These fucking assholes. I try to hold the love of Christ for them in my heart, but it is difficult when they are actively trying to kill us daily.

I also believe that no matter who is elected, none of this will change. The only way it will change is if they decide to cull us in a more dramatic way.

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I'm with you not easy

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Ah.... you're beginning to "get it".... 🤔

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It can change if we spoke to each other about doing things differently. But if people do not ask the question, the answer will not reveal itself.

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So many accept mandates and authoritative controls, seemingly without question. I don't understand that thinking.

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When something is not your way of thinking, it becomes difficult to think in those terms. Especially where there is hate/(D)evil mindedness going on. Stay beautiful.

Blessings ~

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"You have to understand most of the people aren't ready to be unplugged - most are inured by and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it." [Morpheus]

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Why can Americans use the term 'FUCKING' but not 'ARSEHOLES'? One of life's mysteries?

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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I'm not taking that bait. ;-)

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Understand it is not a sin to hate..".God hates the workers of iniquity" and so should we.

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In Ecclesiastes it is clear...there is a time and season...and in that there is the line, "A time to love and a time to hate.

The "love everyone" is not only deceptive, it is a lie. The example was and is God so tell me why it was He slew over ten thousand of His own people because of their ingratitude and whining.

I do not hate cults members who deceive others by their lies. Nor homosexuals. Nor bank robbers. But I do hate sex traffickers, pimps, drug dealers and other scum whose sins destroy innocent people. I hate abortion but do not hate its victims, those who have them.

It needs to be accepted God gives us ALL a moral choice but we have to answer for the choices we have made in life.

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It’s alright .. i believe you are with Christ. Dumb Ass is a biblical term. You said what we are thinking out loud. Bless you. Have a beautiful day and let’s continue to pray that they come to their lack of senses soon.

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I had a major surgery a few months ago, refused all jabs, did not sign blood transfusion consent or DNR. As far as I know, no one behaved badly, it's possible is all I'm saying.....

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Medical Record request. Not just the Nursing records!! The complete records!!!!!!!!!!

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I had a ortho surgery a year ago. Signed everything..maybe they got me

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Only if the operating theatre just happened to have vaccines on hand. Unlikely.

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I’d like to think so , but with the cares act incentives …

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Very easy to request (demand) YOUR records

Have been down this rabbit hole a thousand X

Written sig required due to HIPPA

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It is crystal clear that this is war. The evil doers will not stop. This latest is absolutely not surprising.

The medical cartel must be dis assembled entirely. Strongly suspect RFK knows this.

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So Tell Me:

“What Medications Are You On” ?

Ask Your Doctor …


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They only dare to do this because not a single psychopathic one of them dangled for the Plandemonium in which they were the biggest killer and ultimately the enabler of the whole democide. Without them it would never have gotten off The Monster's flip chart.

We need to make doctors and nurses afraid again.

Because it is clear they think they are immune from any repercussions for the biggest cull in human history. Or the childhood poisoning schedule, where no-one escapes lifelong damage.

Even now they are jabbing their bioweapons into victims. Finding ways to get around informed consent. Coercing people to take the bioweapon.

Evil doesn't sleep. And nor do the enablers of Evil.

Let's see what RFK Jn does with the power he has been given.

If it is nothing meaningful we will have our answer.

We will know that the Zio Monster is truly in control of the whole rotten mess.

Shields up, people. The ride is about to get rocky.


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There are several weak kneed Republican senators that might be problematic for approval to Trump’s cabinet

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... ah the ole' look over here not over there. It's not righty vs. lefty it's the state vs. you.

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Those slimy bustards.

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The Buzzards aren’t any better

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We were just at ER for 8 hours, no one asked my wife anything like this. Some of the staff and some of the patients wore masks, but that was about it. Southern California....

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Earlier we were at an urgent care and again, no questions about vax status. Some staff were wearing masks.

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Trust me, if you’re in the system, THEY KNOW!

