Another Scam Exposed: American Chicken Farmer Says Birds Are NOT Dying From “Bird Flu”
Just like with Covid, they’re counting all deaths as bird flu
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Just like with Covid, they’re counting all deaths as bird flu, “Every time a bird dies, they say bird flu. I'm telling you, they're bullshitting you.”
“I'm a chicken farmer and they are bullshitting you about the reasons why your eggs are so expensive.”
“They say the same shit every year. I know it 'cause I'm a chicken farmer. I see the same alerts. When you look at these large facilities, a lot of these birds aren't dying of bird flu. They are dying of neglect.”
“They don't give the vegan vitamins, oregano, all the supplements they are supposed to be getting in these mega facilities and these birds are dying of disease and neglect and every time and every time a bird dies, they say bird flu.
I'm telling you, they're bullshitting you.”
The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time.
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Bird Flu ‘Virus’ ‘Isolation’: A Scientific Wild Goose Chase?
Ah, the majestic art of ‘isolating’ bird flu ‘virus’ – where proving a virus exists is as simple as throwing a cocktail of snot, antibiotics, and monkey kidney cells into a dish and calling whatever happens next ‘science.’
First, take a sample from a sick bird. Skip the pesky step of finding an intact virus – who has time for that? Instead, blend the sample with a soup of foreign genetic material, inject it into fertilized eggs, and let nature take its twisted course. If the chick embryos shrivel up and die, congratulations! You’ve definitively proven the presence of a virus. It couldn’t possibly be the antibiotics, the toxic brews used in the process, or the sheer trauma of being injected with mystery sludge. Nope – must be the virus!
Controls? Never heard of them. No need to inject a separate batch with sterilized material to see if the same carnage occurs. That would be bad for business. And purification? Pfft! Why purify when you can just assume? Just claim that whatever cellular debris, genetic fragments, and cellular breakdown products appear in the dish must be ‘H5N1’ – even if you never actually see an intact virus, let alone isolate one.
And let’s not forget PCR – the modern oracle of ‘disease detection.’ Amplify tiny genetic fragments (not a whole virus, mind you) to absurd levels, and voilà! You have a ‘confirmed case.’ Never mind that PCR was never designed to diagnose ‘infection’ – details like that only get in the way of a good pandemic narrative.
So, there you have it – bird flu ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ in all its glory. No actual virus, no proper controls, no purification, but plenty of scary headlines and lucrative vaccines. If ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ were a magic show, this would be sawing the lady in half – except the lady was never there, the saw was imaginary, and the audience is still gasping in horror.
Thanks Lioness for sharing the truth .