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Heavy fog with a chemical smell has been reported in the US, UK, and Canada:
Actual evidence: This American has been having “respiratory issues — since the fog started” in her area.
She just changed the filter in her air purifier recently, she checks it again because of all this fog and WOW “What in the actual, f*ck.
Look at this filter, y'all. I've never pulled out a filter this dark in my life.
This is not normal. It's black. Look at the new one. Oh my God, y'all. Oh my god.
This is f*cking crazy”
She says she’s had her windows open and it’s never looked like this before “Never in my life have I ever seen a filter like this. Never. I change these all the time. I have a ton of them. This is bananas”
This filter needs to be sent off and tested.
It appears to be a massive chemical attack aimed at making as many people sick as possible.
Nothing is new under the sun. They have done it for decades, utilizing chemical agents to induce illness and subsequently attributing the effects to non-existent viruses.
“They simulated illness with something, some chemical weapon or something. And the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots”
"Graphene oxide can act as a solo trigger for most COVID symptoms. This is not a VIRUS or spike protein, but a chemical warfare agent"
Aligning the CDC "50 yrs of Vaccine Progress" timeline with known military spraying experiments and disease outbreaks
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