Notice they've suspended her account.

Wonder how many other "rare" accounts need to be suspended?

Probably only a fraction of the number of injuries owing to the indoctrinated not being able to associate their injuries to the instigator. *facepalm*

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Every one of those jabs caused plenty of damage. Still to be revealed when the correct frequency is released. Why would anyone continue to participate in this insanity?

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The X video has already been taken down. X is censoring the MOST important and imperative information related to the EXTERMINATION agenda. I was banned from X (after Elon's acquisition) for LIFE because I posted the graphs showing the long-term health outcomes between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

But these days, all worship Elon. I don't trust ANYONE with that much power. And I know very well that his methods of censorship are perhaps even more insidious than the old Twitter. The old Twitter was hemorrhaging users because they made it OBVIOUS.

X understands how to the have same effect, but without losing so many users.

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I don't understand how most on X don't notice the shadow-banning.

Before Saviour Musk, my posts were getting a lot of views, I was getting a lot of follows... my first account was nuked by the Twatter, the second one was suspended, I didn't bother trying to fix it, I just created a third account and shortly thereafter Musk took over and now there is no need to kill my account, 'cause I most of my posts don't get any views.

The only thing Musk seems to have brought to X is better shadow-banning algorithms.

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I agree. I've stopped looking at X because there's nothing of any interest on it now just irrelevant rubbish. It's too cencored now..

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Shadow-banning, in other words, you're allowed to speak, but not necessarily allowed to reach.


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When I posted my published nationwide study (also peer-reviewed) of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed long-term health outcomes, the new "X" immediately banned me FOR LIFE with no appeal. The study proved that there's only a 1 in 3 times the number of ATOMS estimated to exist in the entire universe that vaccines are NOT the cause of well over 90% of the deadly and disabling diseases suffered my Americans today. So I guess this makes me the bad guy;-)

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Excellent! Do you have a link? Sounds like it would complement Dr. Paul Thomas' work beautifully.

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Oh, and Dr. Thomas did have me on his show awhile back. I might check and see if he'd like to do another on this subject, since many of his followers may have missed it.

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Was going to ask about that possible interview, but now I've found his Substack.

I can't believe TheirTube hasn't closed his account yet!?

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https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40/163 (For the PDF file)

Or: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40 (For the DOI)

Please do take the time to scroll to the graphs and stop on the headlines which have your subjects of interest. The text surrounding the graphs are extremely helpful to fully understanding what's truly been exposed by these numbers. It is way beyond refuting that vaccines are the actual and primary CAUSE of the vast majority of health problems suffered by Americans, (basically intentional "soft-kill") and this was true BEFORE they rolled out the new "hard kill" jabs.

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Thank you, very interesting and conclusive work, the only thing that was really a surprise for me was the glyphosate and the vitamin K shot and maternal vaccinations that I wasn't aware of. As the old saying goes, "the dose is the poison", and your work bears that out.

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Yes. Probability factors aside, (however conclusive) the increasing gradients of exposure producing increasing disease/disorder shows us what we need to know. Also, the elimination of the suspected cause producing such a STAGGERING difference in health outcomes, (largely eliminating the diseases/disorders) is yet another quite definitive and fundamental method of demonstrating cause.

The "father" of modern epidemiology, John Snow, proved that you can absolutely identify cause when you completely eliminate the suspected cause (and nothing else) and this results in an amelioration of the problem/s. It's such basic and easy scientific logic, which the FDA, CDC, etc., claims we must NEVER apply to the "science" of vaccines, nor any related (or even non-related) pharma products;-) The industry, and even all mainstream academia (pharma-funded) now claims that the most fundamental (and reliable) scientific methods are BAD when testing the safety of pharma products, even though these methods are still the gold standard in TOXICOLOGY.

But then, this IS an extermination happening, so....

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Dont ignore your gut instincts for any greater good mess pushed these days. Praying fot all victims.

Vaccine Induced AIDS is real. Check those around you that keep getting sick. Know of one whp has been getting respiratory infections and sharing it for 4 years now. She does not register it in her head she is getting sick and taking it home to her family. Yall think the flu shots are safe? Heck no they are not. 2023 had the mRNA nanotech gene therapy ingredients in them like the recent childhood vaccine schedules just updated in 2023-2024.

Corporations own patents +Pharma owns patents= population injected equals to owning modified humans (GMO)? Get it yet? Trans-humanism meaning man into man+machine tech. Iron plus clay. It is moving away from Creator original Heavenly plan of mankind.

Corrupted human tech to anger God in Heaven. So buckle up folks. God(Jesus Christ) is coming to destroy it all and start all over through Fire this time. Pray you are worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Hahaha... Aloha "Unapologetically Me", I feel Sharing the Truth is Never Stealing, it's Sharing for the purpose of revealing Evil...!

Did he name it after himself?

"Malone's RiboNucleic Acid" 🤪🤣

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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No offense here, but the bloke writing "Hello Dave"... is his picture not of "Rik Mayell" ?. If it is; I think you will find it is the best of British sarcasm or satire etc.

