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Doctor’s Baby Dies After Vaccines
“I never learned in medical school how vaccines were studied…"
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The most tragic way of finding the truth… the loss of your child.
“I never learned in medical school how vaccines were studied…after Victoria died I started reading everything…what I have learned has shocked me. There has been information out there since the Small Pox vaccine was created linking vaccination to encephalitis which is inflammation of the brain…in accredited peer-reviewed medical literature, they have linked vaccinations to chronic autoimmune problems.
The science is out there, people are just choosing not to look at it”
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You just reminded me; Eleanor McBean cites in numerous places in her curious, haphazard book "The Poisoned Needle" (http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html) among many other things, of connections between Syphilis outbreaks and mass Smallpox vaccination drives. "And while it contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate" to quote Douglas Adams, 200 pages or so of anecdotal attestation begin to impinge on one's awareness... 🤔
Other item comes to mind from the book is numerous medical doctors from the 1920s remarking the only times they encountered cancer was in people who had been vaccinated as babies or children against.. well.. anything...
That’s when some people in the Medical Industry Wake up … When it hits their home …
I pray she wakes her colleagues up as well…🙏