Www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com has investigated Nano Technologies, being found in Covid "vaxxed" blood and in non vaxxed blood.

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In 2010 I spoke to a man named Dr Croft, PHD. He lived in Madison or Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I that’s all I know about him. He told me that he was an expert witness for a trial in New York City, where the gasoline companies were accused of selling the wrong kind of gasoline. New York City, California, especially the southern part, and Singapore needed to use clean what they were calling boutique gasoline. They were discovered using additives to the gas that were contaminating the air and causing smog. He told me there is a product that’s a leftover of petroleum cracking called polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Theses are not allowed to be dumped anywhere on earth so they put them into jet fuel to be burned and this is what we see coming out of jet planes. I tend to believe him because all these years I’ve never read who is doing this chemtrail spraying.

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Had to look that up.

The Abstract from NIH reads:

"Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread across the globe mainly due to long-term anthropogenic sources of pollution. The inherent properties of PAHs such as heterocyclic aromatic ring structures, hydrophobicity, and thermostability have made them recalcitrant and highly persistent in the environment. PAH pollutants have been determined to be highly toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, and immunotoxicogenic to various life forms. Therefore, this review discusses the primary sources of PAH emissions, exposure routes, and toxic effects on humans, in particular. This review briefly summarizes the physical and chemical PAH remediation approaches such as membrane filtration, soil washing, adsorption, electrokinetic, thermal, oxidation, and photocatalytic treatments. This review provides a detailed systematic compilation of the eco-friendly biological treatment solutions for remediation of PAHs such as microbial remediation approaches using bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, and co-cultures. In situ and ex situ biological treatments such as land farming, biostimulation, bioaugmentation, phytoremediation, bioreactor, and vermiremediation approaches are discussed in detail, and a summary of the factors affecting and limiting PAH bioremediation is also discussed. An overview of emerging technologies employing multi-process combinatorial treatment approaches is given, and newer concepts on generation of value-added by-products during PAH remediation are highlighted in this review." TOXIC.

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Thank you, I wish I could understand this!

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Clif High says other 'waste'/bi-products in the sprays are aluminum oxide and potash from China. Can't concentrate the shit in one place - might quickly kill us - and we'd be on to them - so we spray it over the entire planet and kill everything including the plants (see Mt. Shasta wilderness where everything is dead), goes to show men will do things for money they'd never do voluntarily.

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Not sprayed, burned in jet fuel. I believe it. Glyphosate is in the air everywhere that ethanol made from GMO corn is added to gasoline, so next to all busy roads. Keep your windows closed in your car and your houses.

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Something else I've never considered, but plausible..

Would the same be said for canola oil? Canola crops are desiccated with Round Up..so are cereal grains... In the breakfast cereal and bread too, I guess.. makes sense.. ☠️

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… Barium, Aluminum, Strontium… look into Dane Wiggington - geo-engineering - high altitude stratospheric-injection - weather warfare.

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Interesting... That's the first time I've heard this scenario..

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Thank you for this. There is a law in British Columbia, Canada prohibiting geoengineering yet I still see them and photograph then, as do many others.

Why are the fines and jail sentences not being handed down? (This is a rhetorical question unless you happen to live in BC.)

Here's the law from the BC Legislature:

Weather Modification Act


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There is a law in Tennessee also, however after it was passed it was discovered that only the FAA could enforce it. So in this case a state law was over ridden by a government entity.

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I believe Mexico has same laws, but the sky is criss crossed there too..

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Where is the FAA?

Does Kennedy and Trump plan to END THIS 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT'?

Time to dismantle the FAA for NOT doing its job and adhering to the International Crime Syndicate's Puppet Slave Minions as Gates; one of the most heinous behind the Geo-Engineering Agenda. In the end, those as Gates are merely twigs on the TREE OF EVIL now forcing this 'Extinction Level Event' onto all Earthly life.

The Traffic Controllers, Corporations manufacturing the chemicals/Nanotech Poisons, Pilots, Re-fuelers and others at all levels of the Evil Hierarchy KNOW WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW behind this whole scheme and NOBODY is talking, let alone ACTING TO INDICT, TRY AND EXECUTE FOR CRIMES AGAINST ALL LIFE ON EARTH.


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The FAA is just there to make sure the planes don't fall from the sky. Department of Interior, Department of Ecology, even the FDA are more responsible for oversight of this. Of course, with so many agencies the buck can be passed back and forth without any action, even if "they" are willing to admit it's happening.

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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People allowed themselves to be convinced to take an experimental bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine - anyone with half-a-brain knows it was their death sentence. Where is the extinction rebellion/revenge Shakespeare? "The eye sees all, but the mind sees what it wants to see." [WS]

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Sadly true but unjust.

