This Is What Total Destruction of the Immune System by mRNA Nanoparticle Bioweapon Looks Like…
This poor deceived soul is convinced that he is suffering from the mythical "Long Covid".
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"No, not AIDS, Long COVID… I took every precaution - vaccines, boosters, masks, social distancing."
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I took every precaution - vaccines, boosters, masks, social distancing."
I am truly sorry this person had to suffer. And I mean this literally. But this person is so utterly unbelievably and beyond reality stupid it is staggering. What's next? Saying that they were shocked that they got burned after they held their hand over a hot stove??
Dont ignore your gut instincts for any greater good mess pushed these days. Praying fot all victims.
Vaccine Induced AIDS is real. Check those around you that keep getting sick. Know of one whp has been getting respiratory infections and sharing it for 4 years now. She does not register it in her head she is getting sick and taking it home to her family. Yall think the flu shots are safe? Heck no they are not. 2023 had the mRNA nanotech gene therapy ingredients in them like the recent childhood vaccine schedules just updated in 2023-2024.
Corporations own patents +Pharma owns patents= population injected equals to owning modified humans (GMO)? Get it yet? Trans-humanism meaning man into man+machine tech. Iron plus clay. It is moving away from Creator original Heavenly plan of mankind.
Corrupted human tech to anger God in Heaven. So buckle up folks. God(Jesus Christ) is coming to destroy it all and start all over through Fire this time. Pray you are worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.