Just before he "died" Rik Mayell produced a film called "One by One"... and then he was gone.


Could be totally wrong AGAIN though, plus first time here !.

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You're probably not wrong. Consider Diana Spencer.. like her (probable) remote ancestor Anne Bolyne, she married the wrong guy... 🙄


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"You're probably not wrong. " ... LOL; but "I could be hey ?".

Anyway, catch you later...

PS Thanks for the link. Have you ever thought about about the Harry, Megan, Diana, Andrew blah blah links.. like how can we maintain a monarchy if there is a new "ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT" ????....

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PS I imagine despite the "World Government" Schtick, the Technocrats have a trick or two up their sleeve for us regarding the monarchy and other sundry abominations... 🤔

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You could indeed be wrong!😘 But I hazard the odds of it are vanishingly if not infinitesimally low...🤔 Frankly I think the English had the right idea back in 1649 when they offed Upchuck III's ancestor Upchuck I.. but 20 years later they invited his son, Upchuck II to squat on the Royal Pot and they've been squatting on same ever since. As John Wayne sagely observed: "Ya can't fix stupid, no matter how you try."

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LOL/ Laters !.

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Wow, he looks like he's dying from the inside out, he needs our prayers now, not distain, poor man really believes in the jabs, to the point he's going to die for them.

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He might have been one of the first screaming, “let the unvaxed die!”

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After what I've personally been through at the hands of these morons...?

No Hannahlehigh... I don't think so... 🤔 🕳

“Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that...? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth.”

Br Alexis Bugnolo, June 2021 – https://www.bitchute.com/video/S5BGAlZDD4Rj/

💣 “Never Let Them Forget What They Said” https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/never-let-them-forget-what-they-said

💣 “Democide 2.0” https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/democide-20

But above all:

💣 “Repent.” https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

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The f*cking criminals took my brother this past summer, I am angrier than you can understand, and I do want a large series of Nuremberg trials to mete out punishment as is appropriate, but regardless of how unfair, how cruel, how intentional the psychopaths' actions were, our response must be fair, must be legitimate, must be moral... our acting like animals as they did (sorry, animals are better than that, actually animals are not in the slightest bit like the criminals) is not the proper course of action.

Hate is never going to be the answer, and I am not allowing the monsters to destroy my soul with hate, but I do want Justice to prevail, and will always keep asking for it, expecting it.

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I'm 3/4s through the first of these presentations:

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin?r=o7w81

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin-5d3?

You will be chilled to the bone, I promise.

PS They took my brother in 1996. So-called "AIDS". He was 43. Blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move -- thanks to AZT.

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My cousin was 1992, it was all rather hush-hush at the time, was supposedly colon cancer (at 35 years of age), but lots of rumours about it being AIDS, so when I'm back down home this summer for holidays, I think I might try to carefully put out feelers to see if I can find out if he would have received AIDS treatments such as AZT, just out of curiosity.

I'm also going to try to find out if the pathologist might have tissue samples from my brother. I did not want to say anything last summer nor talk to the coroner for fear of him calling my parents and asking as to why they were interested in analyzing brain tissues from my brother, for fear of causing my parents more anguish.

I've seen a few videos of Dr. David Martin months ago, but going to check those links, thanks.

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I am 71 years old, no masks, no jabs and no lockdowns. The people who fell for the lie are ignorant and they didn't know where to look for the truth so they listened to legacy media and politicians for what to do, I find it sad that parents lost their kids to the jabs and kids lost their parents and now are orphans. I understand how you feel and I feel the same but I also feel praying for them won't hurt.

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"And trouble deaf Heaven with my bootless cries"

-- William Shakespeare.

At 64 I'm 7 years behind you. Trouble is it won't help either. God has failed me just a few too many times for me to put any trust there.

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He has protected me my entire life, I have seen His light and my Angel brought me back from the brink of death. I could tell you more stories of how great God has been for me but I won't bore you as you don't seem to care much for Him. The reason we have demons running the world now is because God was pushed out, if we want our lands back, we better turn back to God, that is my belief and its worked for me.

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Yes, indeed. I too have had many ‘near misses’ in my 70+ years. I do not wear my faith on my shoulder and do not preach, but, for some reason I am still here.

I do believe there is a higher being watching and waiting…

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Good to hear that 'H'. I too have been unknowingly protected all my life. I have suffered six NDEs on land, sea, and air in my 78 years during my Earth-walk but I have always had a sense of 'mission'. It's taken a great deal of time and prayer to cast my ego into the shadows and acknowledge His Will for me each day. Satan's great weapon is 'fear' and only my Creator offers the ultimate defence. I wrote about it recently (paywall): 'The Power of Now' - https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-chapter?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

"FINALLY - Jesus gave us guidance about these things saying you cannot serve two masters, "You cannot slave for God and for Riches, "On this account I say to you stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink"…"Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?"

