HORRIFYING: AEROSOLISED mRNA 'Vaccines' Will Radicalize the Way People Are Vaccinated in the Near Future
Researchers Create Aerosolized COVID Vaccine. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
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The Satanic elites are in a hurry to meet their depopulation goals.
Get ready to be “AEROSOLISED” with mRNA Nanoparticle Biopwepons without your consent or awareness…
The National Post reports:
Yale University researchers have created a new airborne method of delivery for mRNA vaccines which they believe will radicalize the way people are vaccinated in the near future. Their findings are detailed in a report published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. “In the new report, there is no intramuscular injection,” said Professor Mark Saltzman.
The news comes at a time when COVID is back in the headlines, with unearthed documents revealing the Department of Defense has spent millions of dollars on new COVID equipment contracts that due to begin in September and October 2023.
The issue also raises questions aerosolized vaccines being deployed without people’s consent or awareness. Biotechnologists have argued for years in respectable academic publications that “compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert”.
As reported by the National Pulse, mRNA vaccines have been used on pig herds in the US since at least 2018, with only farmers and vaccine manufacturers generally aware of it.
The Missouri state senate took up legislation to ensure clear labelling of products containing “gene therapy” technology this year, receiving ferocious attacks from “Big Agriculture” and its representatives in the chamber. The bill was defeated.
All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation
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It’s inevitable. Without destroying the evil by force, we will be destroyed by them.
If you can get jabbed this way, what about people who are already 4 and 5 times jabbed, won't they OD from so much more of that crap, but I guess that's the point . Stay loaded up with all your vitamins and Ivermectin. I take 11 vitamins a day plus Spike Support from The Wellness Company, Im not jabbed and Im not suicidal.