Our Worst Nightmare Beckons: Integration of Genetic Material Contained in mRNA Injections May Be Happening in 20% of Cells Post-Vaccination
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..
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By Rhoda Wilson September 23, 2023
Earlier this month Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testified to the South Carolina Senate about DNA contamination in Pfizer’s covid injection.
The genetic material in mRNA “vaccines” have been “end capped” in the hopes that mRNA vaccines could not integrate into the human genome. However, in April a study was published in the journal Nature – Scientific Reports found that not only can genetic material that has been end capped integrate into our genes but that it could happen with a frequency of up to 20% of transfected cells – one case in every five.
If you put the Nature article together with the Senate hearing video, it shows that DNA integration may be common rather than rare, as Dr. Buckhaults hopes.
Our Worst Nightmare Beckons
The prestigious journal Nature – Scientific Reports published a study on 23 April 2023 entitled ‘High spontaneous integration rates of end-modified linear DNAs upon mammalian cell transfection’. It doesn’t sound like it should be front-page news, but the implications for the future of the human race are truly frightening.
The report examined the capacity of various forms of DNA used as gene-delivery vehicles to integrate into the DNA of the target organism. It concluded:
“All of the forms of linear DNA resulted in a high fraction of the cells being stably transfected – between 10 and 20% of the initially transfected cells.”
Transfection involves the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a cell. What does the stabilisation of this process mean for us? The stable (permanent) integration of genetic material into a host cell chromosome may result in the activation of oncogenes (cancer genes) or knockout of tumour suppressor genes. In other words, it can cause cancers.
In an attempt to avoid this happening, genetic material, including that used in mRNA vaccines, has been “end-capped” (see details HERE, Figure 4). However, unexpectedly, the study found that “the end modification of linear DNA did not significantly decrease the rate of integration [into human cell lines].”
We have been repeatedly assured that mRNA vaccines could not integrate into the human genome. Our concerns were often described by so-called “fact-checkers” (aka media hacks and disinformation project scaremongers) as conspiracy theories. The study found that not only can this happen, but that it could happen with a frequency of up to 20%, one case in every five.
The outcome of these DNA integration events can only be described as a slowly unfolding train wreck of global proportions. The integration of DNA in this way is heritable – it can be passed to future generations, placing billions of our children’s children and so on in the shadow of genetic illness created by scientists who ignored evidence of harm and pressed ahead to subject the whole world’s population to novel biotech experimentation.
mRNA covid “vaccines” are programmed to produce a spike protein which is now known to be toxic to the functioning of the heart. As the Hatchard Report recently reported, myocardial heart damage has been found to be 1,000 times more common than currently admitted by our government, affecting 1 in 35 vaccine recipients. The above study in Nature gives reasonable grounds to suppose that even this very high risk may be higher, more long-lasting, and affect subsequent generations.
The cancer risk is largely unquantified, but as the Hatchard Report also recently reported, there is data indicating increased rates of cancer related to vaccination schedules. The gestation periods associated with vaccine-induced cancer formation appear to be shorter than those traditionally ascribed to cancers. They are often being described now as turbo cancers. The Nature study also gives grounds to suppose that the widespread administration of mRNA injections might have greatly elevated lifetime risks of developing cancer.
The integration of mRNA sequences is not the only potential cancer-causing mechanism. mRNA “vaccines” are now known to be contaminated with plasmid DNA vectors as a result of Pfizer’s commercial bio-manufacturing process. The Nature article demonstrates that these plasmid fragments, of which there are billions in a vaccine dose, can integrate into our DNA.
You can watch a report on this contamination by a highly qualified microbiologist Dr. Phillip Buckhaults given to a South Carolina Senate Hearing. Dr. Buckhaults renders this into language accessible to the layman. This is a very interesting discussion because Dr. Buckhaults is an enthusiastic biotechnology vaccine advocate. He attempts a delicate balancing act, explaining that something seems to have gone terribly wrong with the regulatory process, but at the same time, he expects or rather hopes that future vaccines will be safe.
If you put the Nature article together with the Senate hearing video, it shows that DNA integration may be common rather than rare, as Dr. Buckhaults hopes.
Dr Buckhaults describes the routine plasmid contamination of mRNA “vaccines” being given to the public as a trojan horse which poses a previously unexpected danger to public health. One that is, like the Trojan horse, a deadly foe actually being welcomed into the bosom of our health service.
The Senators at the hearing profess their limited understanding of the science and their inability to take action to protect the public. They want to know who is at fault, to which Dr. Buckhaults responds in essence that Pfizer must have known of the risk of genome integration but failed to address it or test for it. Dr Janci Lindsay at the same hearing goes further and suggests the contamination was not accidental but intentional.
