"The camps have been built, and...people I've worked with have gone out and seen them. They are there..."
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Dr. Francis Boyle: "The camps have been built, and...people I've worked with have gone out and seen them. They are there. They've been there for quite some time."
Professor of international law Dr. Francis Boyle describes for Dr. Meryl Nass @DrMerylNass on a recent episode of Good Morning CHD how "quarantine camps" have been built in New York State and have been there "for quite some time."
Nass, a physician and writer, notes that attorney Bobbie Anne Cox has been "fighting in New York State to stop the building of quarantine camps." Nass asks rhetorically, "What do we need quarantine camps for now?"
"Those camps are there," Boyle responds. He adds, "the camps have been built, and I have people I've worked with [who have] gone out and seen them. They are there. They've been there for quite some time."
Furthermore, Boyle notes that "either Reagan or Bush Senior ordered Oliver North to draft Rex 84, which [is a contingency plan] that in the event this [mass protests] happened, those areas of the country would be put under martial law, and we would all be detained."
Source: RogerHodkinson
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I see this coming to a head do you? Everyone did nothing, the vice is being tightened every day. We think we have a long time but I think we have a short window.
I have no problem believing this, what a difference four short years make. Having seen the suddenness of human rights being stripped from us in 2020 in the name of a virus I now realise that governments only have to declare an another emergency for it to happen again. We in the west have an illusion of personal autonomy but the reality is the government can remove it in a flash and we become a subject under their authority and control.