosed brain-computer interaction projects listed in the DARPA site. No doubt there are more classified as top secret, or equivalent, that the public isn’t allowed to know about.
Only guessing here, but we’ve probably already been seeded by environmental means, but perhaps that was found not to be as effective as direct injection, which brings us to SC2/vax. Graphene can be naturally occurring, so it’s already biocompatible with human bodies.
If the public is roughly 16/17 years “behind” in the information, (based on the 2007 year from above), then what is happening now, is for something happening 16/17 years in the future ... 2030 or thereabouts. And where have we seen that year mentioned before?
Not so far fetched as one might think. Mad scientists are pushing the boundaries way too far. Put them on a deserted island and let them practice on each other. Then let’s analyse the consequences.
After the radiation experiments in the USA on innocent civilians I believe anything. They are worse than Mengele.