UPDATE - CDC Advisers Today Approved Adding COVID Shots to the Vaccine “Immunization Schedules” for Both Children and Adults in the United States.
What does this mean and what can we do now?
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The CDC ignored the 86,799+ comments of concerned citizens to vote for pharma and their own self-interests by adding the COVID jab to the 2023 US Childhood Immunization Schedule.
… Share this article/links with aligned family members and friends. The more of us that are activated and engaged, the more annoying pests they have to deal with. Be an aggravating thorn, demand freedom, and fight like heck. Because, in the end, God wins:
Related articles:
Criminal Insanity: The European Medicines Agency Recommends Approval of COVID Jabs for BABIES
Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written
PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER: Alarming Data From Canada and Vaccines Batch Scandal
Rerum Novarum - The Real New World Order. The Hidden Hand Behind Agenda 21/2030 and The Great Reset
God’s wrath awaits those who harm Children.
Whatever time these Psychopaths have left on earth will be but a vapor. They have no idea what’s waiting for them on the other side.
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”
(Rev. 22:12)
Disgusting that the CDC knows how many people are injured & killed by the jabs, yet they try to force jab everyone!