Nothing To See Here: The US Congress Introduced the ‘Disease X Act’ in June of 2023
"You better believe this is PRE-PLANNED, and they are working on bringing this SICK plan to fruition. "
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WHY was the US Congress involved in creating a bill called the “Disease X Act” back in June of 2023??
That slipped totally UNDER THE RADAR.
Disease X is the mystery contagion that the World Economic Forum is having a meeting about on January 17th, 2024 that they say “could have 20 times more fatalities than COVID”
The origins of Disease X go ALL the way back to 2018, in an article from the WEF.
You better believe this is PRE-PLANNED, and they are working on bringing this SICK plan to fruition.
“Disease X’ could cause the next pandemic, according to the WHO—or Ebola, SARS, or Nipah.”
Is this SMOKING GUN PROOF of NEFARIOUS Government COLLUSION with the WEF and the WHO?
It’s up to YOU to BELIEVE IT, and PREPARE FOR IT."
See these links for sources:
H.R.3832 - Disease X Act of 2023
The World Health Organisation is worried about Disease X and you should be too
Cosponsored by Dan Crenshaw, Mike Burgess, and Susie Lee, who want BARDA to develop some more “medical countermeasures,” which is code for bioweapons. - zeeemedia
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If anyone wants to know why 'X' is popping up everywhere, this video is for you: Symbols Rule This World Part 1 - Mike Hoggard: Sons of God & the Daughters of Man: [100mins]
There are few better ways to spend two hours than watching ^ that. It will change your world view.
They really do want us all dead.