Yes, it WAS his fault! If it's not you who is responsible for the contents of your own mind, WHO IS, ffs? I'm not happy that he died, but there are consequences for choices you make, no more, no less.
To quote some English nobleman of the late XVIIIth century:
"Shite". 🤔💩
How much worse indeed, given a disease which, if it ever existed and I truly have my doubts, had a mortality rate of 0.003%. You were in more danger of dying driving to work in the morning.
It's 4 years now StellaMaris, and in all that time, how many people called in sick with "Covid" at my work? Zero. How many people was I aware of, that were sick with "Covid"? ZERO. How many deaths due to Covid, that I personally knew/know of? You guessed it: 𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢❗
But just try telling the Blue-Pilled Pinheads around you about the reality of this monstrous hoax; that "Covid" and The Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam intended to profit from pre-meditated mass murder, see how far you get... 🙄
I get it....I hope you know, I was being sarcastic..... my whole school, staff and students have been sick for weeks now and it's not getting any better......I, of course, am non-vaxxed.... of, and at my work, it's still "COVID".... 🤡🙄
And your health is of course, pristine, right? Complete mystery to them, isn't it? Meanwhile here's what's coming next for us: February 26 Justine Castreau and her Merry Men tabled legislation in Parliament: Anything you post online? If someone decides it's "Hate Speech" you can be anonymously accused, you will be fined $20,000 to be paid to your accuser and $50,000 to the government. In addition you face the penalty of Life Inprisonment. For putative "Hate Speech", which will be whatever your anonymous accuser or the government says it is. 😱 ( and links...)
If I had any sense right now I'd delete my Substack and my Blog ("Sex Diary of an Oboist"), I'd delete my Google account and then see what I could do to delete anything on-line with my name attached. If you want to understand what's in store for us, read Solzenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago." Then read Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four."
Our only hope at this point, StellaMaris, is The Law of Unanticipated Consequences.🤔
I get the distinct impression that the majority of these types of people would actually rather be dead than ever admit they were wrong, even to themselves.
I am human too; I have some pride. But not like that.
Sociopaths surround themselves with like minded people. His call for concentration camps for people who he thinks don’t have the right to freedom of choice garnered him well deserved just dessert! Fk him and anyone who thinks like him…
How can that be done if your brain is dying and death is at the door of hell? I worked as an RN in an inner city hospital for a few years and I saw criminals who were on their death bed crying bloody murder and shouting at some specter that no one else could see until their heart stopped. Common sense tells you that people who are servants of the devil are held captive till death and go on to where they belong.
unlikely pride goeth before a fall.. and the fall is very far and very hot the destination... you do NOT deny god, lead others to their perdition and escape your karma...
These stupid people did not even know what a “vaccine” is. If you’re supposedly “vaccinated”, you don’t need to trip that I’m NOT. My God…who put stupid in the water (among other things)?!
Then, the definition of “vaccinated” was deliberately changed.
I’m an anti-vaxxer. The stupid in my water has been eliminated. LOL!
Well wasn't he a brainwashed moron, being a journalist you'd think he'd do some investigating on the stuff he was going to inject BEFORE he injected it. Oh well, he'll be known as the laughing stock everywhere. You horrible unvaccinated people, how dare you still be alive and healthy. LOL
There's a reason Hannahlehigh, some of us call them "the presstitutes" and the agencies they work for as "the lying whore media"... but one really shouldn't cast such aspersion on prostitutes: These good women provide an essential service under often degrading and occasionally very dangerous circumstances. Journalists on the other hand proffer nothing but an endless stream of bullshit, lies, propaganda and deceit.
But wouldn't you think he had researched it and was in on the whole thing, that he was just prostituting his pen? Doesn't make sense, he MUST have known what was going on but still got jabbed.
You'd be amazed how many imbeciles there are out there who still believe there actually was a deadly respiratory pandemic taking place. I work with morons now on their 8th injection! Of course this fuckwit swallowed all the bullshit whole!
