Dr. Yeadon Comments on "We are in GRAVE DANGER! FOOD & GAS RATIONING Through Executive Orders: Shockingly TERRIFYING" by Agent131711
"I have to hand it to the perpetrators. It’s extraordinarily well-planned and rehearsed, decades before it’s finally needed."
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By Dr. Mike Yeadon October 11, 2024
Periodically I come across historically accurate information that, if I hadn’t read it, I wouldn’t have believed it. Here, I’m talking about wartime rationing in America in the 1940s.
It was fundamentally not required. For example, petrol rationing. At that time, USA controlled 2/3rd of the world’s oil supply (which fact goes a long way to explaining why America matured into a car-based culture and why conurbations developed by expanding outwards rather than vertically, as in Europe).
If you don’t already know about this period of US history, I think it’s likely that you’ll find this jaw-dropping.
The writer presumably came across it & realised its significance. Thank you.
The Great Reset, with it’s infamous prediction that, in 2030, “You’ll own nothing and be happy”, requires The Great Taking (as detailed by David Rogers Webb’s free pdf book of the same name).
The state requires that you be impoverished because that forces dependence upon the state, whereby you will be required to comply with various things that they’d struggle otherwise to impose.
Reading this, I realised that The Evil Perpetrators have at least two additional tools for control that I hadn’t previously fully appreciated.
First, rationing. I have mentioned previously that rationing could be a very plausible method for forcing a new, single format, digital ID upon an unwilling populace. It could commence with a widely recognized shortage of something which very many people what, such as red meat. Naturally, government could argue that we cannot merely leave this to the market to sort out, because that will revolve around the pricing mechanism and poor people won’t be able to buy red meat. No, it’s far more equitable if instead an inadequate supply is distributed via rationing. I think most people would sign up for it, the alternatives being to acquire meat from the black market or to do without. Starting with one item, other items could be added over time. Sooner or later, you’ll be unable to buy anything much without your virtual ration book aka digital ID.
Second, inflation. Rationing was introduced in the absence of shortages. However, the resulting reduced demand quickly led to diminished output. Lifting rationing under such circumstances inevitably leads to soaring demand and with it, prices. Your money is eroded in terms of spending power, without government ever slipping its hand in your pocket.
I envisage all three mechanisms for impoverishment being turned on us:
A: Financial asset theft through bail-ins & the imposition of the concept of beneficial ownership, a contractual rather than an absolute right under private property rights laws, where you become an unsecured creditor, way down the stack behind the senior, secured creditors.
B. Rationing as outlined in this post & exemplified in the article.
C. Inflation to erode away what’s left of your spending power. Trebles all round in Davos.
As I’ve mentioned constantly, I envisage the foisting onto us some new format, worldwide digital ID. Deletion of cash in many ways (for example, making it increasingly hard to get & to use) and introduction of central bank digital currencies complete the simplest form of truly totalitarian tyranny.
All that would be required thereafter is another public health emergency, on the back of which the public is coerced into accepting vaccines as a condition of maintaining validity of their digital ID, in the absence of which you will not be permitted to transact.
Calling out the fakery, fraud and controlling inclinations of governments is, in my fervent opinion, an absolutely vital duty of every single person who realises that this evil is what is behind most of the bad things which are happening in the world.
I have to hand it to the perpetrators. It’s extraordinarily well-planned and rehearsed, decades before it’s finally needed.
Please read the article and check a few of the claims. I did. They happened, to the extent we can confirm anything.
Best wishes,
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You know how you stop all of this insanity? You say NO! and mean it. You grow your own food, learn how to preserve that food for the winter months and stop utilizing the grocery store. You support small local farmers that can grow animals that you can not. You utilize farmers markets for the food you can not grow. You learn how to make your own cleaning supplies and your own hygiene products. You learn how to be self sufficient and you stop relying on the government who hates you. You go to church or pray outside to your God. You have a bunch of kids to teach how to take care of themselves and carry on your family traditions. You get physically fit and get off medications. You move out of big town and build community in a small town. You say NO!!! to this human hating system. THATS HOW YOU WILL SURVIVE anything else is reliant upon some sort of system that hates you.
We are living in a fear based society and it seems to on perpetual repeat. The government creates the fear, manages the fear then gives the population solutions which gives them more control and us more restriction to our personal freedom, they deprive us of something valuable to drive home the seriousness of the problem they created. Covid was a clear example and it worked very well for them in showing how compliant people are to a fear based on an invisible enemy, the virus. Viral infections is another tool they have added to their arsenal of terror.