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Aug 28, 2023
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The trump thingy is super strange, back at twitter, and at the same time elon said freedom of speech but not reach. Something is rotting here at twitty . Why give trump reach now, what happened between now and 3 years that he was banned from twittie? Is this another side show? We have so many of those?

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I believe Elon offered Trump his account back right after the purchase of Twitter. Trump didn't do anything with it until the mugshot. Those intervening months are on Trump.

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already happening via shedding

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It’s inevitable. Without destroying the evil by force, we will be destroyed by them.

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Why turn the world upside down to vaccinate everyone then? Wouldn’t they just do it and not tell us?

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No, they are honourable people

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If they don't tell us, there will be zero kicks they get out of it, they enjoy watching us scatter like beheaded chickens and to keep us compliant through fear, because they know and need us to stockholm fear. But luckily many of us just laugh at their shenanigans. When i look at a gp, a compromised one, i just chuckle and say there goes another one.. because most are. The ones that are not stand out like monsters. I am my own dr. Thank you

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Absolutely agree with that. That may be the very reason. ! Sick!

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They have to tell us so that according to their religion if they tell us they’re free from karmic consequences

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They need the injections to install the self-assembling nanobots that create the internal fibre network necessary to run the human 2.0 operating system. Thank Bill for the upgrade.

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If you can get jabbed this way, what about people who are already 4 and 5 times jabbed, won't they OD from so much more of that crap, but I guess that's the point . Stay loaded up with all your vitamins and Ivermectin. I take 11 vitamins a day plus Spike Support from The Wellness Company, Im not jabbed and Im not suicidal.

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I do NOT consent.


I am non-violent, and law abiding. But you Mengeles and Shiro Ishiis will end up, when all is done, like Dr. Karl Brandt and his fellow Nazi doctors, and well you should, tried for crimes against humanity

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What do think Chemtrails do?

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Aug 28, 2023
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No more than crying in vaccine injury pain … but

Probably very helpful at passing onto those less that magic distance of 6 feet…

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The evil canal has certain rules. Universal rules. They must tell us what they are going to do before they carry it out. I heard this from a previous Wiccan member. And then if we don’t stop them, shame on us! Be ready. Resist refuse DO NOT COMPLY

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Aug 28, 2023
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Yes. We have no idea what that entails. It is our very life. We must be willing. My brother insists that we Christian’s now will be gone that it is the Christians that are holding them back. When we are raptured. THEY WILL GO NITS!! (Ha ha. The rest of the way). Lol

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Do you know what “Removed (Banned) - comment removed” originally said that you replied to? I received a reply from the same individual that was removed but I couldn’t view it since it was gone by the time I finally got to it.

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But isn't that nonsensical? They claim they tell us; but they do it in ways in which few, if any, of us actually understand; So it is fraud/deception, rather than informed consent. In what sort of Universal Rules, in what sort of universe, can fraud/deception possibly make sense or be justifiable on any level?

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MRNA delivery required extreme cold temps and storage. How does this even work?

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Yes what happened to that? In our country NZ it was a thing, until all of a sudden, it wasn't. Happened in July 2021. Never heard ac thing about the cold

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...storage after that

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For all those pork producers putting the MRNA in these hogs without peoples knowledge. We quit buying it and have farmers who have stated that they refuse to inject their hogs and other livestock. That’s who gets our business. I don’t ever eat pork from the large producers period! I’ve told my family, but if I learn they are still buying this crap, then I will not eat it! I don’t need it!

As for the MRNA aerosols that we won’t have given permission to spray and contaminate us. In IMO, this is a direct assault on us. It is worse than someone hitting you and at least being able to defend yourself. Period!!! I can only say if I go to a doctors office or somewhere else where they attempt to assault me with this, then it will get very interesting. Don’t believe a word from the Obiden/Obama clan that these will be safe. That’s complete BS. Their only goal is to intentionally cause us bodily harm and death. I’ll question our doctors and see what they say. Here we go again only worse.

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Aug 28, 2023
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Yes John. It's a spiritual war

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Thank you for your research & alerts...We the people are blessed to have you sharing.

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What about those human rights the United Nation speaks of?

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The UN doesn’t believe we are human. To them we’re just a bunch of useless eaters.

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The keyword in the phrase "Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert" is not covert it is moral. This is the goal, and perhaps the "mark" - the "moral betterment" of humanity: "moral bioenhancement focuses on the desirability of using biomedical as opposed to traditional means to achieve moral betterment" (https://bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6939-15-67). Will this be imposed without consent (the meaning of covert) or would this negate the definition of worship requiring will and deception requiring misdirection. Imagine the compulsive force of mass moral gasslighting of anyone refusing a spray, a breath, that makes you moral, makes you Holy. Is this not the essential deceit of religious acquisition (the very first lie). But if it were propogated covertly and became the mechanism for control, what if anything would be the inoculation (or vaccination)? There would be nothing, save one: the alternative saving "mark", the seal, the only mediator of true Holiness. He has an ear..

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Maybe we line these scientist all up and give them their own medicine starting with making their God gene that is missing. Or maybe lobotomize them.. to useless eaters

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It’s probably just rat poison ☠️

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Remember that study from the beginning of the year that Fauci coauthored where he admits the jabs for respiratory viruses like flu/cv don't work. It said they want to attack mucous membranes to "protect" us since internal immune system jabs are known to be so ineffective (Yet they still push them?!?! )

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, Anthony S. Fauci

Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023


And it's not like experimental nasal spray "vaccines" will be safe or effective, either. They'll attack the protection that beneficial mucosal microbiome provides and leave that which is 70% of our natural immune system vulnerable to all of the microbial pathogens swimming in the ocean of air we breathe. Much like how hand sanitizer is indiscriminate killers of our natural hand microbiome that protects us.

The aerosolized delivery format is also very helpful for the progression to "Come step into zee vaccine inhaaler vroom, no injection needed! Just stand under zis showver nozzle and breathe in deeply ven you zee da gas come out. Do you haf any gold tooth fillings?"

They truly do want to kill us, about 7.5 billion of all humans on earth. When do we begin to take their internal communications with one another that we learn of seriously, and not just wishfully think it's hyperbole?

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This Fauci? Fauci declares lockdowns were 'absolutely justified' and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations


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Same guy! Imagine that?

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Yep, it's why the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed (by DEW IMO) so no one could point to them as an actual plan...

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there is clear video from multiple angles of the people arriving on the property about a minute before the (very conventional) explosion, there was none of the dustification that has been seen with some of the other more plausible targets, and then from allllll the articles that were written by news outlets and private citizens trying to uncover the identity of the guidestones primary benefactor, to being recorded by what amounts to probably thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video footage taken by private citizens, the message that was inscribed on the guidestones has 110% most definitely been recorded and archived for posterity.

so yeah, no.

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