FDA Director: It Is 'Unknown' How the COVID Vaccines are Affecting T-Cell Memory
"I don't even think we know whether the T-Cell response is a CD4 T-cell response, a CD8 response...I'm just saying there's a lot that's unknown."
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The world's criminal governments KNOWINGLY used their citizens as LAB RATS for Big Pharma’s Bioweapon trial under criminal mandates. We are the “Virus” they are trying to illuminate.
Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test
National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 and the Global Depopulation Agenda
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...yet you "approved" of the jabs anyway and keep pushing them. What an atrocity.
Yes we are the mice and monkeys in their trial. If they cared or was a huge mistake , it would have stopped immediately but they still are jabbing pregnant women and babies and children. They don’t care who they maimed and killed , it’s all about the cull. ( money 💰 too).