I see this coming to a head do you? Everyone did nothing, the vice is being tightened every day. We think we have a long time but I think we have a short window.

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Nov 5Edited
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This is an ad. The free Edible Plants and Roots Guide is so poorly put together, so sparse it's barely worth bloating about.

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This link takes you to NOTHING

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Yes, it’s here and has been in place for a very long time. Substacks Juxtaposition is speaking his truth about how everything is run and it’s not what you think.

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Are you referring to a writer on Substack? I couldn't find one called Juxtaposition. Perhaps you could be a little more specific in what your message is?

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Yes Denise, it’s called Juxtaposition1, on Substack. He lets you watch some of his videos for free but it’s $30. A month.

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You know Juxaposition1 should rename himself to juxtaposer because charging for information like this is important for humanity and it shows he doesn't "get it" so I doubt I'll have much to learn from someone who is less knowledgeable than myself. Him wanting to make a buck out of it shows he's still firmly implanted in the spell. Making money out of important information also encourages sensationalism so they can get people to read their stuff. Attention is everything! I have very little respect for people who charge for this kind of information. I will read it because I have a curious nature. I think you for this information though.

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The guy knows a lot. He wants to charge so he can travel to the places where all the sinister things are coming from. Once you listen to a few of his videos you will see how much time and effort he has to put in to produce his videos.

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Yes, it’s a frightening perspective to wrap your head around. All countries are already under control of this one world government and has been for sometime. Our gov doesn’t care or work for us, our presidents are just puppets.

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We've known this a long time and yet everyone is just sitting on their hands. We ought to be talking about strategy. We're in this grave position and everyone is looking everywhere except where we need to and that is we need to talk about these things and have conversations constantly and ideas to figure out how to move in this position they have got us into. Or rather we got ourselves into.

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Agree 💯, but you see we are so divided and most people don’t have all the facts about how we got to this point in time. Many, many people have tried to stop this takeover. For example JFK, RFK, ETC you see what happens to whistleblowers. We are in a bad position now, they will soon move to CBCDs and this will remove our freedom as we know it. I know we need to build communities and grow our own food, but this is not easy as they burn up cities with lasers, the way Lahaina was burned up. Our gov officials can’t do a damn thing…they are controlled.

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What concerns me is that we're not talking about strategy and collaboration. On our own, we are sitting ducks.

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I agree he's so isolated and unable to bond and concerned about his success and his likes and followers that is amazing knowledge is not really being used except for the make me more scared

and knowing it all that he doesn't have any solutions and he's creating a negative reality

Things change people change his message seems to be everybody is f***** up hunger games is inevitable nobody's going to be any kind of hero and they want to know if the cool stuff follow me but pay

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You are entitled to your opinion, I’m finding that everybody is trying to make money these days. My thought was I would watch as many videos as I could in a month or two then cancel his subscription. I’m widowed on social security and can’t really afford to spend $360. a yr. On info. He definitely woke me up to who runs the show, it makes sense when you put the info together. This world,yes world not just the US but every country is ruled by them. Let me know what you think after watching some of his videos. He’s heavily targeted by the NATO forces.

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Goliath is a real story from the Bible. So many humans have become corrupted by this monolithic created reality. We can’t fight back if we’re divided, so how do we fight back?

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I think we have to think of it as not fighting, but starting new pathways and that will give us alternatives to these current systems that trap us and shackle us. One of the most important things is using another money system and get off the fed notes. We just need to be engaged in another currency, a local currency preferably and not crypto. Unless we get off the money system we will remain shackled and under massive duress. I'm curious as to why women are so enamored by the bible - a book written totally by men. It's like women are just adjuncts, there aren't stories about women, women were just ignored as we still are to a large extent. And obeying man's law which was all written exclusively by men. Women are not catered to. It's not alright with me but I feel there are very few women who notice. Until we are seen as true equals, then humanity will continue to suffer.

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Where in New York are these camps located?

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They are also scattered out all over the country. Been there for many years.

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These links are older from my files. Today most all the social media info on this is all fact checked as conspiracy. But for real. They are out there. A huge new one just completed in the Phoenix AZ. area. One can clearly see it . They say its a new horse show housing arena !?!?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23vTtpCxWhs ( at the 10min. mark)


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New York

Ft. Drum – two compounds: Rex 84 detention camp and FEMA detention facility.

Albany – FEMA detention facility.

Otisville – Federal correctional facility, near Middletown.

Buffalo – FEMA detention facility.

