No worries, just wait until their 2025 scenario. It's a win for now, but I lost much hope in people's sanity and reasoning due to their panic over the covid plandemic. And these evil doers will not stop until they get their way

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Thank you James!

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Fake news. Get the FACTS...

Please share this widely.

It is time sensitive...


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I've shared your posts before and will share this one as well. You are doing a great job, but the The real Fact is that this treaty will go through just like everything else in this scam. All was planned years in advance and no lawmakers will stop it. They will not even try, Because ALL of them are members of the club, no matter the country. Its been already silently implemented, and the past 3 years is the best prof of it.

Canada is just one example




De facto there is already one world government, not even one country is sovereign. Politics is an illusion, . Does it mean we have to fold and accept, of course not we have to continue telling the truth , and as I said before you are doing an amazing job.

The world is a stage




When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24


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I wish the fact that they walked it back was a guarantee, but I’m worried it’s like the “dismantling of the ministry of Truth” which took place last year, but never went into effect.

I really hope you’re right. Too easy, so color my skeptical

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If this comes to pass then I imagine I'll have to die at the hands of the "police" after which there'd be no fuss about police brutality.

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They know we will fight back while our wounds are so fresh. They are waiting for GATES ‘next pandemic’. 😱.

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please explain this gentilmen hat his message is extremely MENACING, so much more that virtually NOBODY gets it. THIS IS NOT the time for laissez aller. We need to engage with representatives , members of parliament in fact "The -Whole_of-Society" need to STOP he W H O. Which has now become a corrupted organisation. This Gentlemen invites people to celebrate at the time when FIGHTING is what we need. and NOBODY gets it. And this i s where the MENACE of his intervention lies. We told him, but he would not listen. A menace.

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It aint over. Im not buying it any more than the evil jab.

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Australia has NOT proposed amendments to the IHR. Like many nations, Australia is at risk of losing its sovereignty to the World Health Organization due to proposals submitted by many OTHER nations.


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give UN/WHO an inch and they’ll take a mile, complete vigilance will be necessary.

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More shocking is the shock it invoked

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Every country should fight back like Australia against the tyranny of the WHO & The Pandemic Treaty. Unelected bureaucrats trying to take over the world.

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I'm surprised Australia is doing anything remotely good given how tyrannical they've been treating their citizens the last few years

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