The United ( Fascist)Soviet Socialist Republic of Canuckistan also produced the Truckers’ Protest.

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Pandemic of the healthy! Lol!

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Trudeau is a psychopath

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Oh yeah.

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So the un jabbed are the reasons for sudden deaths, excess deaths, strokes and heart attacks! Makes perfect sense! Lol🤪

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"The people is always worth more than individuals...The people is sublime, but individuals are weak"


Or expendable as noted by Jonah Goldberg on Jacobin Facism

Macron, another WEF global misleader for example, was willing to destroy the individual in favor of totalitarianism during Covid, during Ukraine, during immigration, during upcoming collapse.

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Without the individual the people are nothing but Wildebeest to be plundered and raped, but they will never realise how the benefits cascade down to them and will always envy. The likes of Macron always use and abuse the 'people' to fill their pockets. by selling them lies and working on the people's weakness. Will the people ever learn?... No!

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The un-jabbed are going to have to be rounded up and held in camps, 90% or which have been constructed in every state and colony.

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Are you un-jabbed? For your comment is unclear.

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Oh yes, I haven't even has my mandated tetanus shot.

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Globalists love their states of perpetual energencies. Demand all be revoked. Legislators nd Presidents either do it or don't. If they don't, eliminate their political existence by running those that will.

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biologyphenom.substack.com has statements and videos from the Scottish Covid 19 Inquiry. A must view with testimonials from care home staff, relatives, doctors, etc. Not a mention on mainstream media.

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beware the pandemic treaty is going to be back much sooner than you think

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& to point out another federally funded fraud

there were NO airliners used in the 9/11/2001 false flag fiasco.

Think about it . . They LIED, and its the essence of the BIG LIE,

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I knew the DC and PA flights were missiles but how did they pull off the Twin Towers head fake?

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One can KNOW what was NOT done without any obligation to explain what was done, fact is that airliner crashes as alleged to have happened would not ( could not ) have resulted in total penetration by the airliner, that is the plane would bust up big time & while still outside of the building leaving mass quantities of plane wreckage outside of the building.

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In logic, if the UNVACCINATED are a threat to the Vaccinated, then the "vaccine" doesn't work.

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People take Advil so other random people don’t get headaches! Sheep logic!!

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We know this. The next step is to never accept any of this nonsense again.

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"Scientific fraud was used to FLIP reality in order to push government mandates & restrictions."

OK, but let's look at it a different way. The science of deception was used to present an inverted "reality" that would justify government mandates & restrictions.

This is not so much scientific fraud as it is an application of science, the science behind propaganda, psychological operations, and gaslighting in general. I would go further and say that _science_ is a fraud, one that stretches back to Genesis 3:4-5, "you will be like God, knowing good and evil".

'Science' is 'knowledge'. "From Anglo-Norman, Old French _science_, from Latin _scientia_ (“knowledge”), from _sciens_, the present participle stem of _scire_ ('know')". (Etymology taken from _English Dictionary - Offline_.) This knowledge includes the "knowing" of Gen. 3:5. Science is and has been promoted as truth, but it is not what it is made to appear to be, and its history is that it has been used to promote lies, lies about who we are, how we came to be, and how we should conduct our lives.

That first lie came from the "father of lies". That entity rules this world, for the time being, and is lord over the partially visible and largely concealed network of human rulers and industry leaders. What this story (the subject of the present article) describes is exactly what you should expect from such leadership, and decrying and railing against it will not solve the problem. Have you noticed how no matter the amount of human effort directed against it, it only gets worse?

This is a problem only God can solve, and we are a part of the problem, along with our "science" and the destructive technology that it empowers. Those who continue in this way and do not turn (repent) are choosing death. Don't be fooled by all the distractions and deceptions. Discern what really is happening. Ask God for the means to do that.

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“federally funded fraud” 🎯💯🏆🏌️‍♂️👏🫳🎤

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Want everyone jabbed so they can lock all human beings into the cloud! Locked into those towers on every corner! Has nothing to do with health! It’s about tracking everything on the planet! As per UN orders every resource has to be tagged and traced! Humans are nothing but a disposable resource!

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Barcode every vegetable, fruit, fake meat, plants, humans, pets, animals, etc! No shit!

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Governments have been captured. Utterly, totally, and completely. All of them. Everywhere. At every layer: supranational (EU), federal, state (or province), and local. Even the librarians. All pushed the Covid narrative 120%.

Welcome to Planet Covid.

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