And there are many of these scams operating, Ukraine, Israel, just few, all managed via the fiat currency scam merchants and their usury on worthless currency.
NASA is a classic tax fraud some 85 million dollars a day.
Compared to 1971, today's US Dollar is only actually worth $0.02 to $0.03. That's a mathematically verifiable fact. Cigarettes were $5.00 per carton in 1973 for example. A new car was $2,500.00. Candace cost a penny or two in 1971. Cons in Con-gress have robbed you blind. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain #FreedomIsNotFree
Yep. 1 Samuel 8 mankind, specifically Israel, was warned what their requested earthly kind would do when they, we, rejected God. When you read what the king will do it correlates very well how we are enslaved to make a worldky men rich
I’ve said this from the gate - that ‘tax-payer money’ was a cover for criminal degrees of duplicitous borrowing with the full knowledge that it would never be repaid.
And the same scumbags that stole everyone’s money offer free jabs with stolen tax cattle money! Only thing offered for free to Americans are endless jabs paid for with their own stolen $! Steal your $ and mandate jabs that maim and kill! And they beg for them! 😂😎😂
I am learning this too. I also ask: what about a bankruptcy or rebellion system - like equity, which is to redress wrongs. I'm no expert whatsoever, but I imagine there is a way to give this debt back to those who made it.
It’s very simple when you know the agenda. If it was really life saving it would be extremely expensive. 10-20 grand a jab. But the peasants wouldn’t pay that. It’s offered for free because free sounds good. Hammer them with safe and effective, saving grandma, do your part to stop the spread. Hey it’s free let’s all do our part. But to get something from them for free, you have to offer them something in return. Your body autonomy, freedom, health, bank account, etc! The jab injuries aren’t free, they are extremely expensive and the peasants foot the bill for all med costs and can’t sue the people who mandated and administered the garbage that was offered for free!
Except Ed is wrong about it being a uniquely USA practice. It's almost every country in the world. It's the new/old version of indentured servitude. The new version is within the "digital economies", complete with personal "papers" of ownership, aka digital passports for carbon, travel, and medical, along with existing property, procreation, and education "certificates. 😐
It's always been about control, power and servitude.
I agree , I would say it's pretty much every Country. We work hard and we then pay tax on our wages, then everything we buy with our already taxed money is taxed again. Naming one when we buy a house we pay stamp duty but then we also pay property tax every year?!. Another is road tax to drive on roads that are full of pot holes that then ruins your car that will then fail the NCT test and not only do you have to pay to fix your car but you have to pay again to redo the test. And then of course there's capital gains tax when selling any of these already taxed things that make a profit that profit is then taxed.
We need to stop this shit. Every Country is bought and paid for with taxpayers money so we as taxpayers own our Countries and need to demand reform on how our taxpayer money is spent demanding a say in what it is spent on and holding our governments to an audit showing exactly what our money is spent on and how much and also how much taxes are collected through all avenues.
It's not just America! The ENTIRE WEST and beyond is being subjected to the same foul fate.
This is a GLOBAL phenomenon. Here in Australia we have the same Gov CORP, same tax rout, the same fake democracy, the same biased media (actually it's MUCH WORSE here given the media monopolies) , the same foul military industrial complex and intel answering to Globalists and targeting citizens who speak out in the name of TRUTH.
Then we have all our resources making some offshore entities rich while our land is raped and our dollar is DECIMATED under it's association with the USD..
To make matters worse we have been DISARMED (it only took one, most likely ORCHESTRATED, shooting to convince the majority to hand over their arms!) AND the vast MAJORITY are CLUELESS to what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES!
It's as they say.. When it comes to fascism - the places that feel it most are those that had to way too good for way too long...
They are led to the slaughter all the while still staring at their STUPID Personal Brainwashing devices.
Give the people enough MINDLESS entertainment, movies, TV, Porn, Gambling, Music, Sports, Sensationalist News and Political CIRCUS and you can steal the freedom right out from under them, without them even blinking an eye...
While walking up the ramp they are still in a stupor! Oblivious until the blade is falling!
No Edward. This is not just an American “thing”. Canada has been doing this since Pierre Trudeau put us in the red in the 1970s. Likely every country on earth spends/wastes tax payers money plus the money they have printed.
"Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve,-in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit “money substitute” it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
That is just part of the issue, the other was the amended "Trading with the Enemy Act" in 1933, that also declared the American people 'Enemies of the State" (translation corporate interest).
We are all conscripts. We have been conscripted by those who have taken control of our system of rule to serve their interests. Ukraine, with its boundless corruption, seizing young men off the streets to take their place in the meat grinder of a war which serves only to maintain and perpetuate the graft, is a metaphor for what we have silently become. At one time we had a system which to a large degree allowed us to serve our own interests or the interests of others as we chose based on our beliefs. That system produced a wealth generating machine so immense and powerful that it became irresistible to those seeking wealth without effort, success without struggle, joy without pain. So they seized control; gradually at first, then more rapidly and completely once they gained a solid foothold. Our system was designed or was simply fortunate enough to be so successful that it could only be managed by gods. We have asked people who are not gods to manage a system so powerful and prosperous that only a god could remain at the helm without succumbing to the temptation of unlimited wealth and power offered by such a system. Those we have put at the helm are far less than gods. Such power attracts those from the dark side bent on destruction.
It may be that we need somewhat different or modified system; one which does not allow so much power and control to be centralized and vulnerable to evil intent. We need to find a way to value and encourage the pursuit of goodness and truth rather than wealth. We have come to a place where wealth has been viewed as goodness itself rather than a tool which if used well can produce goodness. We must not allow people in positions of power to remain there for more than a short while. They are not gods and are far too likely to become corrupted. We are too weak and the temptation is too great.
This is what inevitably happens when you have a fiat currency system. The very basis of the system is fraud (counterfeiting) and will always end in the complete destruction of the financial and economic system.
I call it tax fraud,
And there are many of these scams operating, Ukraine, Israel, just few, all managed via the fiat currency scam merchants and their usury on worthless currency.
NASA is a classic tax fraud some 85 million dollars a day.
Compared to 1971, today's US Dollar is only actually worth $0.02 to $0.03. That's a mathematically verifiable fact. Cigarettes were $5.00 per carton in 1973 for example. A new car was $2,500.00. Candace cost a penny or two in 1971. Cons in Con-gress have robbed you blind. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain #FreedomIsNotFree
Yep. 1 Samuel 8 mankind, specifically Israel, was warned what their requested earthly kind would do when they, we, rejected God. When you read what the king will do it correlates very well how we are enslaved to make a worldky men rich
False scales and unequal weights are an abomination.
"Bring out number, weight, and measure in a year of dearth." That is one of William Blake's Proverbs of Hell that I never understood.
I’ve said this from the gate - that ‘tax-payer money’ was a cover for criminal degrees of duplicitous borrowing with the full knowledge that it would never be repaid.
And the same scumbags that stole everyone’s money offer free jabs with stolen tax cattle money! Only thing offered for free to Americans are endless jabs paid for with their own stolen $! Steal your $ and mandate jabs that maim and kill! And they beg for them! 😂😎😂
I am learning this too. I also ask: what about a bankruptcy or rebellion system - like equity, which is to redress wrongs. I'm no expert whatsoever, but I imagine there is a way to give this debt back to those who made it.
Everything is super expensive but the jabs are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 😎💯
Make that make sense , impossible, corruption to the highest level. Follow the money.
It’s very simple when you know the agenda. If it was really life saving it would be extremely expensive. 10-20 grand a jab. But the peasants wouldn’t pay that. It’s offered for free because free sounds good. Hammer them with safe and effective, saving grandma, do your part to stop the spread. Hey it’s free let’s all do our part. But to get something from them for free, you have to offer them something in return. Your body autonomy, freedom, health, bank account, etc! The jab injuries aren’t free, they are extremely expensive and the peasants foot the bill for all med costs and can’t sue the people who mandated and administered the garbage that was offered for free!
For those who live to get free stuff... man they're in for a rude surprise.
Except Ed is wrong about it being a uniquely USA practice. It's almost every country in the world. It's the new/old version of indentured servitude. The new version is within the "digital economies", complete with personal "papers" of ownership, aka digital passports for carbon, travel, and medical, along with existing property, procreation, and education "certificates. 😐
It's always been about control, power and servitude.
