The Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations Effectively Make WHO a World Dictator – Dr. Michael Yeadon
Please share this simple yet powerful note. Let it not be something most people learn about only after the WHO has declared a PHEIC.
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By Dr. Michael Yeadon April 4, 2023
This two-page summary is about the WHO and the impending revisions of the International Health Regulations.
It highlights that Bill Gates & the WEF have all but controlling interest in WHO, through funding provided by the BMGF (2nd largest donor), GAVI (a Gates-funded vehicle) & CEPI (a WEF-funded vehicle).
The proposed amendments to the IHR effectively make WHO a world dictator. If it declares even a suspected public health emergency of international concern, the provisions of the amended IHR grants the same WHO to order all sorts of things, including the takeover of any or all countries, imposing lockdowns and mass testing, whatever they choose. Worst of all, they have to power to require an international database of health certificates necessary for travel. I think we all can see that this constitutes a “World Passport”, which sits above national passports.
This whole thing is particularly malign because almost nobody knows anything about it (if you’re not down the rabbit hole, you’ll never hear about it).
We can be certain this is malign for numerous reasons.
1. Pandemics of severe illnesses are immunologically impossible. If that wasn’t true, humanity would have repeatedly been wiped out. So the entire claim, that action above the level of a nation is essential is just a lie, a pretext.
2. Even if there was a necessity for international cooperation, just do that. Nobody in their right mind would destroy democracy in the pretend hood it might save a few lives. Remember, wars costing millions of lives have repeatedly been fought in order to preserve autonomy. So their calculus makes no sense.
3. Centralising power is guaranteed to produce inferior outcomes compared with the outcomes where each country runs its own health responses, maintaining good communication. This is because by definition when a fictitious new health threat appears, NOBODY knows the optimal response. Worse, we’d never learn the best response because we’d have a top-down solution.
Under no circumstances is this other than malign.
Please share this simple yet powerful note.
Let it not be something most people learn about only after the WHO has declared a PHEIC.
Best wishes
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Hallo, I am surching help.I am contamineted with nanotechnology.I have no help and nobody here in Germany knows about that crime from the stuff darpa hydrogel which contamineted your blooth with filiaments of hydrogel.My blooth became like slime and gummi.If I dont find help I will die.The most about that stuff nanotechnology I hear from the USA thats why I was thinking I can get help with a Protokoll what to doe.The graphene which they use they put it without my knowing in the test before when they force evrybody to tested himself at the testcenter here in Germany.It was just to contamineted the humanity with this weapon in their body.I am looking for a solution.I dont want to die.Maybe you know something espacaly against the graphene my body is full of it, what can help me to adress
Greeting from Germany God bless you Aminata
It seems that the old line conservatives were right in the post-war period when they opposed the formation of the UN. Today, we are confronted with the obvious fact that the UN must be abolished for humanity to survive. In the case of the US, the fig leaf of treaties becoming the "law of the land" under the US Constitution has led to the ability of direct legislation that effects US law by the unelected bureaucrats of the UN.
The only solution left to the subject citizens of all the member nations of the UN is a total dismantling of the organization. Any good that such an organization could possibly do is nullified by the top-down nature of control that is the result of having such an organization.