Dr. Yeadon: "Please Don’t Allow Your Children to Be Injected With Useless, Unnecessary and Potentially Harmful Substances."
"Someone recently asked me about vaccinating her child. My answer is below. Sharing in case of use to anyone else."
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By Dr. Michael Yeadon December 19, 2024
Someone recently asked me about vaccinating her child. My answer is below. Sharing in case of use to anyone else. It’s not a complete answer, but may be helpful taken with other information.
Dear xxxx,
Until 2020, like an idiot, fully programmed by propaganda, I would have unhesitatingly have recommended that children receive all recommended vaccines. I had not done my research. I trusted the government and doctors.
I spent my career in pharmaceutical R&D, though I had no connections to the vaccines division, fortunately for them as well as me.
Since 2020, I have realised that the entire field of virology is, believe it or not, fraudulent. Illnesses attributed to a wide range of scary sounding viruses are real. Measles exist. Mumps exists. Rubella exists.
Here’s the key thing, though. None of them are caused by submicroscopic, infectious particles called “viruses”. There’s no scientific evidence for their existence.
Consider this. When you have a headache, perhaps a migraine, do you ask yourself “Where did I catch this headache from?” If you’re unlucky enough to have chest pain on mild exertion, can you imagine questioning “From whom did I catch this dose of angina?”
If a family member saw you in distress, suffering a migraine or chest pain, do you think they would be fearful that they might catch a headache or angina from you?
You wouldn’t in either case, because you understand that these very real illnesses, these health conditions, are not infectious in nature.
Your family member would comfort you and not be fearful, for they understand that these real conditions are not contagious.
It follows that nobody has tried to kid you that you need an injected vaccine to protect you from migraines or angina, or to protect others from you, for the same reasons. You don’t “catch” these diseases & you cannot transmit them to others. They arise out of disordered equilibrium inside us, which mostly our bodies fix unaided.
Now to the unbelievable truth. Exactly the same things apply to measles, mumps and rubella. They’re real, but you don’t “catch” them from others. You can’t give them to others.
It follows that the very idea of a “vaccine”, a mysterious mixture of substances, injected into your child’s body, takes on a horribly malign feel to it.
If these Illnesses are not caused by <insert name of fictional virus> then how even theoretically could an injection prevent them?
The answer is that they cannot & do not protect your child from anything.
Why has this field of lies been sustained & indeed grown?
I’ve done a great deal of research and digging into the dubious history of those we're told are heroic and clever scientists. We find they’re all associated with the antecedents of the supranational elites currently running the covid19 scam, dangerous so-called vaccines and lots of other awful things (eg climate change lies, overpopulation lies).
There’s absolutely no possible benefit to be had by allowing your child to be injected with vaccines. At a low frequency, children are harmed by them. I do not assert that all alleged vaccines are designed to kill people. I do say this about the alleged covid19 injections and I’m the best qualified person speaking out to make this judgement. I think the main reason for the decades of lying & injecting people was to entrain them to do exactly what they were told in the faked pandemic (& there were probably other reasons like profiting).
You may not believe what I’ve written. That’s your choice and privilege. I’m not wrong about several, really central events of the last five years, like the uselessness of PCR based diagnostics, masking and of course the “vaccines”. If I’m wrong about certain details, the one thing I want you to decide is this. “Is Dr Mike Yeadon wrong in some detail? Or is he lying?”
My commitment to everyone is that while I may be wrong from time to time, I’m not lying. Nobody is paying me to say certain things. The above is my truthful opinion.
Please don’t allow your children to be injected with useless, unnecessary and potentially harmful substances.
There is no possible benefit to them. Finally, and perhaps rudely. Please do not allow any thoughts you might have about what other people may think about the decisions you make about your health and that of your children.
Though not a friend, the person I recommend the most for educational evidence underwriting what I’ve said is Dr Sam Bailey of New Zealand.
Best wishes,
Dr. Mike Yeadon
P.S: it is not the case that “everyone in the NHS must know all this, too”. Some do, but I think they’re the minority.
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"Potentiallyl" harmful... why sugarcoat the situation at all...
If I know this than every single person in the NHS should. It's blatantly obvious now. They’re experimenting on our pets too. Pets with cancer is not "normal". As childhood cancer is not "normal". Our bodies have been hijacked by something... not mother nature.