I'm also in Florida and the FOG didn't look like normal FOG IN TALLAHASSEE.

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Amen !!!

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Stay inside.

Has a familiar ring to it.

Wonder if there is anything in the plan to keep 6 foot distance and especially don't leave the house to see grandma? If necessary they'll have to die alone and lonely deserted by those they most needed and trusted

Yeah. This whole thing is starting to have a very familiar whiff to it (no pun intended) with perhaps a slightly different delivery strategy. Cause they wore out the last scam and some of the lab rats are wise to that particular twist to the scams.

But by all means the peeps need to be afraid to breathe freely because that would reduce their cortisol levels and they may get rational without too much cortisol. Noting more existential as fear of breathing.

Mind you I am not saying there ISN'T something evil in the air. I'm just saying people need to let it percolate what is being done to them. IMAGINE BEING AFRAID OF THE AIR. Imagine being afraid to breathe freely.

These psyop guys really know how to mess with the peeps. Well dam. They SHOULD know. They extorted and spent TRILLIONS of our dollars in DARPA & the DOD and else where to make sure they know how to psychologically cripple populations ... BECAUSE populations, even if they are your own, are the enemy if they are not appropriately subservient.

Last time of course they not only made people fear breathing the air out there on the beaches and in pristine parks but god forbid they breath air that had been cycled through fellow humans who were cast as disease death vectors. I will never forget the fear I could see when I was out walking in God's fresh air (as fresh as it gets these days) and someone else was in the park. Some people would respond to you if you got too close as if you were a menacing pit bull that may pounce at any moment. The fear in them was palpable. It was obvious they were calculating "what is the possibility I may ingest a few molecules of the air from the death vector fellow human that I just passed or may need to avoid?"

Fear is a terrible thing. They are working it best they can. Does not get anymore existential than making you afraid to breath

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Exactly, Fear is





I'm not afraid of this BS


I was saying that if you are afraid, then Just stay inside



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With you 100%

To be clear I never thought YOU were saying stay inside. Just highlighting that the fear op seems to be designed to encourage us to do everything that will be long term negative to our mental health and physical well being (they are inextricably attached)

Happy New year and hope it goes well for you and all of us

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Ray, Happy New Year's & Let's Pray for a Better Future for us all. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones and God Bless You Now & Forever ♾️🤗♾️💖🥰

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AGREED. Love is powerful and healing, fear weakens us and deceives us.

Terro rism is designed to put us into fear and weakness. Terro rists have\

no joy, no light, they feed off harming and hurting. I pray over all terro rism

planned in the U.S. and all over the world. The light will expose it.

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I agree 💯% with your whole comment. 💖

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There's nothing normal about what they are doing to the weather to make it look like there is a climate emergency. Did you know that there is evidence that the weather on earth was MUCH warmer than it is now - they found rainforest soil in West Antarctica proving it was much warmer there a long time ago - and guess what? the planet is still here. I wonder why nobody is talking about that!


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Amen sister! PRAY everyday. THIS is how they spread the intended pl ague, much more deadly than anything else. Build your immune system, zinc, D3/k2, vitamin C, etcetera. No weapon formed gainst me will prosper. God bless us against planned terrorism all over the world. We stand gfor the light of God to cover the darkness.

Also, be aware of coming severe weather this year; earthquakes, sunami's, etcetera

like never before....

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I’m having mild symptoms in Belgium.

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Same here ! My whole family has been sick ! wtf ! This needs to stop ASAP ! Fk this country

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It’s not just in USA

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For gods sake, eat healthy, no crap, take D3/k2 and zinc, build your immunity,

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Respiratory issues, cough , headache , nd we have a baby too

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I have years and years of experience with air purifiers. This is my favorite set up that covers one room. If you have questions you can call this excellent company. Also, keep all electrical appliances at least seven feet from the baby's bed, including these. You will need the air purifier and a small fan to circulate the negative ions around the room. Some ions will stick to the wall... wash the wall when it gets "dark" and move on!

Here's a video: WEIN Vortex VI-3500 | Best Air Purifier | Common Sense Spending


Here's the company: https://weinproducts.com/

Here's what to buy: Wein Vortex VI-3500 Room Ionic Air Purifier

You should be able to do all this for under $150.00.

I have an $800 air purifier in the kitchen. If it ever "goes down" I will replace it with this set up. We can thank Stan Weinberg, Chairman & CEO, for his excellent products. This is NOT a paid announcement!

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I’m using air oasis. Dr recommended it. I’m not affiliated, just happy w it.

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So tired of it all, these devils don’t want to let us live

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That's the picture. Could be they want to stamp out all life, including their own. How else could they be destroying everything ... which I won't list here... but "everything" covers it.