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... let me see that ear tag.

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maybe it depends on the hospital system. I know kaiser in socal asked me every single time and documented that I "refuse" vaccine X, "refuse" statins etc. Like being on pharma is normal and not taking it is an aberration. I kicked kaiser to the curb April 2020 because i could see exactly where the plandemic was headed and i wanted no part. This nurse in the video sounds like she's from Chicago or nearby.

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We were not at Kaiser so you may be right. I do have friend here in SoCal who says his doctor asks him every time.

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Horrifying as it is, this does not surprise me at all.

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More important, is they can cause you to go to the hospital so they can kill you or insert graphene or bots of some sort. I’ve told this story before, I went to a masseuse who put I believe graphene on my back and legs and a small puncture site below my rt calf. I knew something was wrong, over the next several days I had brain fog, and felt tingling all over my body, I began a heavy detoxification. I had what I needed at home, I’ve learned a great deal from naturopathic healers on the internet. On the 5th day of detox I broke out with sores all over my body, which were extremely uncomfortable. This lasted for three months…I have the scars to proove it. But I believe they wanted to force me into the hospital, don’t forget we’re all targets for this hostile takeover of the human race. I won’t go to a doctor or the hospital- never again. They using us…experimenting on us and collecting the data……fight back anyway you can! We have to fight…. No one is going to help us….our government know what is going on.

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maybe they were injected and shedding rather than intentionally giving it to you. Either way, how horrific and good you knew what to do.

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Yes, Dina my back and legs began to tingle, she had me turn on my back and proceeded to massage my rt leg again, that’s when my rt knee came up and I had a major Charlie horse…..toes curled, extreme pain in my calf. I’ve been trying to figure out the brain fog and loss of time.

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This! It is exactly why I live my life as safely as possible. I live in a small town so I can get away with driving slower than the speed limit. I try hard to stay healthy too. The last place on earth I want to end up is in the hospital and needing surgery or in a dentist chair needing a root canal! Stay away from all forms of anesthesia and injections as they are all contaminated just like the Covid death jabs.

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The few times I've signed medical forms in the last year or two, I've written on it "I do not authorize any vaccines or injections" for what it's worth. As long as I'm conscious, at least.

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Just more motivation not to go to a doctor under any circumstances.

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Be careful of this information. It didn't stop the FEMA camps. what evidence do we have of that? This is more propaganda. Why must one be done instead of the other? Why can't both issues be solved simultaneously?

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This film gave a lot of great information about Operation Warpspeed!! I had no idea what it was all about. My eyes have been opened to why President Trump did what he did in regards to Operation Warpspeed!

Thank you soo much for sharing this film!

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Operation warp speed spreading poison to every corner of the world continues brought to you by the self proclaimed father of the vaccine Mr Trump. Overwhelming evidence shows it's poison, Trump says he saved millions of lives and still tells people to get vaxed. If you think operation warp speed prevented camps, you are mistaken. It was always about the beast system controlling and destroying humanity through the change of DNA. Warehouse people or have them as slaves. The government's of the world got exactly what they want, control of thoughts and actions.

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Until Trump admits his contribution to the democidal experimental bio-weapons masquerading as a vaccine - he will be forever known as the JabFather to me - the greatest homocidal tools of all time - Fraudski and The JabFather.

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check out a petition at citizengo.org..defend your freedom NOW-stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours that said dont waste your time resharing it on you tube.twitter/farce book/. who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 231000 signatures

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Signing anything is going to have zilch effect. If you want to have an effect, get with a buddy and stop paying interest on your loans. Just the interest for now...we could be talking about strategy.

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How come we got there, and is this unstoppable?

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Bingo BIG TIME !!!!

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... the professional people pyramid/hierarchy - the white coat ladder syndrom - good obedience training - trusting the experts/journals whom provide the christining/baptism - experts.

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I don't trust the hospital system, it seems to be if you are unconscious then it gives them freedom to give you whatever they deem necessary.

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