"For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles." [Matthew 6: 25-34].

Eckhart Tolle calls this, "The Power of Now". Make a journey into 'The Power of Now', leaving the analytical mind and its false-created self, the ego, behind. Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format showing how to silence thoughts and create a liberated life.

"Surrender to the present moment, where problems do not exist". It is here we find joy, embracing our true selves and discovering that we are already complete and perfect. If we are able to be fully present and take each step in the 'NOW' we will be opening ourselves to the transforming experience of 'The Power of Now'.

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I followed Eckhart Tolle for years, his story is very interesting on how he got here. I have been mediating for a long time since, since 2005 I believe. Thank you for your comment, it was very well written.

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How many "Dark Nights of the Soul" have you been through in life? I'm like Fox Mulder: I want to believe. But after my career was destroyed / kicked out of the military on bogus charges, a subsequent lifetime of marginal, under- and unemployment, the death of my brother from "AIDS" (it was only with "Covid" I learned it was the same kind of fraud perpetrated by the same monsters), 2 abortions, a catastrophic divorce, the loss of everything I'd built up to the age of 45, my abandonment by the remains of my family in the wake of my sisters' deaths from cancer, the theft of my home... not to mention the intentional demonic lunacy that we've experienced over the last 3+ years... I'm afraid any justification I ever had for faith snapped past the breaking point... quite some time ago...

You have no idea how hard I prayed during all those periods... but God didn't help me...

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God didn't help Job either Capt. We are all tested in one way or another. I ended up in a psychiatric ward in1990, lithium for five years during which I lost everything, job, house, wife, my mind (the worst of all losses). I was misdiagnosed 'Bipolar' when in fact it was PTSD after a yachting accident (the symptoms are the same).

It wasn't until I read Dr. Peter Breggin's book in 2021 I realised that 'Bipolar' doesn't exist - it's a Big Pharma fraud (page 287/8): https://www.amazon.co.uk/COVID-19-Global-Predators-Are-Prey/dp/0982456069

My whole life changed in 1995, once I had accepted His Will for me - it's been a dream journey ever since now I know that material things don't count. It's a long story, the lessons from which, I write about every week:


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Im sorry for all your loses in life, may I ask you, have those experiences strengthened you or taught you lessons you can now use in the future, Im just asking, Im not prying.

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I just prayed for this man now.

The blood of this man WILL be required to be expiated by a just God who judges all. Mr. Bourla, if he had any humanity left in him, would be quaking in his boots. Only, just like Prof. Weston in Perelandra, he actually has very little that is human left in him... only a shell, and ruins of what was one human

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It's a lovely thought. Ever watched that old Star Trek Next Generation episode "Q Who"? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UolX8swBJHc) 🤔 Now picture God as The Q... except in my experience God's just a bit more shifty and unreliable... 🙄

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So utterly devastating, not only to the body, but the mind and spirit as well. He is so deceived. I saw all the comments this person made on Twitter, and the deception runs deep. I pray for his soul, for his eyes to be opened before He meets Jesus.

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My friend, didn’t take my advice, got the shots. Just had driving licence taken from him due to not being able to stay awake, constantly, a zombie

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"I'll be receiving the full effects of the vaccine!" Yes, yes you will.

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Yess we will... Yesss, Preciousss...

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Know of a guy who said he'd 'take every booster they offered'. Been very curious to hear how he made out.

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Odd he hasn't updated you... ,😉

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That looks painful. I have a swollen knee...cause unknown. To deal with your body covered in whatever that is looks quite defeating.

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so “Dave” knows the problem with the vax. he is reposting people’s comments who aren’t awake and think they have long covid.

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Heartbreaking. He trusted the wrong people.

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I took every precaution - vaccines, boosters, masks, social distancing."

I am truly sorry this person had to suffer. And I mean this literally. But this person is so utterly unbelievably and beyond reality stupid it is staggering. What's next? Saying that they were shocked that they got burned after they held their hand over a hot stove??

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Named Changed to "FACTSceen" to Protect the Guilty...

mRNA = Malone Repent Now Amen...?


"COVID -19" just as it has been "SPELL"ed was Created and Planned by Satan Years Ago... It is an Acronym for... (C)-"CERTIFICATE", (O)-"OF", (V)-"VACCINATION", (ID)-"IDENTIFICATION", (19) Where the "First Letter" of the Alphabet is ("A") and the "Ninth Letter of the Alphabet is ("i") or (Ai) or "Artificial Intelligence", which is What Satan is... "the artificial God", A Fallen Angel Who was Kicked out of Heaven with a 1/3 of the Fallen Angels who gave Birth to the Giant Nephilim's. Evil wants to Change Our God given "YAHWEH" DNA, because We are Made in the Image of GOD or "YAHWEH" and we have his Signature within our DNA called "Lamanin", the function of laminin (as glue), and its structure (a cross) in the body.

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"Malone Repent Now Amen"

Stealing that one.

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"In the beginning was the Word" (and the 'Word' is DNA?).


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