Edward Dowd: "Taxpayer money"
I've recently begun to realize what an understatement or misstatement it is when we talk about "taxpayer money" being spent on waste, fraud and abuse.
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By Edward Dowd March 6, 2025
I've recently begun to realize what an understatement or misstatement it is when we talk about "taxpayer money" being spent on waste, fraud and abuse.
"Taxpayer money" implies that it's money that the government has taken as taxes from employed, hardworking, taxpaying Americans. Which hits hard enough, when talking about waste, fraud and abuse.
But the term "taxpayer money" doesn't convey a meaningful, important, hidden truth: That only a portion of all that money being fraudfully stolen and spent is money collected as taxes. A large portion of it—maybe the largest portion of it—is borrowed money, stealthily put on a giant credit card in the name of the citizens of America.
We and our children and our children's children are like indentured servants, who will live their entire lives working to pay off both the principal and interest on tens of trillions of dollars stealthily borrowed in our name by others, spent by others, and given to others without our knowledge, input or consent.
We didn't know or understand exactly what was happening, but the people doing it knew. And they did everything they could to keep us from knowing.
The concept of "wasting taxpayer money" doesn't begin to convey the breadth and depth of the crime being perpetrated on Americans. It's theft, fraud and indenturing of innocent people—enslavement—on a grand scale.
And in all the world, it is primarily just Americans that are being taken advantage of in this way. We're the goose with the golden eggs.
So when you hear someone talk about how we're spending or wasting "taxpayer money," what they're really talking about is making us all indentured servants to banks, elites, and enemies of "free America" for the next hundred years.
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It's not just America! The ENTIRE WEST and beyond is being subjected to the same foul fate.
This is a GLOBAL phenomenon. Here in Australia we have the same Gov CORP, same tax rout, the same fake democracy, the same biased media (actually it's MUCH WORSE here given the media monopolies) , the same foul military industrial complex and intel answering to Globalists and targeting citizens who speak out in the name of TRUTH.
Then we have all our resources making some offshore entities rich while our land is raped and our dollar is DECIMATED under it's association with the USD..
To make matters worse we have been DISARMED (it only took one, most likely ORCHESTRATED, shooting to convince the majority to hand over their arms!) AND the vast MAJORITY are CLUELESS to what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES!
It's as they say.. When it comes to fascism - the places that feel it most are those that had to way too good for way too long...
They are led to the slaughter all the while still staring at their STUPID Personal Brainwashing devices.
Give the people enough MINDLESS entertainment, movies, TV, Porn, Gambling, Music, Sports, Sensationalist News and Political CIRCUS and you can steal the freedom right out from under them, without them even blinking an eye...
While walking up the ramp they are still in a stupor! Oblivious until the blade is falling!
Except Ed is wrong about it being a uniquely USA practice. It's almost every country in the world. It's the new/old version of indentured servitude. The new version is within the "digital economies", complete with personal "papers" of ownership, aka digital passports for carbon, travel, and medical, along with existing property, procreation, and education "certificates. 😐
It's always been about control, power and servitude.
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