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... my question is, 'where the hell are they?' Where are the Mothers who believed the 'Experts" and had their babies injected? I am sorry if I sound a little too outspoken - it's been four years - as far as I can see the Zombie Apocalypse is real. I know - what a downer... people have no courage or virtue - both doctors and patients alike. "The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice it is conformity." [Rollo May]

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I wonder that as well. I wonder what made them listen blindly following their lies. I wonder how could you not have a critical mind and look for evidence 🤔, the evidence is absolutely everywhere. Over 260 peer reviewed evidence based studies on the NIH site. I have a neighbor who is critical about everything a person says. He's an IT expert for Alberta Health. He's taken 2 jabs. Still believes the government is correct. It flies in the face of him being critical about others. So he isn't really critical but lazy. He wants to believe the health/government is there to do right by us. I've given up as He's completely libtarded but a conservative...if that makes sense. It completely frustrates me!

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The older I get the more I realise most people (95%) don't have the interest in 'learning' just for the sake of learning. The academics (scientists/physicians) everything they know has been allowed to seep through all the blocks and constraints that have prevented humans from access to decentralized knowledge, and that has limited the IQ and corralled/constrained/controlled or teathered them down cognitively and consciously. Society has developed a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. De Tocqueville said this 'new' society compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupifies a people, 'till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. Bertrand Russell said, "Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education."

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Totally agree..

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Brilliant, excellent article... I'd only make one suggestion, one of the pictures appears to be a plane dumping water (like a fire fighting plane)... Even if it's not a water tanker... It does look a lot like a firefighting plane ... I only say this because I want to forward this article, and I think a few will come back to me regarding that photo (it's about the third photo in your article, just above the RFK headline)

A very informative article thank you 🙏

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Those planes do not follow the flight patterns, some will fly straight up and then take a huge curve. They do not say 'Jet Blue, AA, Delta' and would not be surprised if they fly remote. They aslo fly AND spray ABOVE the commercial flights. Look out the window the next time you fly, I'm sure the pilots see them. 99% of the time, the entire northeast has a layer of God knows what over it, caused by these chem trails, at times it's the entire east coast. The sunrises and sunsets are especially blocked out which makes one wonder what they do not want us to see.

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I believe you are correct as to the planes spraying the poison at much higher altitudes than a normal airliner. I was a flight attendant for many years. I use to deadhead or fly for pleasure trips. Looking out the window it was not uncommon to see another jet flying in the opposite direction. I always saw a trail behind the other jet. It dissipated rapidly from behind. That is a contrail. They dissipate quickly. They do not linger and fall slowly from above. I watched them one day over my own home. I took pictures too. As they got lower I could see swirls in the white misty trail. Then as it seems it is very low and close it’s suddenly gone.

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exactly!! the commercial jets dissipate rather quickly and completely, they do not linger and the trail is very short in comparison. The chemtrails are thick, extensive and soon after the trail will expand in width. Wisps of white 'smoke' spread out ion both sides to create that 'white' sky we all see. At times, the wind will increase as well, once it starts to spread.

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Back in the late nineties I happened to glance skyward only to see a criss-cross grid of what I had always known to be condensation trails. I went inside and googled "multiple long lasting condensation trails" on my PC. One of the first hits was from NASA. It seems they had a page devoted especially to contrails. I figured if anyone knew about them, NASA would. Their page read: "Condensation trails are formed when water molecules in the jet exhaust contact the freezing air in the troposphere (-30C) and instantly turn into ice crystals. Condensation trials evaporate instantly although some have been know to last up to a minute".. It concluded with the following statement: "Condensation trails are extremely rare in the southern united states".. Seeing how i am in Alabama this made no sense. If you were to go to NASA's page today you will not find what I found - instead you would find a page devoted to "long lasting condensation trails" - which is crazy.

Did you know that our military, concerned with our fighters and bombers leaving a tell-tale trail for our enemies, came up with a chart to determine when condensation trails were most likely to form. See the humidity and temperature has to be just right for them to form.. Called the Appleman chart it relegates the "those are simply contrails" arguments into the rubbish pile. No they are not simply contrails - we are being sprayed.. Aluminum, barium, and strontium are the three most consistent ingredients being delivered via the aerosol program. Did you know that nano aluminum is thousands of times more potent than micro aluminum? The molecules are exact in their structure so they interlock together with no gaps at all... Did you also know that aluminum is used in artillery shells because it greatly increases the explosion? Why do you think all the "wild" fires are so hard to extinguish? The trees are coated with decades worth of spray! I was doing some land clearing last month and threw a recently sawed off limb into my fire pit only to see it burn with an intensity I had never seen before from a green branch full of leaves...

One last thing - I have captured literally hundreds of what I call "chemliners" overhead and not the first one was on any of the plane racking apps I use... which means they are not civilian. I have also noticed from my photographs that there is something odd about these spray craft..Some will be missing an engine..or a wing.. while some will have something bright white draped across it... you can't make this stuff up. Some seem to be following a black line in the sky..it was suggested to me that they are drones controlled by satellite generated laser lines in the sky.... I don't know... Oh one last strange bit regarding the aforementioned contents (aluminum, barium, and strontium). back in the eighties the BBC did a documentary called The Friendship Case". It was about a group of Italians who claimed to have befriended a group of ETs.. The Italians claimed that the aliens provided them with lots of cash which prodded the interviewer to ask a question: "Did they ever ask you for anything?". The answer? "YES, they asked for industrial quantities of aluminum, barium, and strontium"..Wow... WHY? You find out why and I think we might get some answers to it all..

