Deaths Among Young Americans Skyrocket, ‘Experts’ Baffled
Deaths among young adult Americans have surged to historic highs, with so-called “experts” supposedly baffled by the root cause of skyrocketing mortality rates.
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By Frank Bergman February 2, 2025
Deaths among young adult Americans have surged to historic highs, with so-called “experts” supposedly baffled by the root cause of skyrocketing mortality rates.
According to an alarming new study, deaths of Americans aged 25-44 spiked to 70 percent above the expected rate in 2023.
The researchers behind the study suggest that deaths caused by drug overdoses, suicides, and alcohol-related issues may be responsible for the rise.
However, the researchers, led by Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, associate professor of sociology and associate director at Minnesota Population Center, are apparently stumped by what other mysterious causes could be killing so many healthy young people.
The peer-reviewed study, published in JAMA Network Open, examined over 3.3 million deaths of Americans aged 25–44 between 1999 and 2023.
There were two distinct trends in rise in mortality.
Deaths increased steadily from 2011 to 2019 and then skyrocketed between 2020 and 2023.
Deaths of young adults in 2023 were 70% higher than they would have been if trends from 2011 to 2019 had continued.
Unnatural causes of death, like drug poisoning, were the leading cause of death in young adults, constituting a third of all deaths in 2023.
Drug poisoning has been the leading cause of death among young adults since 2014, with a sharp rise in 2020 and a stable excess death rate since.
The researchers did not offer an explanation of how drug poisoning contributed to these deaths.
Except for COVID-19, most of the leading causes of death in young adults were not health-related.
“One surprising thing about the increases in these causes of death is that these are causes of death that primarily kill people at much older ages,” Professor Wrigley-Field, the study author.
The contribution of cardio-metabolic conditions, including conditions related to heart and hormone function, as well as nutrition, was also substantial.
Compared to trends before 2011, deaths from most causes were significantly higher in 2023 than would be expected.
Excess mortality was 35% greater in 2019, in the years following the pandemic.
Despite the pandemic being long over, deaths have still not returned to pre-Covid levels, the researchers note.
“The fact that we saw a real growth in mortality at these relatively young ages is very worrying because it suggests that many more deaths may come in the future as these cohorts age into midlife and beyond, if these trends aren’t reversed before then,” Wrigley-Field added.
The pandemic is suggested as one reason for the spike in excess mortality.
However, longer-term causes, such as the dislocations caused by the economic crash of 2008, are also suggested.
So-called “deaths from despair”—deaths resulting, directly or indirectly, from feelings of hopelessness and despair, brought on by hardship, isolation, and lack of opportunities—are identified as a possible key factor in explaining the alarming rise in mortality among young adults.
“As a group, [young adults] have experienced expensive housing markets and a work context in which work hours have grown in many occupations, both of which can make it more difficult to lead healthy lifestyles,” Wrigley-Field said.
Because young people increasingly find themselves forced to work long hours to afford housing, they have less time, money, or resources to look after themselves.
As a result, they fall victim to physical and mental conditions that worsen their health and make it more likely they’ll die an early death.
Although the researchers note that the study does not explain the increase in excess mortality—they plan to look at explanation in detail next—the presence of so many different causes suggests the need to look at “big, systemic factors” in order to understand what’s happening.
However, the results of the study have provoked a backlash among many in the scientific community.
Some experts argue that the researchers have ignored the elephant in the room regarding excess deaths.
Dr. Pierre Kory slammed the study’s paper for not mentioning the likely impact of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
Kory has written several op-eds calling attention to the explosions in excess mortality and their temporal associations with the vaccine rollout.
“To read papers like this where the possible impact of the vaccines are not (and cannot) be mentioned makes it anti-science and essentially uninterpretable because one of the likely major variables can never be examined or discussed,” he said.
“To wit, in the conclusion there is no mention of the mRNA campaign’s potential influence,” he said.
All-cause mortality researcher Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. said research like this also fails to even question the fundamental causes of death.
Rancourt has extensively analyzed the links between pandemic countermeasures and all-cause mortality
Articles like these, Rancourt said, are “purposefully not saying the important things.”
“It’s horrendously dishonest that these are the kinds of articles that get published in the opinion-leading journals,” Rancourt added.
“It’s just completely dishonest that we’re going to be polite and diplomatic and just not really talk about what’s going on here.”
Kory highlights other data such as the deaths reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
He also noted “the inexplicable and unprecedented rises in group term life insurance claims among young people 25-44, which occurred suddenly in the 3rd quarter of 2021 when mandates were all the rage.”
Kory argues that these datasets raise important questions about the temporal relationship between “vaccine” rollouts and excess mortality that weren’t addressed in the paper.
Rancourt said the paper’s methodology was deeply flawed and “the article would not have passed my peer review in its present state.”
“Their method of obtaining excess deaths by cause using trends from the baseline years 1999-2010, extrapolated to 2023, is dubious and unjustified,” he said.
“They also fail to examine and report the degree to which the age structure within their age 25-44 year cohort changes throughout the baseline (1999-2010) and extrapolation (2011-2023) periods, which is a pivotal determinant of mortality trends.”
Rancourt said the authors covered the fact that they used different methods for all causes of death other than COVID-19.
Unlike the other causes, where they extrapolated excess death from an estimated baseline, for COVID-19 they simply used the number of reported COVID-19 assigned deaths.
They are essentially “comparing apples and oranges,” he said.
Rancourt also said it was egregious that the authors didn’t investigate questions about the fundamental causes driving the excess deaths.
He added that by looking at a younger population, rather than an older population that is even more vulnerable to deaths from things like medical error and vaccine toxicity, the authors could more easily sidestep addressing those key pandemic-related issues.
Meanwhile, experts are warning that deaths are still surging among those who received the Covid mRNA injections.
In December, a world-renowned data expert has just issued a red alert after uncovering evidence that reveals excess deaths are continuing to skyrocket in children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
According to an alarming warning from leading Wall Street data analyst Ed Dowd, excess child deaths are still accelerating and show no sign of slowing down.
Dowd is a former executive at the world’s largest investment firm BlackRock and is considered one of America’s leading data experts.
Through his expert analysis of insurance industry data, Dowd has become a prominent figure in investigations into the impact of the global Covid vaccination campaign.
Dowd made the discovery while analyzing the official data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
“The UK has a problem,” Down warned during an interview on “The Jimmy Dore Show.”
However, while the deaths were identified in UK data, the trend is most likely reflected in other nations with a similar mass vaccination protocol, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and much of Europe.
Dowd’s data shows that excess deaths for children aged one to fourteen have surged higher each year since the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out in 2021.
According to Dowd, excess deaths for children in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023 – the last full year of data.
Dowd notes that this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”
The data shows that deaths were actually lower than expected in 2020 but started surging in 2021.
According to Dowd’s findings, each year’s data shows:
2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected
As Down notes, while the “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021, they were authorized for children later in the year.
Although the data for 2024 isn’t yet complete, Dowd reveals that, so far, the official figures show that the surging death trend has continued through this year.
“Figures from the Office for National Statistics show about 10% more deaths (across all age groups) than expected since April this year,” Down adds.
Yet, despite the clear correlation with the mass vaccination campaign, UK health officials insist that “circulatory diseases and diabetes are … behind the increase.”
Source: slaynews.com
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The word "experts" has lost its power on the awakened masses.
Extreme vaccination, processed foods, inactive lifestyles, and geoengineering are culprits. The mRNA shots have greatly wrecked havoc.