I stopped paying attention to the Lying Whore Media in 1993.. Pulled this book out of the Toronto Public Library: "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy". My first-ever Red Pill. 2013 I listened to a documentary on CBC Radio, "Alone Inside"... Haven't turned on a radio or television to the news ever since. I can understand why they don't want you doing your own research: You'll learn things they don't want you to know.
The perps call it depopulation…. But the results of their nefarious actions are raising the group IQ of their target. Making it exponentially harder to kill….
“Investigating” their stories, is not something that most “journalist” do today. I am constantly writing to the “journalist” in my local city paper, asking them how they could write their stories, while so much information is available that contradicts their assertions. Journalist today are simply mouth pieces for their corporate handlers.
I’m unable to fathom on what planet that the nutters thought it was okay to make that bold statement. It really should have been a wake up call for all those who had or were willingly taking the junk jabs to how they were view as cattle.
I can't and won't celebrate the death of anyone - especially not of one so young.
But it is my fervent hope that wherever Ian Vandaelle is right now, he is being shown - in the nicest way possible - the errors of his ways. And that when he comes back to this Earth, he will atone for what he has done by having a very good and positive life the next time around.
Those looked unnecessarily painful, like they were aiming for gray matter. I think they enjoy inflicting pain. Will things go differently when they roll out the next pandemic? Have enough of us learned enough to sway the response?
👍😆 That reminds me of the time China pulled a sweet burn on those American diplomats and subjected them to anal swabs at the airport. It was all a mix up, they responded to the outrage. So sorry. 😆😆
Virtue signaling pillock is more apt, I’m sure his parents were proud of raising someone who would fit right in with the SS service marching people into camps for not submitting and conforming
Where did his malice and ill-will come from? Did he really fear the virus that much? Did he ever wonder what good was a vaccine, if it didn't protect you from that virus? So many questions. Hope he found his answers.
That's it. They're either in on it and getting paid for their malice, or they bought the lie and lived in fear. His hatred seemed genuine, but that could be ignorance or evil. Ah, well. He's dead now. I'm sure he has a few regrets.
He held the same position as Kemmel (sp?), Maddow etc....They really believed the unvaccinated were putting others in danger. The hubris was that they didn't bother to do proper scientific research to back up their influential comments. If I thought people were being selfish and putting others in danger, I would be angry too. In actual fact though their hasty generalizations, their gullibility, their ignorance on the fact that experiments carry inherent dangers and must not ethically be mandated, think Nuremburg, were the real killers.
Thank you. I think hubris is a good word to describe it. In the face of all the uncertainty and conflicting information regarding the vaccine and the virus, I can't imagine presuming to say those who didn't take it should be rounded up and put in concentration camps. And didn't our own eyes tell us a different story than the one they were telling us? There's no excuse, really.
Yes, arrogance isn't defensible. We are all susceptible to nonstop propaganda in some form or another, but they dug their heels in and refused to investigate sources more reputable, and sources with no conflicts of interest.
Exactly. We were all subjected to the same relentless onslaught of scary propaganda. They tried it before, but we would have none of it, back then. Wonder what made this different. Was the propaganda really turned up this time?
Sounds like the perfect recipe. Now that I'm thinking about it, I recall Wolfgang Wodarg immediately challenging the claims of the bird flu or whichever it was. Censorship definitely played a big role this time around. Thank you for chatting with me. You sound so level-headed. Why can't we all be like that?
What a shame that this was DONE TO ALL OF US, regardless of which side you ended up on. That the people who hold all the power over us, have so little regard for any of us. I think, given what's happening lately, those people who want us dead are losing the grip they have on the world. We're witnessing their last struggles to regain control. With President Trump stirring the hornet's nest abroad and Elon Musk and DOGE throwing all the criminals into utter panic and even JD Vance giving that speech in Germany, that have all the globalist euro elites weeping and outraged, I'm loving it! 😆😆 This is the beginning of the end for these evil monsters and they see the writing on the wall. Have a good evening.
