Many of the things mentioned are already in practice, though perhaps not universally. Here is a partial list from my own experiences and observations.

International Postal Money Orders between many countries no longer exist. I believe they are fully extinct but have not been able to verify this. US persons outside the US have all our transactions monitored and shared with the US through the US FATCA law that all counties have been forced to agree to. The ice being broken, anyone crossing any border either physically or financially gas some and eventually all financial data shared with all OECD countries through that organization’s Common Reporting Standards (CRS). Towns in Europe and many businesses worldwide have gone cashless. Japan which held out longer than most industrialized nations now has all cashless fast food, convenience stores, many of which are also unmanned and even outdoor events. QR code entry and exit controlled city sponsored out events were first observed by me during the panic as was QR code only restrooms requiring an authorized purchase from an authorized merchant to get the QR code key for the restroom. SDGs are everywhere. Just a day or two ago i read that a business school in the US is requiring applicants to make a DEI statement upon applying.

The Internet of Things will greatly tighten this control. They have been building this digital prison for generations. The window to escape from it is closing fast.

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WOW! BRILLIANT ARTICLE IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Forgot to mention rationing directly. During the panic, city sponsored outdoor events previously open to all were roped off and entry was rationed. To be able to bring the family to the cities Children’s Festival you first had to apply online through the cities webpage. Those who won the lottery to enter were sent the QR code required for entry. To enter the roped off area of the park all members of the family had to have are temperatures taken and recorded, disinfect our hands and of course to have a mask on. After passing these three gates, we were then allowed to have the QR code scanned in from our idiot phones. I do not have an idiot phone so we had to use my wife’s. To maintain theoretical social distancing, only a limited number of people were allowed in at a time. Therefore, we had to have the QR code scanned again as we left. The same system was used later for an outdoor microbrew beer fest that was also all cashless.

During the panic, after a year or two of all summer events cancelled, some were allowed however, these too were retained. Many small to large events that our kids have been able to easily participate in before the panic were then rationed and moist of these we did not win the lottery for.

Very easy to expand this to ATMs, grocery stores and gas stations to name a few.

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We are living in a fear based society and it seems to on perpetual repeat. The government creates the fear, manages the fear then gives the population solutions which gives them more control and us more restriction to our personal freedom, they deprive us of something valuable to drive home the seriousness of the problem they created. Covid was a clear example and it worked very well for them in showing how compliant people are to a fear based on an invisible enemy, the virus. Viral infections is another tool they have added to their arsenal of terror.

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Live in the now because that is all you have. Observer what is going on file it away and move on do not let the perpetual fear machine to control your life. Its hard but very doable, it takes practice and failure but you will get good at it. I am still failing but getting better each day. If everyone did this goverments would lose their power. Peace

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Good advice, thank you!

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Agent 131711 posts a lot of great stuff. I recommend reading his stack.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

"Healthcare" in the UK is already being rationed, isn't it? It's free at the point of delivery but it's often simply unavailable, right? Waiting lists for surgery and other treatments are often years long, aren't they? It's rationing!

"Britain's dental crisis! More than 100 people queue from 2.30am to register with new dentist - but only three per cent of new patients get an appointment"


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Same in US. They have so many "requirements" pushed to qualify for surgery it takes a very persistent person to actually jump through all the hoops (and added expenses!).

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They've already trialed this rationing bs on us - sudden, unexpected and inexplicable'shortages' of toilet paper, mineral water; canned beans; eggs.

Just to see how compliant we are. And we all complied, like stupid little muppets.

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You know how you stop all of this insanity? You say NO! and mean it. You grow your own food, learn how to preserve that food for the winter months and stop utilizing the grocery store. You support small local farmers that can grow animals that you can not. You utilize farmers markets for the food you can not grow. You learn how to make your own cleaning supplies and your own hygiene products. You learn how to be self sufficient and you stop relying on the government who hates you. You go to church or pray outside to your God. You have a bunch of kids to teach how to take care of themselves and carry on your family traditions. You get physically fit and get off medications. You move out of big town and build community in a small town. You say NO!!! to this human hating system. THATS HOW YOU WILL SURVIVE anything else is reliant upon some sort of system that hates you.

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Agree completely!! We’ve been doing it for some time!!

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Oliver Anthony:


Agrees. And? Is doing something about it:


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We are doing all of this. We take no meds so we don’t support big pharma. We no longer go to the doctor unless we break a bone or are seriously injured. We grow the majority of our fruit and veggies, chicken and beef while our neighbor grows pork. We use small business for what we need or make it all ourselves. It’s work, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. This is the way everyone should live. Because people would be a lot healthier if they did. Get out of the system and stop funding chaos, big business, big pharma and invest your money in land and not BlackRock or State St.

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We must Resume American Manufacturing Independence or Expect To Die Communist. #FreedomIsNotFree

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So when do WE THE PEOPLE quit rolling over and do what these criminals who stole the elections and want to kill all of us stand up and stop them??? There are millions more of us who are well armed and sick and tired of them violating everything under the sun to harm and kill us! If the lack of hurricane response hasn’t opened your eyes and the fact they are trying to steal the land in North Carolina from those who own it, should enrage everyone!!! Plus they are not using billions in FEMA money that was bilked from taxpayers for Americans and given to illegals, yet you see so few even commenting on it overall!!! Black Rock and our crooked government already had it planned to steal the lithium mine under Chimney Rock!! They are intentionally letting people die!!! They have already intentionally killed many of our men and women in the armed forces! So I doubt they will help them kill us if we rise up and stop this intentional assault on us! We are tracking every neighbor in our area who want the current regime to stay in office so when the shit hits the fan….they are on their own!!! This regime are monsters and anyone who supports the Obiden/Obama and Kamala communists will get no help for true Americas!!!

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The perpetrators had better be careful, because if they implement rationing of food, that might finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and drives the preppers together with the gangstas to loot the warehouses. Then while hauling out sacks of food, they will start talking to each other.

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And still, the lesson is, as was realized by some camp survivors, like Victor Frankl, the Ten Boom sisters et al, that the soul is forever, while the body is not, so they can have the bodies, and they can hog all the assets they want, we will never lose our freedom, which is of the spirit, not of the body. All they will ever have is a pile of dead wood, decaying rapidly. We can only be afraid if we think the body is all we are, but, as the saying goes, I've never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.

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They essentially did this with toilet paper and meat in 2020... how many people have stockpiles of TP in their storage today?

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When they did this with TB I went and bought a bidet and butt rags to dry off with. I’ll never go back to toilet paper and all of its toxic chemicals. No thanks

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I meant to say TP. Not TB. Hahaha

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The jackasses in charge don't like INDEPENDENT subjects. Too bad. So sad.

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Here is archival footage of a history untold, buried deep along with the 100s of millions who were starved and slaughtered using the same techniques that the cabal is reviving today. Destroying the food supply to intentionally create famine is especially relevant. Once you understand our TRUE history, the present isn't nearly as confusing. This is a long, disturbing video series that you should only watch one part at a time. Take a break in between parts or you will feel sick and turn away in disgust. The sources for all of the documentary materials are listed at the end of episode 10. Unfortunately, this is a true story. https://us.europathelastbattle.net/watchnow-beta-test.html

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Thanks for posting this!

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Yeup... this is exactly the warning message the bitcoin community has been pounding the table about for nearly a decade.. at least the original bitcoiners group.

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