#breakthechains #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
I agree , I would say it's pretty much every Country. We work hard and we then pay tax on our wages, then everything we buy with our already taxed money is taxed again. Naming one when we buy a house we pay stamp duty but then we also pay property tax every year?!. Another is road tax to drive on roads that are full of pot holes that then ruins your car that will then fail the NCT test and not only do you have to pay to fix your car but you have to pay again to redo the test. And then of course there's capital gains tax when selling any of these already taxed things that make a profit that profit is then taxed.
We need to stop this shit. Every Country is bought and paid for with taxpayers money so we as taxpayers own our Countries and need to demand reform on how our taxpayer money is spent demanding a say in what it is spent on and holding our governments to an audit showing exactly what our money is spent on and how much and also how much taxes are collected through all avenues.
Death tax... we're gonna getcha one last time!
You mean: "Fake servitude!!!!"..... An on the end 'DEAD'!🧐😎🤫🤔
#MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree
It's not just America! The ENTIRE WEST and beyond is being subjected to the same foul fate.
This is a GLOBAL phenomenon. Here in Australia we have the same Gov CORP, same tax rout, the same fake democracy, the same biased media (actually it's MUCH WORSE here given the media monopolies) , the same foul military industrial complex and intel answering to Globalists and targeting citizens who speak out in the name of TRUTH.
Then we have all our resources making some offshore entities rich while our land is raped and our dollar is DECIMATED under it's association with the USD..
To make matters worse we have been DISARMED (it only took one, most likely ORCHESTRATED, shooting to convince the majority to hand over their arms!) AND the vast MAJORITY are CLUELESS to what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES!
It's as they say.. When it comes to fascism - the places that feel it most are those that had to way too good for way too long...
They are led to the slaughter all the while still staring at their STUPID Personal Brainwashing devices.
Give the people enough MINDLESS entertainment, movies, TV, Porn, Gambling, Music, Sports, Sensationalist News and Political CIRCUS and you can steal the freedom right out from under them, without them even blinking an eye...
While walking up the ramp they are still in a stupor! Oblivious until the blade is falling!
My exact sentiments as a follow Australian . Captured in a nutshell.
Continuous crisis, political theatre too! All part of the distraction from the truth.
No Edward. This is not just an American “thing”. Canada has been doing this since Pierre Trudeau put us in the red in the 1970s. Likely every country on earth spends/wastes tax payers money plus the money they have printed.
My question is, “What was given as collateral?”
I borrowed a couple of paragraphs from the following link:
"Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve,-in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit “money substitute” it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
That is just part of the issue, the other was the amended "Trading with the Enemy Act" in 1933, that also declared the American people 'Enemies of the State" (translation corporate interest).
Thank you. Horrors abound in the dark.
The illusion of what you can get back as a fiction 'profit' on the end of the way down to death!
Maybe more kind of illusions of that!
End the Fed.
Ed, it’s time to KILL them ALL!!!
We are all conscripts. We have been conscripted by those who have taken control of our system of rule to serve their interests. Ukraine, with its boundless corruption, seizing young men off the streets to take their place in the meat grinder of a war which serves only to maintain and perpetuate the graft, is a metaphor for what we have silently become. At one time we had a system which to a large degree allowed us to serve our own interests or the interests of others as we chose based on our beliefs. That system produced a wealth generating machine so immense and powerful that it became irresistible to those seeking wealth without effort, success without struggle, joy without pain. So they seized control; gradually at first, then more rapidly and completely once they gained a solid foothold. Our system was designed or was simply fortunate enough to be so successful that it could only be managed by gods. We have asked people who are not gods to manage a system so powerful and prosperous that only a god could remain at the helm without succumbing to the temptation of unlimited wealth and power offered by such a system. Those we have put at the helm are far less than gods. Such power attracts those from the dark side bent on destruction.
It may be that we need somewhat different or modified system; one which does not allow so much power and control to be centralized and vulnerable to evil intent. We need to find a way to value and encourage the pursuit of goodness and truth rather than wealth. We have come to a place where wealth has been viewed as goodness itself rather than a tool which if used well can produce goodness. We must not allow people in positions of power to remain there for more than a short while. They are not gods and are far too likely to become corrupted. We are too weak and the temptation is too great.
This is what inevitably happens when you have a fiat currency system. The very basis of the system is fraud (counterfeiting) and will always end in the complete destruction of the financial and economic system.