Dr. Mike Yeadon: “Here Are Three Mechanisms by Which This Gene Therapy Will Kill People”
SLOBODNIpodcast interviews Dr. Mike Yeadon. Please watch and share
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Interview Excerpts:
Part I: “Here Are Three Mechanisms by Which This Gene Therapy Will Kill People”
Part 2: Medozolam and Morphine Are Two of the Ingredients Used for the Death Penalty
Part 3: When Someone Died They Would Deliver Them in a Coffin With No Autopsy
Full Interview:
Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president of Pfizer debunking the pandemic, climate, and digital lies…
Part 1
Part 2
Related articles:
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE
Dr. Michael Yeadon: My Plea to Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Mike Yeadon: “No One Died of or Even With COVID, Because It’s a Fictitious Disease.”
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SECRET HISTORY: Military Spraying the Flu, RULE 23 and BIO WARFARE on Citizens
Thank you so much for these interviews.
I adore this man, Dr. Yeadon.
Speaks truth as he sees it. Sees farther than most people.
So thankful for this stack , and thankful and grateful for like minded people. 🙏