Dr. Robert Young: Graphene Oxide Is Causing Us To Become Human Cell Towers
"Radiation poisoning in combination with Graphene Oxide causes cellular disruption, disorganization and death"
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“Graphene is a biosensor. It means it can receive and transmit. So there is no shedding here. When someone has been poisoned with Graphene, they become a human cell tower, and they are receiving radiation and omitting radiation which affects everyone else around them…”
Full interview:
Dr. Robert Young – “Viruses Don’t Exist” Explained, Nanotech Inside People is a Weapon
Dr. Robert Young is widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level.
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Many moons ago, I looked into the estimated amount of graphene per adult shot (if the shot has graphene, M having more than P), and if I'm remembering correctly, I estimated 27 months. (I can't remember if this was for one shot or two shots though.) I didn't write anything down, just figured it out in my head. If anyone else would like to share their thoughts on this, I'd be happy to hear them. Intermittent fasting and glutathione also noted as important, but I'm no expert. Just summarizing my thoughts on the topic. If anything can be handled naturally through natural food and drink that seems best.
It’s said to be in most everything, water, food, air, meds, common household products, etc. The fact that suckerberg and the likes have and/or are building multi million dollar, self sustaining, underground compounds may be a clue to the level of challenges humanity faces. I can’t help but wonder if our best hope isn’t mind over matter.