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Yeah, that’s all 100% false.

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Well what do you base that on? Do you not think to offer some substance to your opinions? Why is it false? We're playing a little game are we?

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I’ve been in Rapid Deployment, and Special Operations in uniform, and a contractor and have been on some of these bases. These “camps” simply do not exist. That’s my little game.

Things are bad enough with the government, we don’t need people making up shit.

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Francis Boyle has called them "frankenshots" from the very beginning. He has been warning from day one.

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Where are the camps in New York State? Tose of us in the state would like to know where they are located--those who have seen them could provide addresses, or gps coordinates....~ Ginger

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These links are older from my files. Today most all the social media info on this is all fact checked as conspiracy. But for real. They are out there. A huge new one just completed in the Phoenix AZ. area. One can clearly see it . They say its a new horse show housing arena !?!?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23vTtpCxWhs ( at the 10 min mark)


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Yes, please, let's have the full detailed information about these camps, in New York state and everywhere else in the nation, so that it can be verified or refuted.

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Governor Hochul had lost first battle in court, than Hochul appealed and won. So now Attorney Bobby Cox has appealed. She is definitely a warrior hands down. Not sure with the Globalist pulling strings what will be outcome of this appeal.

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I have no problem believing this, what a difference four short years make. Having seen the suddenness of human rights being stripped from us in 2020 in the name of a virus I now realise that governments only have to declare an another emergency for it to happen again. We in the west have an illusion of personal autonomy but the reality is the government can remove it in a flash and we become a subject under their authority and control.

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The governments can declare, pontificate, and proclaim another 'emergency', but they will be massively ignored , if there is any 'next time'.

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While I do not have any doubt of the governments wickedness, I would like to trust but verify the validity of these claims. In today's world there are so many attention seekers, money grabbers, controlled opposition, and just plain liars. Who, what, where, when and why please.

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Dude whatever is in New York is just a drop in the bucket. The camps are scattered all over the country and have been for many years. If you search video sites like bitchute, rumble, youtube, etc...you can probably find them.

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Yep the noise and disinformation is a fog to conceal our rights being reduced. I heard In Australia the gov used camps to detain the sick during cv.

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Hard to detain millions of people.. I know their plan is to let beholden Illegal Aliens into the country to help them defend it against US the US Citizens, but they are not committed, its not their country.. They are paid mercenaries and will run, we won't because its our country.. These EVIL elite have never fought for anything, just always LIED and stole money and got us to do their killing and murdering over centuries. Well if they had fought, they would know from Algiers, Vietnam, Afghanistan and so many more.. You cannot defeat people fighting for their country, these EVIL Elite may remember we had an American Revolution about that. They are so EVIL only money and control is on their minds, well they went to far with COVID, so they are in for a big surprise. Just so you know I am a Vietnam Vet and I say now Proudly, something I never thought I would say.. I would never fight in another foreign war for these EVIL elite cowards and these EVIL doctors and government officials in Health and CDC, FDA all of them Gates and his Minions and all the rest.. The next foreign war they start, they can go fight in it, because I will never give my life for these EVIL cowards, who did not stand up for us during covid and got bonuses for injecting poisons into women and children our future, and our seniors our past, they want us to have no future and no present, so fight your own wars from now on, you are not worth a scratch you out of shape EVIL cowards. Now I know what GOD purpose of Death is, otherwise these EVIL people would do EVIL forever, bad enough they pass their EVIL to their offspring to keep it going.. WE WILL NO LONGER COMPLY.. WE ARE ONE NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE WE ARE ONE UNITED!!!!!!!

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That's perfect. Now there will be a place to lock up the government criminals and their accomplices if they decide to start a nazi style assault or illegal lockdown on the citizens.

If they are placed in the state penitentiary, they will not survive long enough in there to make it to trial.

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I am feeling real good this morning LOL..

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Tyrants gonna tyrant.

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Boyle is a broken clock.

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Thanks for posting this. I get CHD's daily alerts but I seldom look at the shows. I'm familiar w/Boyle so I'll watch this.

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'They' do not build these interment camps for no reason. they've been built in most western nations definitely Canada and Australia. Used in Australia. it has always been my contention that if they come for me that I will resist the order followers with everything I've got to the death. As Winston said "you can always take one with you."

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They only succeed if we comply. That is how the 1 percent rule over the 99 percent.

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Where are the camps in Washington state?

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Most of the sheeple already exist in a quarantine of the mind. The algorithm ghetto of Google and Meta.

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