Dr. Yeadon Comments on "Taking Away Your Chickens" by Dr. Sam Bailey
"I strongly urge everyone has a listen to this short video from Dr Sam Bailey."
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By Dr. Mike Yeadon March 7, 2025
I strongly urge everyone has a listen to this short video from Dr Sam Bailey.
Please remain aware at all times what the scientific method is and isn’t capable of. Specifically, it isn’t possible to prove that something doesn’t exist. All one can do is examine the claimed evidence for the existence of something. If that evidence does not support the claim, it is said that there’s no scientific evidence for the existence of that entity.
This is where we are with “bird flu”, aka “avian influenza” or “H5N1”.
No evidence exists for such a pathogen or such an illness. No evidence exists for transmission of respiratory illnesses between birds or from birds to any other species, including to humans.
Like “mad cow disease”, “swine flu” and “covid19”, “bird flu” is completely fictional.
Obviously these narratives are designed for at least three purposes, deduced from what happens when these lies are repeated ad nauseam:
1. Promotes fear, and fear is a potent inhibitor of thinking.
2. Reduce the food supply & drive farmers out of business. It doesn’t bear thinking about, how far this could be taken, but unfortunately, evil people in the past have often destroyed their enemies by starving them.
3. Entrain behaviours of citizens, so that they can be manipulated further. For example, requiring masking (no benefits whatsoever, they cannot even theoretically protect the user or those around them from alleged pathogenic microorganisms, for they are not filters of inhaled or exhaled air. They’re used by surgeons as splash guards to prevent ingress of blood, pus, bone fragments etc). Also to impose absurd lockdowns and other restrictions to mobility. To impose testing or certification requirements. To coerce injections or other purported treatments.
We cannot persuade the world that these are all lies, but you can know it yourselves, which arms you to drop hints or ask questions.
As things get more crazy, people will go in one of two ways. They go right along with it all and get aggressive to anyone trying to save them from their fear-provoked folly.
Or they reach a break point and stop, then open to new understanding of what they can see is utter madness. The cognitive dissonance is unbearable until they get an alternative explanation for what is happening.
Best wishes,
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Why don't they "lock the birds down for three weeks to slow the curve?"
100%. "Like “mad cow disease”, “swine flu” and “covid19”, “bird flu” is completely fictional."
Definitely. Even 'normal flu' - what is that? Why does the 'normal flu virus' hide until November? Where does it come from?
Excellent point about 'the scientific method'. The onus is on 'The Science' to prove 'viruses' exist and to prove transmission. The same is true with other science fictions like Relativity. 'They' must provide the proof to be assessed, analysed. It is not the other way around. You can't ask the 'critic' to 'disprove' a 'virus'. The critic rightly will ask first for the proof, and then assess that proof for validity. 'Science' is completely upside down.
From 1796 and confirmed in 1887 (Michelson-Morley), 'The Science' has decided that models, maths, propaganda and lies were good enough. Money, power, awards etc.