Chemtrails: Look Up at the Sky and Notice the Harm Being Done. Ask Questions, Demand Answers
Carbon is not the enemy. The climate has always changed. But human-made geoengineering is a real threat to the environment and humanity.
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By Rhoda Wilson January 10, 2025
Carbon is not the enemy. The climate has always changed. But human-made geoengineering is a real threat to the environment and humanity.
Geoengineering, including chemtrails, is being used to modify the weather and environment. The operations are secretive and have the goal of depopulation. And these nefarious operations are indeed causing death and disease in plants, animals and humans.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has promised to put an end to chemtrails, which have been poisoning the world for decades. His simple statement on Twitter has helped raise mass awareness of this issue, which the perpetrators would have you believe is a “conspiracy theory.”
Carbon is Not the Enemy. End Chemtrails!
Introduction by Professor Anthony J. Hall
We are being induced to feed and consume the “Net Zero” and “Climate Change” nonsense being peddled by the predators disguised as our governors. Carbon is not our enemy. Carbon is not the magic knob that we can turn to control the entire climate. And why would we want to?
The climate does change and always has changed. That’s the essence of what the climate is. Climate is the medium of atmospheric change. “Climate” is more like a verb than a noun.
The idea of declaring war on changes to the climate is absurd. Justin Trudeau is absurd. Our climatic environment is well within the range of the historical experience of humanity even before the Industrial Revolution.
Carbon is a major constituent of all life on Earth and the major food of the plant realm. We humans are made of carbon. All our plant and animal relatives are made of carbon.
A real enemy that we are not supposed to talk about is human-made geoengineering. Much of the modification of weather and fire and other components of our environment is taking place under the auspices of military forces.
Geoengineering is widespread. Geoengineering is often done secretly. Some see aspects of geoengineering as an extension of the Covidian wars against all of humanity. Kill, kill, kill. That’s the preoccupation of our predator governors.
Geoengineering is sometimes directed at reducing large numbers of humans, often on the basis of the specious claim that depopulation is to fight climate change.
Chemtrails paint in the sky a visual expression of geoengineering. Among the purposes of chemtrails is to block out the sun and rain death and destruction down on all life forms.
Chemtrails can be seen as the theft of natural skies and the basis of a message that unknown forces are trying to take control of all aspects of our environment including our mental environment. We are never given a satisfactory public explanation of the reason for chemtrails. Now the issue of chemtrails has been inserted into the US presidential campaign.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Promises To End Chemtrails
By David John Sorensen
Bobby Kennedy Jr. promised on X (formerly Twitter) that they will put an end to the chemtrails that have been poisoning the entire world for decades, with trillions of gallons of toxic substances that have been sprayed over everything that is alive on Earth, causing death and disease in plants, animals and humans.
“We will end this crime,” said RFK Jr. in a comment under a post where an aviation whistle-blower spoke about how they are paid big money to spray chemtrails.
Kennedy’s comment was seen by 4,6 million people, which in itself is raising mass awareness of this crime against humanity.
Concerned Citizen on Twitter, 26 August 2024.
Response by Robert F. Kennedy, 26 August 2024.
The impact of this short comment from Kennedy is monumental. As long as chemtrails have been sprayed over the world population, it has been labelled a “conspiracy theory” by the corporate news media, Google, Wikipedia and others. The insanity of this denial is beyond any reasonable comprehension, as all you have to do is look up and see the indescribable horror of countless planes spraying toxic substances in our skies.
Below is a compilation of chemtrails photographed by people around the world.
This photograph was taken by myself, to show the use of weather modification in the state of Colorado.
The argument used to deny chemtrails is that they are always condensation trails, or contrails, which are caused by the exhaust of aeroplanes. The difference between chemical trails and condensation trails is, however, easy to spot.
Contrails evaporate immediately, while chemtrails linger, spread out and after a while cover the entire sky with a thick layer of chemicals that block the sunlight and modify the weather. That can be clearly seen in the slideshow below. These 4 photographs, taken in sequence over the period of an hour, show the progress from initial spraying to creating a full blanket that covers the entire sky.
Blocking The Sun Is A Direct Act Of Mass Murder
Both the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates have publicly stated that, in order to create a better world with less climate change, governments around the world must block out the sunlight.
Meanwhile, a scientific study shows that exposure to sunlight is the best early treatment for covid. THIS study establishes that increased exposure to sunlight lowers mortality, while another study reveals that less sunlight increases mortality.
These scientific studies reveal that blocking the sunlight from reaching humanity is in effect a direct act of mass murder, as it significantly increases illness and death.
Chemtrails Are Not A Conspiracy Theory
The statement from Bobby does more than just promise the world there is a new era coming, where these horrific crimes against humanity will be coming to an end. He also validated what hundreds of millions have come to understand today: There are forces in our world that have been poisoning our air, water, soil, food and our own bodies – our blood, our brains, and our soul and spirit – with every imaginable poison.
The human race has never been so severely poisoned as in our time. But the end is near for these evil entities and a bright new day is dawning.
Watch World Famous Documentaries About Chemtrails
Source: Stop World Control.
You can also watch the documentary ‘The Dimming’ HERE.
To create the illusion of climate change, which is then used as the excuse to impose tyranny onto the world population. I also ask you to explore this subject on one of the Web pages of Stop World Control, see HERE.
Although we are enjoying the first golden rays of a Great Awakening that is rising over the horizon of mankind, the vast majority of people are still blind, deaf and completely ignorant of what is happening to them.
They get sick as never before; their children are more ill than any child ever was in all of human history, with millions of little kids suffering from vaccine-inflicted heart disease; millions are obese beyond imagination; most so-called “food” is nothing but industrial waste that slowly sends people to the hospital; governments are as corrupt as ever; virtually everything they see on the news is blatant and shameless nonsense and deception … yet they live as if everything is just fine.
This blindness is not normal, as we know, but it is stunning to observe. Yet, more and more people are beginning to notice things. Slowly, gradually but surely. When I talk to people in our town, I often tell them they are starting to pay attention. The truth is slowly seeping through the cracks of the mind control and people are asking questions.
So, this is the time to forward our page about chemtrails to your contacts, and post it on social media. Don’t be afraid. The veil is being lifted. Don’t be the one who helps keep the dark cloak of deception over their heads but be one of those who assist in lifting it off of them. Let’s do what we can to wake up the world, so the works of evil can increasingly be exposed, and ultimately come to an end. Thank you so much!
About the Authors
Anthony Hall is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He specialises in Liberal Education and Globalisation Studies. Hall received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Toronto in 1984 and joined the University of Lethbridge in 1990 as an associate professor of Native American studies. He retired in the fall of 2018. Hall is also known for his work as editor-in-chief of the American Herald Tribune since its inception. He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Looking out at the World from Canada’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.
David Sorensen is the founder of the website Stop World Control and Hope for Humanity ministries. He holds a master’s degree in media and communication from the University of Science and Arts in Ghent, Belgium. Sorensen works as a “missionary journalist,” reporting on critical truths that he believes are censored by mainstream media. He has authored eight books and built several websites with a large worldwide audience. During his media training, he learned about the manipulative techniques used by mainstream media to influence public behaviour and actions. The website Stop World Control aims to inform people about the alleged agenda of the United Nations to reduce the world population and rule over the survivors.
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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”
― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice