Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on President Joe Biden’s Bold Plan for Mandatory Immunization
"This is the first thing I’ve read in years that has really shaken me."
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By Dr. Michael Yeadon August 29, 2023
This is the first thing I’ve read in years that has really shaken me.
Are they seriously going to inform everyone in the USA that “you’re required by law to submit to this medical procedure”?
If so, it’ll happen globally.
I’m not submitting. I recommend you so resolve, publicly.
The fundamental design isn’t different from what’s appeared in the past and is intentionally designed to cause harm.
It will provide no benefits except to its manufacturers and of course the perpetrators of this global crime.
Best wishes
Is US getting new Covid vaccine? Here’s President Joe Biden's bold plan for mandatory immunization
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JB originally said he was going to have the military go door-to-door giving injections when the vax was rolled out. There was an immediate forceful 'NO!' from the citizenry, so he dropped it. It would be even less welcome now.
Fuck joe and his puppet masters!