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They like the suffering too, slow kill.

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OHHH BUT JESUS 🕊️❤️🙌💖🙏🛐👑♾️💞❤️‍🩹

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Amen! Maranatha 🙏

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We will address that, relax.

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? Do I know you friend

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You do now! Relax this is going to be a good outcome soon, very soon!

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Sounds like you’re speaking in riddles . wtf are you referring to ? I wish I could be as high on hopium as u

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There is a correlation between the next scamdemic and cold weather-virus are activated by cold weather. Got to seed earth with virus particles and then the Polar Vortex to activate the infectious disease to get more kill shots in the deplorables!

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I agree with everything u said , except the fact where virus exist . They don’t . But genetics changing mRNA nanotechnology definitely does

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Thank you. My heart is very smart! After my heart attack it won't let me breathe cold air without great pain... not even for three seconds. Also, about that "virus thing." Dr. Eric Berg did a precisely worded coverage of what is a virus. "Why You Can Not Kill a Virus"


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I follow him and this video and basically, all of his videos are worth watching!

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Btw me and Mr wife saw massive chem trails day before fog came outside our house

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What country are you in?

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USA, Connecticut

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The cost of such an operation must be astronomical. I’m in SE Texas and I see the trails almost daily, in both urban and rural areas.

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The banks can just print the money.

Raid The Laundromat!

withdraw immunity from the Bank for International Settlements


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My take was that the building looked like a turd in the toilet. For sure, raid the laundromat.

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Same in central Arkansas as well.

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Same here in Belgium - chetrailing has become ridiculously intense...

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Virus are particles a dust -they attach (magmetic} to microorganisms. You can destroy the micro but not the particle. Porton Downs (Welcome/Glaxo) been making viral particles for 200 years! Why the increase in sky painting during high air traffic, specially in the yea end holidays?

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It is hard to get a grip on what a virus is. When I had shingles I thought the herpes zoster virus was eating my nerves. Maybe it was really dissolving them!

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Listen to Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Stefan Lanka and the Baileys. Search them on Bitchute. Search Virus hoax. They will explain clearly the whys and hows of viruses. They do not exist.

This site is a wealth… virustruthDOTnet


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Love Dr. Tom Cowan

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Thanks Deni

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Years ago I struggled to grasp that most of what I was taught and am still being told is a false narrative. Sometimes he drives one crazy, but can be just what one needs (RIP Patrick). Check out his interviews! Esp with Dr. Cowan, and w the awesome Dr Jennifer Daniels on Bitchute. Patrick Timpone was unashamedly ignorant of much of the narrative, so goes over things slowly and methodically. He was a good interviewer! Search his name on Bitchute :) https://www.bitchute.com/video/tewUIiCoS507

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I’m near ft myers Florida. Every Friday afternoon, lots of trails. & frequently through the week

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Same in Canada on the prairies — and we almost NEVER see fog and it’s here, Christmas holidays

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And yes, a chemical smell was obvious in the air

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Aw crap.

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It is foggy here in the middle of North Carolina. I just checked the air. "Chemically" is how it smells. And I am surrounded by greenery. This (bleep) is adding up. 😢

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My wish for you is a healthy new year and sympathize with your heart. If yoyr not familiar with nature and all living matter, there is one compound named "Natures Healer:. DMSO! Dr Walker has written a book :DMSO Natures Healer its free online. It will change your life. Godspeed in your wellness

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FYI: Learned recently that DMSO is a transfection agent. Maybe not such a good idea, however, lipoC also transfects cells but can have wonderful benefits. I prefer to maintain my God given cellular barrier but others may deem the risk less than the benefit.

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Thankyou 🙏 Michael

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The big low pressure system in the midwest came through overnight with rain and has cleared the fog away. Rain is now in Indiana and Ohio, moving east, with lots of wind behind it. A snowstorm is expected in a few days.

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Your attacked by western witchdoctors from the day you were born, choose nature over profiteers of misery

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I live in the desert Phoenix with clear blue skies. When air traffic the beautiful skies turn grey and haunting-clouds with no soul! Tennessee has reckognized as a state and tried to ban the chemtrails. It is a crop dusting policy with us being the targets! Florida skys are lways under the assult

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The SMELL comes from satan’s “Big Brother”!

George Orwell’s 1949

👿 Big Brother is our totalitarian state y’all! We have been under constant surveillance, propaganda, to control, oppress, and literally kill innocent people.

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No fog here (mid Michigan) and a clear sky yesterday with no fricking anti-human pilots spraying their crap. But I don't doubt the poisons. Right now 99% of humanity is desperately hated to the hilt.

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