Darkfield Microscope Findings Of The Nanotechnology In The Covid Jab Is So Technologically Sophisticated, So Indescribably Complex, And So Utterly Evil That It Beggars Believability
Was the 1966 Movie, Fantastic Voyage, a Prescient Warning to Humanity?
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By Kathleen Gotto - All News Pipeline
Was the 1966 Movie, Fantastic Voyage, a Prescient Warning to Humanity?
In a recent interview on SGTreport.com, Dr. Ana Mihalcea was asked about her findings of nanotechnology under darkfield microscopy, using several different levels of magnification. She didn’t just explain what she saw, she showed videos she took of nanorobots moving around and assembling structures. (Video interview embedded at the end of this article)
Unlike the 1966 movie, Fantastic Voyage, which had a beneficial mission to save a man by entering his bloodstream in a micro-sized submarine and performing life-saving actions, today’s COVID-19 bioweapon injection into the bloodstream has no beneficial function. The proof of that lies in the documented records of millions of deaths and injuries of those who took the COVID-19 shot, as well as untold more people now suffering from post-jab turbo cancers and other debilitating and life-changing side effects.
An interesting visual from the Fantastic Voyage movie trailer shows bubble-like formations in the blood, similar to what Dr. Mihalcea and other scientists have videotaped in the blood of the jabbed and even the transfected, unjabbed. (Could there possibly be a connection to that 1966 movie and today’s invasion of the blood or is that just a strange coincidence?)
The nanotechnology Dr. Mihalcea highlights in her referenced videos is so technologically sophisticated, so indescribably complex, and so utterly evil that it beggars believability. However, Dr. Milhacea delivers the goods with her darkfield microscope. Seeing is believing and leaves no doubt that the nanotechnology found in the COVID-19 Pfizer and BioNTech vials (and most likely in the others), clearly shows nanorobots busily building structures in the bodies of both the injected and the transfected. The nanotech is so almost otherworldly, that it can easily transfer from the COVID-19 “vaccinated” to the unvaccinated without any physical contact.
Dr. Milhacea stated that within the past several months, 100 percent of her unvaccinated patients presented with nanotechnology in their blood samples. It is harder to believe the COVID-19 hoax was not a coordinated democide operation, writ large, against countless millions of unsuspecting people in all nations, than to believe that that is exactly what it is.
Unfortunately, too many people remain unconvinced of the level of depravity that was foisted upon the world in December 2019. The indescribably evil of this mass culling of humanity, this global depopulation operation, has demonic roots. This spiritual aspect has been written about many times by many people (including this author) so it will not be addressed in depth here.
The purpose here is to highlight the findings from Dr. Mihalcea’s investigations and experiments on the COVID-19 Pfizer and BioNTech vials, and her treatment of the infected blood with nicotine solution, EDTA, and liposomal Vitamin C. The impact of EDTA and Vitamin C was incredible. The apparent synergistic effect of these two substances on the nanorobots’ work was instantaneous, and shut their construction sites down immediately. Wow! Nicotine did not have quite the same effect on the nanorobots, but Dr.Mihalcea insisted it still did have a role to play in halting the programmed work of the COVID-19 nanotechnology in the blood.
Scientific inquiry and research are revealing substantial results with both lightfield and darkfield microscopy clearly showing what is going on with contaminated COVID-19 blood. As Dr. Mihalcea clearly showed in her videos, the wire-looking objects, squares, circles, 3-D cubes, et al, appear to be constructing some sort of operating system. Were these involved in those white, rubbery clots pulled out of cadavers? Those clots were not of the bodies, but pulled out from the bodies. Like parasites, did they grow too quickly and too big and thus overcame the body’s defenses and killed its host?
There are so many questions needing answers. We now know with certainty that the COVID-19 jab delivers a foreign and nefarious invasion of multi-faceted nanotechnology into the blood. Were those white cadaver clots a Beta test to see how well the nanotech was working? Are the beasts behind this coup of the human body perfecting their possession of man’s body and soul? Looking at Dr. Mihalcea’s many videos is like looking at an alien invasion inside the body. Well, if that isn’t what it is, a term has yet to be invented for it.
We need to publicly and vociferously ask questions on this kill operation and demand answers. Is all humanity under assault for a diabolical mission intent on enslaving mankind? Why else would deadly, programmable nanotechnology be injected into humans if not to use people for the benefit of evil and demonically-inspired anti-humans?
