The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Just Announced a $4.7 Million Grant for a Company That Sells Face Masks for Cows
You couldn't make this stuff up
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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just announced a $4.7 million grant for a company that sells face masks for cows.
You couldn't make this stuff up.

In brief...
• Cows belch methane, which the mask purportedly converts to CO2 as it comes out into the atmosphere
• Farmers rent the devices, so that they can label their meat as more environmentally friendly
• Zelp doubles down on the scam by selling carbon offset credits

ZELP (Zero Emissions Livestock Project)
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Facemasks for cows? How does he know Melinda will agree to wear one?
Un f’n real. My 69 yo husband and 90 yo dad release methane quite often. Do I mask their assholes??