😄 But things may change tomorrow. It's all so exhilarating, yet nothing is guaranteed. Maybe the very uncertainty of everything accounts for the excitement. Keep the faith. Thanks for responding.
Ian Vandaelle didn't care because he didn't think.
Yes, it WAS his fault! If it's not you who is responsible for the contents of your own mind, WHO IS, ffs? I'm not happy that he died, but there are consequences for choices you make, no more, no less.
There is no escaping your bad deeds.
Was this before or after his latest booster? Inquiring minds want to know.
Who cares? To quote Dorothy and the Munchkins: "Ding dong the witch is dead!"
Imagine how much worse it would have been had the shots not been taken..... 😷💉🥼🩺🏥💀😉...remember, that rhetoric?
To quote some English nobleman of the late XVIIIth century:
"Shite". 🤔💩
How much worse indeed, given a disease which, if it ever existed and I truly have my doubts, had a mortality rate of 0.003%. You were in more danger of dying driving to work in the morning.
It's 4 years now StellaMaris, and in all that time, how many people called in sick with "Covid" at my work? Zero. How many people was I aware of, that were sick with "Covid"? ZERO. How many deaths due to Covid, that I personally knew/know of? You guessed it: 𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢❗
But just try telling the Blue-Pilled Pinheads around you about the reality of this monstrous hoax; that "Covid" and The Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam intended to profit from pre-meditated mass murder, see how far you get... 🙄
I get it....I hope you know, I was being sarcastic..... my whole school, staff and students have been sick for weeks now and it's not getting any better......I, of course, am non-vaxxed.... of, and at my work, it's still "COVID".... 🤡🙄
Oh, I knew... 😘
And your health is of course, pristine, right? Complete mystery to them, isn't it? Meanwhile here's what's coming next for us: February 26 Justine Castreau and her Merry Men tabled legislation in Parliament: Anything you post online? If someone decides it's "Hate Speech" you can be anonymously accused, you will be fined $20,000 to be paid to your accuser and $50,000 to the government. In addition you face the penalty of Life Inprisonment. For putative "Hate Speech", which will be whatever your anonymous accuser or the government says it is. 😱 ( and links...)
If I had any sense right now I'd delete my Substack and my Blog ("Sex Diary of an Oboist"), I'd delete my Google account and then see what I could do to delete anything on-line with my name attached. If you want to understand what's in store for us, read Solzenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago." Then read Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four."
Our only hope at this point, StellaMaris, is The Law of Unanticipated Consequences.🤔
Good riddance!
Another book smart dumb ass unalived by his own stupidity
Well well. There is sometimes a justice.
Sorry for his friends and relatives though.
I get the distinct impression that the majority of these types of people would actually rather be dead than ever admit they were wrong, even to themselves.
I am human too; I have some pride. But not like that.
Nah they are probably Pro Vaxxers too so I hope they are suffering
They are just like him..hate anyone that does not fall in line..
Not even a blip..
Sociopaths surround themselves with like minded people. His call for concentration camps for people who he thinks don’t have the right to freedom of choice garnered him well deserved just dessert! Fk him and anyone who thinks like him…
Hopefully he made right with the Lord!
Or not.
How can that be done if your brain is dying and death is at the door of hell? I worked as an RN in an inner city hospital for a few years and I saw criminals who were on their death bed crying bloody murder and shouting at some specter that no one else could see until their heart stopped. Common sense tells you that people who are servants of the devil are held captive till death and go on to where they belong.
Wow.. What a shattering comment. 😱
Light or dark?
Dark, because 'a devil anneal' is an anagram of Ian Vandaelle.
'a devil anneal' is one anagram of Ian Vandaelle. Another is 'A anal end evil'. Not very good English, but he dug his own grave and fell into it.
unlikely pride goeth before a fall.. and the fall is very far and very hot the destination... you do NOT deny god, lead others to their perdition and escape your karma...