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I am not certain about chem trails - I've seen them frequently in Europe but rarely here in Australia and I have not been to North America. But your account is beginning to turn my mind.

My thoughts are that the whole climate change thing is a distraction. Greta Thunberg was onto this distraction but was crushed by the power of industry capture in politics. I think the problem is not climate change as has been promoted but is the cumulative effects of toxic by-products of industries as expressed in undeniable and uncontrolled pollution of the environment. It is not just about carbon and green house gases- that is the distraction. It is about microplastics, pesticides, heavy metals and "for ever" chemicals. Industry wants us to pay for the environmental remediation projects that their processes have created. Time is long past due when we should review our desires for useless items and products that are not essential for life.

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“They” want us dead. Population control is the driving force of the NWO,,,

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Every aircraft is logged on the database of the presiding air traffic control authority for the region. Ie, Dallas Air.Traffic, and then its flight info is handed over to the next airspace.

So anyone, even if it takes FOIA request, can know where any given plane comes from and where it is going. More details than that are logged.

Overwhelming all air traffic control centres with requests and FOIAs are significant accountability pushes forward to getting these planes out of the sky, especially if the details are posted online.

An army of posting plane spotters is a great first move.

As the saying goes, If you think you're too small to make a difference, you've never been in a dark room with a mosquito.

Man the Mosquito Air Force (WWII allusion intended)!

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The military are the ones in cahoots with the scumbag self-proclaimed elites supplying this crap.

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Many years ago it was clearly staed that there was a increase in rickets , a disease that primarily effects children and related to absorbing sunlight an processing into vitamin D for bone health. The increase was seen as serious.

More recently we are seeing a huge increase in depression and suicide world wide, but going hand in hand with the dimming created from the cast over particulates that are freely skited about by the abusers

Oral Vitamin D Associated With Suicide/Self-Harm Risk Reduction

April 5th, 2023




https://www.bitchute.com › video

10,000,000 TONS OF ALUMINIUM DUMPED ON US & EXPERT ADMITS THE CONSEQUENCES ARE UNKNOWN ☠️ ... BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform.

Take your vitamin D for general , bone and psychological health.

Dr John Campbell has plenty to tell us about this on You Tube.

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Being a SCREAMER about this subject for more than a decade .it is with hope and wonder I see it become an open topic of discussion.

Thank you one and all.

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... great we're all in agreement - now how about that genocidal/democidal clotshot?

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Still screaming Doug.

It seems that there are many things high lighting together now about the wrongs..

Ivermectin for instance has become subject of interest because it is effective in treating cancer .. just can't be denied anymore . Dial in any cancer and the Ivermectin into Pub Med...

Chinks and scabs to pick at and show that picture underneath.

Beware the FAKE ALIEN INVASION the abusers are trying to lay over the broken narratives. Mistinformation.

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They are messing around with things that they don’t fully understand.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

They must think they are smarter than God.

Foolish thinking I’d say !!!

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Nothing is more securely lodged than the ignorance of the experts." [Hayek] John 1:11 "He came to his own and His own did not receive Him."

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Thanks for making those excellent point's. Can’t argue with that.

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Just found this

Why would you not promote to try Vitamin D ?

Meta To Hide Suicide Posts From Teen Facebook Feeds

January 9th, 2024


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Sure, chemtrails around the world, for blocking the sun to stop climate change goes the usual MSM cover story line. Strange, for over 2 decades up in the central arctic, it's non stop chemtrailing summer or in dark of winter. Almost as if in 1, 2, 3 headlines will read... "Scientists from Environment and Climate Change Canada and Government of Nunavut are baffled why the great caribou herds are on edge of extinction".

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Well now Chemtrails is a hot subject is it not. I work in the north. During the winter there are " Chemtrails" coming out of all hot engines, diesels, gas vehicles and jets. These were all called condensation or vapour trails until the recent scare of spraying our atmosphere.

I am friends with a couple of spray plane pilots here in Alberta and I know how much liquid a plane can spray and for how far. The size of an AirBus 300 could not spray that big of a chemical trail for very long before it would run out of liquid. And, if you notice the so called chemtrails never suddenly stop, do they, No they continue from the time the plane hits sub zero temperatures up there until they descend out of that cold layer of atmosphere.

Now, I know lots about cloud seeding and spraying at lower levels, but give your head a shake. 99.999% of these so called chemtrails you see are just vapour trails. AND yes, by the way I am now 75 years old and you dam right we saw vapour trails from jet planes when I was a kid. The difference is that there are a hundred times more jets in the air than there was back then.

Enough said?

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Jan 11Edited

I live in Alberta and watch planes fly over major city at 40000ft. These don't vary in elevation and you can see the "vapor" start about 5 to 10km outside the city, over then stop about 5 to 10 km outside the city. Can you explain this?

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And after clouds begin to form out of the trails

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Yes, I see this often and have taken pictures of the dispersion

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Liar... your evil friends should be given a trial and hung.

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