FDA: “Vaccines Do NOT Require Demonstration of the Prevention of Infection or Transmission”
Yes you read it right
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Shout-out to @TheChiefNerd for posting this important information.
Page 11
Basically, ANYTHING can meet the FDA’s authorization and licensing standards.
It's not hard to see what has been done by these criminals in plain sight… for decades.
"Vaccination is an assault upon the body, health, and life and should be resisted even unto death"- Theocrat (1914)
Related articles:
ZERO Evidence of Transmission of Respiratory “Viruses” - ScienceDirect
The Inventor of the Polio Vaccine Wanted To Depopulate the World
Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us
So Big Pharma can put anything in their depopulation injections & call it “medicine” “vaccines” etc… but their products are NEVER tested by independent experts nor do they even have to PROVE their injections/medicines even work at all???
From page 13 of the FDA's response:
"Rather, we are observing that the statements referenced by the Petition do not demonstrate a commonly held belief that the clinical trials provided substantial evidence of efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 transmission. We are not convinced that there is any widespread misconception about this."
If people were not convinced of transmission prevention (by constant barrage via all media sources) then why would companies mandate these injections?
There is a shortage of people to work entry-level jobs, like dishwasher or ditch digger, perhaps the bureaucracy could contribute personnel via massive layoffs. Win-win!