Ron Paul Warns That the US Military Was Just “Authorized to KILL Americans on US Soil … I Think It’s Very, Very Dangerous.”
“It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive"
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Daniel McAdams: “It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive. So, this is the administrative state, where they take over, they don’t pass laws.
It’s a DoD Directive that was re-issued September 27, 2024.
It governs the Department of Defense intelligence activities, and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances, and it supplants the 2016 version which did not mention that.”
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It wasn’t enough to lock up innocent protesters who strolled through the Capitol, now they want to shoot anyone standing up for free speech or election integrity.
The government didn't kill enough of us with covid the bioweapon, or the covid DeathVax which was also a bioweapon.