Meanwhile in the UK: More Deaths Yet This Vaccine Catastrophe Is Airbrushed out of the Election
MHRA Yellow Card reporting summary up to May 20th, 2024
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By Kathy Gyngell June 21, 2024
I apologise to readers for being late with our analysis of the latest MHRA Yellow Card summary report up to May 20, 2024. It has been sitting in my in-box for a week. Please blame Rishi Sunak for calling an election. Blame all parties for the silence about the vaccine catastrophe that should have been front and centre of their debates.
The latest news is not good. We found 19 more fatal reports in the three weeks and five days since the last publication and an increase of 384 adverse events overall in the same time frame. Of the deaths four are attributed to Pfizer/mono, two to Pfizer/bivalent, an astonishing 12 to AstraZeneca (which we were under the impression had been withdrawn from use) one to Moderna/mono and one to Moderna/bivalent, but one was removed by the MHRA though we don’t know from which category.
Where were the reports of these nameless people’s deaths in the papers? Nowhere. It is beyond shocking that the MSM neither report them or attempt to investigate them.
The MHRA-published information continues to be inadequate and disturbing. An ongoing concern is with their lack of transparency. One example is that they release no ‘mix and match administration’ – for example if someone had a primary dose of AZ, we don’t know if the adverse event report is related to AZ or subsequent other brand boosters. Is it appropriate to deduce that the last brand dose administered is the one that has caused the reported adverse event, rather than the AZ brand doses given initially? Probably not, but without proper data-gathering we cannot specify which adverse events are experienced by people who have had more than one vaccine brand. No brand-specific dose information has been available since March 2023 – how many injections of which brands have been given when viewed in relation to the adverse reactions reported?
Nor is there any transparency about co-administration (jabs being given at the same session) of covid vaccines and other vaccines such as for influenza. In the UK Health Security Agency Green Book, which gives vaccination information for health professionals, Chapter 14a (pp 37-38) encourages co-administration to reduce the risk of a patient not returning for a second appointment. We are not told whether this NHS convenience is safe for the patient.
Current over-6month old and adult Moderna (Spikevax) dose is detailed here. With regard to Spikevax XBB.1.5, although a standard, inactivated, unadjuvanted influenza vaccine can technically be given at the same time, there is no data on co-administration with adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccines. The herpes zoster vaccine given at the same time as the Spikevax, elicited more frequent systemic reactions in studies. Overall, advice is offered to inject into different arms, with no acknowledgement that this would be in the same human body, and whilst stating that co-administration of Spikevax with other vaccines has not been studied.
Meanwhile the spring 2024 booster campaign continues until the end of this month.
Tragically and disgracefully, nowhere are we seeing any discussion of what ought to be a key election debate topic – the reckless covid vaccine rollout which has led to unprecedented levels of reported adverse events and deaths and to excess deaths across the board. Is the country going to let the establishment get away with the huge lie of ‘safe and effective’ in the coming weeks? I hope not.
Our detailed breakdown follows.
MHRA Yellow Card reporting summary up to May 20, 2024
Interactive format data
Adult & Child – Primary & Boosters (mono/bivalent)
Government data (archived) up to September 2022 showed 53.8million people had received a 1st dose UK-wide.
By week ending June 2 2024, 55.6 per cent (3,227,657 out of 5,806,636) of all people aged 75 years and over living in England had received a vaccine dose in the spring 2024 campaign.
Total Yellow Card adverse event reports – 178,565 (Pfizer-mono) + 6,227 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 249,496 (AZ) + 43,306 (Moderna-mono) + 5,802 (Moderna-bivalent) + 193 (Novavax) + 3,045 (Unknown brand) = 486,634 people impacted (increase of 384 reports in just under four weeks)
Reports classified as SERIOUS* by MHRA = 74.5 per cent of all reports
126,535 (Pfizer-mono) + 4,820 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 193,388 (AZ) + 31,339 (Moderna-mono) + 4,262 (Moderna-bivalent) + 125 (Novavax) + 2,193 (Unknown) = 362,662
More than 46,915 of the above serious reports are of ‘Unknown Age’ = 12.9 per cent of all serious reports .
Overall 1 in 111 people injected experiences a Yellow Card adverse event (assuming one person submits only one report)
1 in 148 people injected experiences an adverse event classified as SERIOUS*
Reports classified as Non-SERIOUS by MHRA = 25.0 per cent
51,110 (Pfizer-mono) + 1,339 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 54,640 (AZ) + 11,865 (Moderna-mono) + 1,485 (Moderna-bivalent) + 68 (Novavax) + 758 (Unknown) = 121,265
Total Reactions – 516,187 (Pfizer-mono) + 16,851 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 885,374 (AZ) + 142,342 (Moderna-mono) + 15,927 (Moderna-bivalent) + 527 (Novavax) + 9,208 (Unknown) = 1,586,411
Note: Some people may have reported more than one type of reaction per report.
1 in 180 reports are associated with a fatality, which may be less than 10 per cent of actual figures, according to MHRA.
Total fatal reports – 920 (Pfizer-mono) + 68 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 1,468 (AZ) + 102 (Moderna-mono) + 55 (Moderna-bivalent) + 94 (Unknown) = 2,707 = 0.5 per cent of all reports (increase of 19 reports with fatal outcome in just under four weeks)
451 of the above fatalities are of ‘Unknown Age’ = 16.7 per cent of all fatalities, and at least 184 are of ‘Unknown Sex’ = 6.8 per cent of all fatalities.
* MHRA definition of ‘serious’ – patient died, life threatening, hospitalisation, congenital abnormality, persistent or significant disability or capacity, deemed medically significant by MHRA medical dictionary or reporter.
Full reports are here.
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These quackcines have no upside whatever. Just a billion dollar fraud. Make that a few hundred billion dollars that governments around the world have spent on these jabs. What a racket medicine is.
yep and im not at all surprised and as bad as that is and it is there something far more sinister on the horizon namely the pandemic treaty which far from being dead in the water as so many wrongly assume in fact its going to be back much sooner than you think yep you can quote me