Sad, but true!
You re next. Suddenly. Gone.
Karma strikes again
These stupid people did not even know what a “vaccine” is. If you’re supposedly “vaccinated”, you don’t need to trip that I’m NOT. My God…who put stupid in the water (among other things)?!
Then, the definition of “vaccinated” was deliberately changed.
I’m an anti-vaxxer. The stupid in my water has been eliminated. LOL!
I know Ty! It’s pure insanity! Just know that you’re not losing your mind! Lol!
Dead at “33””
Well wasn't he a brainwashed moron, being a journalist you'd think he'd do some investigating on the stuff he was going to inject BEFORE he injected it. Oh well, he'll be known as the laughing stock everywhere. You horrible unvaccinated people, how dare you still be alive and healthy. LOL
he's the laughingstock in hell now.
Yep - when he arrived the devil said how did you die... well I injected this Rat Juice ... hahahaha you did what says the devil... hahahahaha
There's a reason Hannahlehigh, some of us call them "the presstitutes" and the agencies they work for as "the lying whore media"... but one really shouldn't cast such aspersion on prostitutes: These good women provide an essential service under often degrading and occasionally very dangerous circumstances. Journalists on the other hand proffer nothing but an endless stream of bullshit, lies, propaganda and deceit.
But wouldn't you think he had researched it and was in on the whole thing, that he was just prostituting his pen? Doesn't make sense, he MUST have known what was going on but still got jabbed.
You'd be amazed how many imbeciles there are out there who still believe there actually was a deadly respiratory pandemic taking place. I work with morons now on their 8th injection! Of course this fuckwit swallowed all the bullshit whole!
Believe what you see and hear on the TV…. Make it your reality… everything will be just fine.
I stopped paying attention to the Lying Whore Media in 1993.. Pulled this book out of the Toronto Public Library: "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy". My first-ever Red Pill. 2013 I listened to a documentary on CBC Radio, "Alone Inside"... Haven't turned on a radio or television to the news ever since. I can understand why they don't want you doing your own research: You'll learn things they don't want you to know.
Now the stupid are paying .. with their lives.
This is fantastic
The perps call it depopulation…. But the results of their nefarious actions are raising the group IQ of their target. Making it exponentially harder to kill….
Woke supercedes all critical thinking, all research & all intelligence.
“Investigating” their stories, is not something that most “journalist” do today. I am constantly writing to the “journalist” in my local city paper, asking them how they could write their stories, while so much information is available that contradicts their assertions. Journalist today are simply mouth pieces for their corporate handlers.
Well, now that’s a Plot Twist.
As far as I’m concerned, Ian Vandaelle was neurologically dead the moment the words ‘concentration camp for the unvaccinated’ left his deranged mouth.
Yes indeed, Karma works in magical ways.
I’m unable to fathom on what planet that the nutters thought it was okay to make that bold statement. It really should have been a wake up call for all those who had or were willingly taking the junk jabs to how they were view as cattle.
Yes, Cattle is an image I have been left with many times as to how Humanity has been viewed in this debacle.
I can't and won't celebrate the death of anyone - especially not of one so young.
But it is my fervent hope that wherever Ian Vandaelle is right now, he is being shown - in the nicest way possible - the errors of his ways. And that when he comes back to this Earth, he will atone for what he has done by having a very good and positive life the next time around.
Not even Klaus Schwab?
Nasal Schwab - too evil to come back ...
Those looked unnecessarily painful, like they were aiming for gray matter. I think they enjoy inflicting pain. Will things go differently when they roll out the next pandemic? Have enough of us learned enough to sway the response?
Or his brother, Anal Schwab.
👍😆 That reminds me of the time China pulled a sweet burn on those American diplomats and subjected them to anal swabs at the airport. It was all a mix up, they responded to the outrage. So sorry. 😆😆
😃 Classic!
