Breaking: German Parliament Vice President Calls For Investigation into Covid 'Vaccine' Deaths and Damages
Wolfgang Kubicki is calling for an autopsy for those who died shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine.
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By Amy Mek December 19, 2022
A Chief pathologist and his team discovered that in 30 percent of the people they examined who died shortly after the Covid vaccination, the vaccination was the cause of death.
The Bundestag [German federal parliament] Vice President, Wolfgang Kubicki, is calling for an autopsy for those who died shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. Kubicki thinks it is essential that every unexplained death that occurs within 14 days after a Covid vaccination is automatically registered as a suspected case with the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). The Free Democratic Party (FDP) politician says investigating a “link between vaccination, myocarditis, and death is imperative.”
In doing so, Kubicki referred to a recently published study by Peter Schirmacher, the chief pathologist at the Heidelberg University Clinic. Schirmacher and his team discovered that in 30 percent of the people they examined who died shortly after the Covid vaccination, that vaccination was the cause of death.
“We are talking about a relevant number that makes it necessary to approach this problem systematically,” said Kubicki. According to the FDP politician, the health authorities should “regularly” carry out autopsies on all people who died within two weeks of the vaccination: “That also makes sense because the conditional approval of these vaccines took place under enormous time pressure.”
Tino Sorge (CDU), the health policy spokesman for the Union faction in the Bundestag, believes that “Two years after the first covid vaccination, it is high time for a more open approach to vaccination side effects and vaccination damage.” Schirmacher’s study is also worrying, explains Sorge, “because it shows how little we know about the risks of the vaccines even after two years.”
According to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) politician, research and data collection must now be pushed ahead at full speed: there is still a lack of reliable and meaningful data. The findings are of the utmost importance for the benefit-risk assessment. To this end, the PEI should be strengthened, data better used, and reporting procedures considerably simplified.
German new agency, WELT, published an interview with the pathologize Schirmacher on Monday. He called for more research to be carried out on the subject of vaccine damage. “There are important unanswered questions that should be clarified either through comprehensive registration of all undesirable effects or as part of further research in the sense of vaccination improvement, vaccination indication, and civil protection,” says Schirmacher: “Are there any genetic factors or certain previous illnesses – for example Autoimmune diseases – that predispose to severe vaccination consequences? Vaccination consequences are vaccine-dependent – but which characteristics and components of the vaccine determine this? Do certain types of applications play a role?”
The German news agency BILD discussed politicians’ recent demands for investigations into the Covid vaccines and the harm they could be causing. See the video exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:
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the video was extraordinary! when the one guy says "well, we all took it at our own risk." huh? i don't think so. people were mocked, threatened. their doctors divorced them, their families disowned them. i lost my job of 40 years.
no one was told of any risks- sore arm, that was about all. those of us who knew that was bullshit, we took the risks of losing life long friends, of watching civil society collapse around us and wondering if we were going to be hauled off to camps and stripped of our rights as citizens.
what if the vaccines had worked and were safe? i still wouldn't have taken it but that's besides the points. inalienable rights are just that- you don't get to take them away if the vaccine works anymore than you have to apologize for taking them away because the vaccine didn't work.
what will happen if they get lucky next time and make a vaccine that IS safe and effective. will my job (assuming i have one) be threatened if i don't comply?
Are the Germans waking up? When do the other civilized countries follow suit?