Dr. Yeadon: Are "Vaccines" The "Action To Create Conditions For Fertility Decline" That Kissinger Advocated In 1974?
" I find the concatenation of evidence, all pointing to a risk for reproductive health harms."
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By way of background, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg and I filed a detailed petition with the European Medicines Agency on Dec 1, 2020. In it, we warned about a range of safety concerns which we expected to see if EMA prematurely gave Emergency Use Authorisation to these gene-based “vaccines”.
One related to reproductive health harms.
Several others have been confirmed or suspected.
Recently, a paper was published demonstrating EXACTLY the concern we’d written about.
A team undertook a study of the Pfizer vaccine in a small number of women, measuring antibodies to spike protein & to syncytin-1. The results are shocking. From the earliest time after the injection, all women had measurable levels of antibodies against the placental protein, syncytial-1, even before antibodies to spike protein increased.
Worse, the authors proceeded to cover up and lie about their results.
They misleadingly state more than once that no increase was observed. They claimed this by placing a wholly arbitrary threshold on the graph, them stating “our results are all below this”.
I had read a leaked report, conducted for Pfizer in relation to their regulatory submission in Japan. This was a study of distribution of the vaccine “envelope” after injection into rats. This showed very unusual tissue distribution. There was 10X more in ovaries & spleen than in most other tissues. Then a real shocker. I came across a paper from 2012, stating that these lipid nanoparticle formulations ALL accumulated in ovaries of several species.
I find the concatenation of evidence, all pointing to a risk for reproductive health harms.
Best wishes
Dr. Mike Yeadon
National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 and the Global Depopulation Agenda
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I know couples who have been injected have pregnancies without problem. And I still see lots of babies. Granted I know of some babies with issues. Don’t know how it will all play out but I guess there’s enough variance in the vials that it’s not a total doomsday. Course that’s also makes me look like a crackpot when putting forward these warnings
Evil. No other word for it.
Ironic as I mentioned elsewhere the Govn’t wrote into law that any criminal offence undertaken during work for The Agencies as part of their duties, will not face criminal charges.
So will that mean Whitty, Valence, Hancock and Johnson will get off of all charges?
Well so far all those involved that could, including Swab received Honours.
Guess it’s honourable depending on which side your on. After all, the Germans thought their monsters were terrific too. And they’ve had the same aims then as they do now.
Hence we’re supporting those Banderas supporters and Azov Battalions
It’s sickening.