Where did this sophisticated technology come from? DARPA? Evil scientists? Alien entities? Wherever the technology originated, it needed anti-human, Luciferian, 666-inspired individuals willing and able to foist this Machiavellian scheme onto the world. This is war. Thank God, it is ultimately His war! Our part is to resist.
But there is at least some good news from the war front. Dr. Mihalcea had discussed her use of EDTA and Vitamin C on her patients many times in the past, but her recent microscopy work using these two substances unmistakenly shows their impact on the movement and construction work of the nanorobots in the blood. This scenario is so sci-fi, yet here it is and it needs to be dealt a death blow before it goes any further. Hopefully, the EDTA and Vitamin C combo will be just the first of many other treatments that even now may be experimented with in the lab of courageous and determined scientists who, come hell or high water, will not stand idly by while humanity is being wiped out.
But apparently we have attorneys, judges, and law enforcers who do not care if humanity survives or not. When will First-Degree Murder and RICO charges be brought and successfully litigated against all those behind this kill operation? Lawsuits seeking a halt against the COVID-19 mandates have been summarily dismissed, thus chilling further lawsuits. Where are the true, brave and honest judges in this land who have not abrogated their duty to adjudicate?
In the face of the continual stonewalling of magistrates on all levels, we thank God for the work that Dr. Mihalcea has done and continues to do. There are other scientists and medical experts who have picked up the gauntlet against this global kill operation. One such research scientist is Dr. Jane Ruby. She, too, has highlighted nanorobots in the blood, as well as now the dangers of ACAM2000, the monkeypox murder shot masquerading as, once again, a vaccine . . . but one that FDA admits can kill you. Why would that be? Because it contains live smallpox. Let that sink in! And why was smallpox chosen? Take a look. Makes a horrendous statement doesn’t it?
So, apparently the COVID-19 illness and the “vaccine” were not sufficient to cull the herd down to a manageable level, so the dark forces (globalists, Luciferians, eugenicists, wanna-be gods) are now trying to scare the public into getting a monkeypox shot. If there are still people woefully and willfully ignorant of this global democide effort after more than four years, probably no warning would be sufficient to open their eyes. Perhaps smallpox pustules popping out all over their body would do it!
--Kathleen Gotto
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I have done dark field microscopy. I actually restored an old German dark field microscope for research at UNR. ‘Dark field’ versus ‘bright field’: in the first, no direct light enters the microscope, the illumination is performed by shining a light cone onto the center of the microscope slide so no direct light enters the optics, only scattered light from objects like red blood cells will be seen. The object has to have a different index of refraction than the water to show up under the microscope.
Now what is seen in these videos are tiny crystalline particles that light up when they scatter the light into the objective of the microscope. These small particles are in constant motion due to so-called ‘Brownian motion’ this is the thermal random vibration of the particles in the liquid. Nothing unusual here, it just tells us that there are a bunch of tiny crystalline particles in these so-called ‘vaccines’ and these should NOT be in there!
I guess that these particles, given enough time, agglomerate into larger crystals, again this should NOT be in these so-called ’vaccines’.
In no way these crystals resemble ‘nano bots’ or ‘micro chips’ and there is no way that these crystals can transmit a code. This really is pure fantasy. I have done electronics since my high school years and I develop microprocessor circuits and do a lot of programming.
I also have a Ph.D. In physics. So I can tell you that throwing a bunch of tiny crystals together and think that these would assemble into something like a microchip is ludicrous. A microchip alone is nothing. You need an underlying design, a data bus, memory, processor, power source, a way to transmit radio signals and last not least a program that runs all of this.
But these ‘vaccines’ are very dangerous, I didn’t get the shot. The elder sister of my wife died one week after getting the shot. A former student, 25 years old, died after getting his last booster. He developed heart palpitations and collapsed dead on an escalator at the Las Vegas airport, on his way to a job interview. That was one week before his appointment with a cardiologist. So sad. Another friend of mine developed breast cancer, her oncologist: “We see an increase in cancer all over the country!”
Well there is evidence that they can predict the future. I wonder if anybody’s ever noticed there’s only one way we get out of this apocalyptic prison planet . There’s only one book where we win just saying!