Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Is Working With Thai Authorities To Nullify the Nation’s Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Contracts
Thailand's princess collapsed due to a heart problem 23 days after receiving a booster and remains in a coma six weeks later
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🔥Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi is working with Thai authorities to nullify the nation's Pfizer mRNA vaccine contracts:
"Safety pharmacological studies were never performed... Pfizer BioNTech is going to have to pay back those billions to Thailand."

🚨Thailand's princess collapsed due to a heart problem 23 days after receiving a booster and remains in a coma six weeks later:
"We're sending info to the Royal Family to alert them to the probability the princess is suffering as a victim of this jab."

Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha, a top Thai neurologist and WHO expert advisor, warned last month of the gene-therapy COVID-19 shot connection to fatal heart problems.…

Full Interview:
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