A War Against Humanity: "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" – FEDERALLY FUNDED FRAUD
Scientific fraud was used to FLIP reality in order to push government mandates & restrictions.
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Scientific fraud was used to FLIP reality in order to push government mandates & restrictions.
When shown irrefutable proof, the Establishment doubled down on the LIES, laying the foundation for future abuses.
This short video montage lays it all out.
Here's a link to the book “Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science”:
[CA] https://amazon.ca/dp/1988363241
[USA] https://amazon.com/dp/1988363241
Politicians and their selected “experts” continue to double down on the LIE that the unvaccinated pose a great risk to others
What's next? Concentration camps and gas chambers?
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So the un jabbed are the reasons for sudden deaths, excess deaths, strokes and heart attacks! Makes perfect sense! Lol🤪
In logic, if the UNVACCINATED are a threat to the Vaccinated, then the "vaccine" doesn't work.