The US Department of Defense is Being Exposed For Perpetrating the Covid-Crime Against Humanity
"This is a very comprehensive outline of the crimes underpinning the “vaccine” manufacturing and all the authority that sits behind and enables this. " - Dr. Mike Yeadon
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This is a very comprehensive outline of the crimes underpinning the “vaccine” manufacturing and all the authority that sits behind and enables this.
Sasha Latypova presents a summary of her and others’ research coupled with the legal backdrop unearthed by Katherine Watt.
It’s pretty grizzly but the most remarkable lessons relate to the roles played by people and institutions around us.
The focus is on the “vaccines” and their deployment.
The first 45-50 min covers it all, followed by a Q&A.
Strongly recommend you watch and share with others.
Best wishes
Dr. Mike Yeadon
As promised, here is the entire Team Enigma interview with Lara Logan and Sasha Latypova. The evidence shows that this whole thing has been a charade. It is performance art to convince the public to roll up their sleeves and accept the Abomination-Shot.
This explains why nothing in this clown show has made any sense. It's the greatest War Crime ever committed against the population of the WORLD, and Patriots cannot rest until these sociopaths have been brought to JUSTICE. One way, or the other.
Related articles:
Dr. Yeadon Warns: So-Called “COVID Vaccines” Are Toxic by Design
PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER: Alarming Data From Canada and Vaccines Batch Scandal
SECRET HISTORY: Military Spraying the Flu, RULE 23 and BIO WARFARE on Citizens
BOMBSHELL: Whistleblower Exposes US DOD Plan To Exterminate Population
The Inventor of the Polio Vaccine Wanted To Depopulate the World
How the Medical Establishment Is Working With the Cabal To Facilitate Global Genocide
Yep, it’s out and this is what we need is for everyone to see this horrid dog and pony show is genocide by our government. Thank the Lord for those who fought and got us going in the right direction although they are not done with us.
Shared on my facebook will see if it stays up.