Who sez communists don't have a sense of humor? 😄
Colonic epithelial cells are loaded with ACE2 receptors, more than any other organ.
Good to know. Thanks.
An anal swab for a respiratory virus! The Chinese knew.
There is no next time around if you know God and believe His Word, which says it is appointed for man once to die and once to face judgement.
Yes, yes, yes.
Lol…may he rot in hell
*nicest satanic way possible…
he’s on re-feed for eternity..,and deserves it…
Another chicken comes home to roost.
Opinions are like... well, this guy.
Couldn't Have happened to a better guy. Reap the Whirlwind One less idiot on the planet. He will not be missed
Useful idiot comes to mind.
You are correct I wish I had thought of that before I hit send I would certainly call him the textbook definition of the term.
Virtue signaling pillock is more apt, I’m sure his parents were proud of raising someone who would fit right in with the SS service marching people into camps for not submitting and conforming
“You get vaxxed. Shameful that we have to say this.” It certainly was. Shameful to have said it, that is.
It goes to show that everything must be up for debate. Couldn't have happened to a dumber guy..
"Homage to the Unvaccinated" by biologist and documentary maker Fernando López-Mirones -
Boom ...
Where did his malice and ill-will come from? Did he really fear the virus that much? Did he ever wonder what good was a vaccine, if it didn't protect you from that virus? So many questions. Hope he found his answers.
I wondered that as well. All I can think of is he was on the NWO payroll.
That's it. They're either in on it and getting paid for their malice, or they bought the lie and lived in fear. His hatred seemed genuine, but that could be ignorance or evil. Ah, well. He's dead now. I'm sure he has a few regrets.
He held the same position as Kemmel (sp?), Maddow etc....They really believed the unvaccinated were putting others in danger. The hubris was that they didn't bother to do proper scientific research to back up their influential comments. If I thought people were being selfish and putting others in danger, I would be angry too. In actual fact though their hasty generalizations, their gullibility, their ignorance on the fact that experiments carry inherent dangers and must not ethically be mandated, think Nuremburg, were the real killers.
Thank you. I think hubris is a good word to describe it. In the face of all the uncertainty and conflicting information regarding the vaccine and the virus, I can't imagine presuming to say those who didn't take it should be rounded up and put in concentration camps. And didn't our own eyes tell us a different story than the one they were telling us? There's no excuse, really.
Yes, arrogance isn't defensible. We are all susceptible to nonstop propaganda in some form or another, but they dug their heels in and refused to investigate sources more reputable, and sources with no conflicts of interest.
Exactly. We were all subjected to the same relentless onslaught of scary propaganda. They tried it before, but we would have none of it, back then. Wonder what made this different. Was the propaganda really turned up this time?
There was not only relentless propaganda, but I think there was an incredible number of facts censored like never before.
Sounds like the perfect recipe. Now that I'm thinking about it, I recall Wolfgang Wodarg immediately challenging the claims of the bird flu or whichever it was. Censorship definitely played a big role this time around. Thank you for chatting with me. You sound so level-headed. Why can't we all be like that?
Unfortunately for him, Stupidity and Cowardice are a fatal combination.
What a shame that this was DONE TO ALL OF US, regardless of which side you ended up on. That the people who hold all the power over us, have so little regard for any of us. I think, given what's happening lately, those people who want us dead are losing the grip they have on the world. We're witnessing their last struggles to regain control. With President Trump stirring the hornet's nest abroad and Elon Musk and DOGE throwing all the criminals into utter panic and even JD Vance giving that speech in Germany, that have all the globalist euro elites weeping and outraged, I'm loving it! 😆😆 This is the beginning of the end for these evil monsters and they see the writing on the wall. Have a good evening.
I'm loving it too!
😄 But things may change tomorrow. It's all so exhilarating, yet nothing is guaranteed. Maybe the very uncertainty of everything accounts for the excitement. Keep the faith. Thanks for responding.