A fascinating exchange follows between the obviously horrified Senators and Dr. Buckhaults. Dr. Buckhaults ends by saying that from what he knows now, there is no way he would take an mRNA “vaccine” without first testing it for DNA contamination, nor, if he had known earlier, would he have ever given it to his daughters. The testimony has raised a flurry of informed scientific comment and concern see HERE for example.
The exchange is sobering when you consider the danger to the public and the excess mortality in New Zealand and other highly vaccinated nations, which is continuing at unprecedented high levels. Unlike doctors in South Carolina, our New Zealand scientific professionals haven’t even warned our politicians of any danger. Instead, they are sticking with an obviously false and deliberately misleading safe and effective narrative, which left Chris Hipkins and Chris Luxon woefully misinformed in their discussion of public health last night.
We appear to be in free fall after launching off the edge of a precipice. Our health service is collapsing in disarray but no one wants to be the one dialling 111.
Dr. Buckhaults suggested that, as a minimum, vaccine recipients now need to be informed of the newly verified serious long-term risks of heart disease and cancer formation. So, what form might this take? Incredibly, a letter sent to German doctors last week instructs them that future covid booster vaccine recipients should now sign a form acknowledging that there will be no compensation in the event of a vaccine injury!!!!
This only appears to formalise the de facto policies that seem to have been adopted in most countries as the default position. New Zealand medical authorities did not plan ahead to deal with adverse effects. Watch HERE at four minutes into a New Zealand Primary and Community Care Webinar held on 19 May 2021 where the lead host explains:
“There is no specific funding to cover primary care for people presenting with side effects following their Covid vaccination nor any funding to cover the submission of an adverse event report to CARM.”
At this stage, Primary Care had also not been given any indication about the availability of ACC cover for vaccine injuries. You can see just how much the false “safe and effective” narrative was steering frontline medical staff away from accepting vaccine injury.
You can also understand why, to this day, many politicians still appear to believe there is no such thing as a covid vaccine injury. One party leader responded last week to a question about vaccine injury from a constituent saying: “No one cares about this.” I leave you to guess who. I imagine you will conclude that most party leaders are quite capable of making similar statements. You might be right there. I wonder how high the incidence of serious illness will have to go before they wake up?
In the meantime, the torrid gaslighting of the victims of vaccine injury continues. Most victims of the rising incidence of cancer, stroke, or heart disease are not even told it might be due to vaccine injury. Our politicians are glad to leave us in the dark, otherwise, we might reconsider our voting preferences and even ask for compensation and, heaven forbid, accountability.
About the Author
Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint for Health and Wellness’.
You can subscribe to Dr. Hatchard’s websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology. You can also follow Dr. Hatchard on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.
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There is no specific funding to cover primary care in NZ for people presenting with side effects following an adverse event to any medical device. Its the same if you have an adverse event to bone cement or an implant. Drs aren’t allowed to diagnose cause. They can treat symptoms of an adverse event but they can’t investigate or diagnose cause of a patients symptoms.
Acc also don’t investigate cause. The claims they accept are exceptions to their rules of cover. They are decided not investigated. And most are not given cover. When they go back to their dr without acc cover they get no help. Many suffer for years then die. Those unfortunate enough to have an adverse event to an orthopaedic implant have no path to getting it removed unless they find a way around it. Most don’t find a way out of their situation
In NZ, adverse events to all medical devices are never investigated. Only a pathologist is trained to diagnose cause. Not drs or other specialists. They just treat symptoms
The country is overrun with suffering from medical devices. It’s not just vaccines. I do wonder if that’s why nz gets cheap pharmaceuticals. Maybe they get them cheap in exchange for never investigating adverse events. The whole nz medical system appears designed to hide pharmaceutical harm. It’s no wonder we have such high rates of mental illness diagnoses as that’s where the victims are usually hidden only to be gaslighted the rest of their lives into thinking the medical device causing their issues is safe and effective. Quite dystopian when you think about it
We have X, Y and Z. X being the number of people exposed in various ways to mRNA poisons. Y is the actual mRNA poisons in various forms and Z is the outcome. X is relatively known. Y is still anybody's guess as to exactness. And Z is unknowable because we cannot discover the effects of mRNA injections for every person who partakes of this dastardly concoction. This is an ongoing exercise that has no boundaries thus far.
We will never discover the exact ingredients of all mRNA injections nor will we be presented with the purpose of mRNA injections. All we have is hit or miss data or bits and pieces and partial data that returns conclusions which are somewhat accurate and sometimes not even close.
In my estimation, they, the elites, power mongers and anti-humans, want most (90%) of the world's population dead and gone. Being anti-drugs, anti-germ theory and anti-vax, the only conclusion I see for the use of all mRNA injections is to cause great injury, therefore creating the need for more medical care, and death, or murder as it should be termed.