They Will Inject You While You're Unconscious
Nurse Warns of "Biogenics" and Forced Flu Shots Happening in US Hospitals.
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“…When you go to the hospital…you need a surgery…first they gonna ask you if you’ve had the vaccines. You gonna say no, then they gonna say that you need to sign this consent. In the consent is a word "Biogenics".
If you sign the consent saying I consent for you to give me "Biogenics", that basically means that they can give you anything that they deem necessary including vaccines.
So if you say you did not get a flu shot, it’s “flu season”, and you signed the consent that say I agree to “Biogenics”, they will give you a vaccine even if you under anesthesia…Unless you go and get your medical record, you will not know that you got a flu vaccine…”
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These fucking assholes. I try to hold the love of Christ for them in my heart, but it is difficult when they are actively trying to kill us daily.
I also believe that no matter who is elected, none of this will change. The only way it will change is if they decide to cull us in a more dramatic way.
It is crystal clear that this is war. The evil doers will not stop. This latest is absolutely not surprising.
The medical cartel must be dis assembled entirely. Strongly suspect RFK knows this.