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Halloween - A Covenant With Death and Hell
. . . We have made a covenant with DEATH,
and with HELL are we at agreement;. . .”
Isaiah 28:15
When you hear the word "Halloween" what images appear? What "spirit" is invoked at the whisper of Halloween? Halloween openly promotes death, devils, witches, and flagrant "appearances of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22). Halloween leaves most people scratching their heads questioning, "How and where did Halloween come from"? This article unearths the hellish tomb of Halloween to exhume its sinister "covenant with death and hell."
Halloween began over 2,000 years ago among the Celts and their pagan priests called the Druids. The Druids are, without question, history’s king of the occult. Witchcraft, Satanism, paganism, and virtually all facets of the occult acquire instruction from the Druids. From the popular jack-o’-lantern, trick-or-treat, costumes, to the pranks, ghoulish ghosts, demons, goblins, and witches – Halloween owes its morbid birth to the Druids.
Halloween—the day itself is of Druidic origin. (Myers, Robert J. Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, p. 258)
The mystic rites and ceremonies with which Hallow’en was originally observed had their origin among the Druids. . . (Douglas, George William. The American Book of Days, p. 566)
The Druids celebrated two special nights of the year: Beltane and Samhain. Beltane took place on May 1 and marked the birth of summer. Samhain occurred on November 1 and signified the death of summer. Samhain, a night celebrating death and hell, was the Druid’s most important ritual. It was a terrifying night of human sacrifices. And it was the original Halloween.
The Druids believed, during Samhain, the mystic veil separating the dead from the living opened. The Druids taught these roaming spirits loosed on Samhain went searching for a body to possess. The frightened Celts would masquerade as demons, evil spirits, and ghosts, hoping to convince the roaming evil spirits, they were another evil spirit, and leave them alone. The Celts also prepared meals as "treats" to appease the evil spirits from "tricks" or malicious acts; hence our custom of "trick or treat." The Druids performed horrifying human sacrifices and other vile rituals during Samhain. Let there be no doubt—Samhain night was a terrifying "covenant with death, and with hell." And let there be no doubt – Samhain was the original Halloween night.
All histories of Halloween inevitably wind back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. . . (Skal, David J. Death Makes a Holiday: The Cultural History of Halloween, p. 20)
Halloween originated in the Samhain festival among the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland. (Encyclopedia Britannica 2005 "Halloween")
Halloween can be traced directly back to Samhain, the ancient Celtic harvest festival honoring the Lord of the Dead. (Thompson, Sue Ellen. Holiday Symbols and Customs, p. 251)
The rituals of the Druids reek from the deepest hell. Their most repulsive activities involve their human sacrifices of children on the night of Samhain or Halloween.
First-born sacrifices are mentioned in a poem in the Dindshenchas, which records that children were sacrificed each Samhain . . . (Rogers, Nicholas. Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night, p. 17)
Halloween. That was the eve of Samhain . . . firstborn children were sacrificed. . . Samhain eve was a night of dread and danger. (National Geographic. May 1977, pp. 625-626)
The Druids would drink their victim’s blood and eat their flesh.
They [Druids] sacrificed victims by shooting them with arrows, impaling them on stakes, stabbing them, slitting their throats over cauldrons (and then drinking the blood). . . (Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, p. 167)
Therefore we cannot too highly appreciate our debt to the Romans for having put an end to this monstrous cult, whereby to murder a man was an act of the greatest devoutness, and to eat his flesh most beneficial. (Pliny, Natural History, xxx, 13)
The Druids "counted it an honourable thing" to eat their father’s flesh and perform incest with their mothers and sisters.
. . . since they are man-eaters as well as heavy eaters, and since, further, they count it an honourable thing, when their fathers die, to devour them, and openly to have intercourse, not only with the other women, but also with their mothers and sisters;. . . (Strabo, Geography)
May I remind you, this is what occurred on the original Halloween night! Today, Halloween lives and breathes with the foul stench of the diabolical Druids.
The Druids also celebrated the festival of Beltane. The word Beltane (Beltaine, Beltinne, Beltain, Beiltein) literally means the "fires of Bel." Bel is the same god called Baal, found over 80 times in the King James Bible. The Lord condemns Baal worship probably more than any other false "god."
. . . then the Druids lit the Baal-Tinne, the holy, goodly fire of Baal. (Wilde, Lady Francesca Speranza. Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland)
The god whom the Druids worshipped was Baal, as the blazing Baal-fires show, and . . . children were offered in sacrifice to Baal. (Hislop, Alexander. The Two Babylons, p. 232)
Halloween: Baal Worship
The original Halloween was a hellish night of Baal worship and child sacrifice. And most of our current Halloween customs derived directly from Baal rituals!
On November first was Samhain [Halloween] . . . Fires were built as a thanksgiving to Baal. . . (Kelley, Ruth Edna, The Book of Hallowe'en, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. Boston, 1919)
The mystic rites and ceremonies with which Hallow’en was originally observed had their origin among the Druids . . . ancient Baal festivals from which many of the Hallow’en customs are derived. (Douglas, George William. The American Book of Days, p. 569)
Baal is also a synonym for the devil. (Burns, Cathy. Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 327)
Halloween glorifies death in the worship of Baal or the devil!
The Druid festival of Samhain was a celebration of death. Strutting its hellish death images of skulls, skeletons, ghosts, demons, devils, and incarnate evil – today’s Halloween glorifies Death.
David Skal titled his history of Halloween—Death Makes a Holiday: The grand marshal of the Halloween parade is, and always has been, Death. (Skal, David J. Death Makes a Holiday: The Cultural History of Halloween, p. 18)
Halloween can be traced directly back to Samhain, the ancient Celtic harvest festival honoring the Lord of the Dead. (Thompson, Sue Ellen. Holiday Symbols and Customs, p. 251)
The Devil glorifies death. Hebrews 2:14 says, ". . . that through death he [Jesus] might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;" Proverbs 8:36 says all they that hate the Lord ". . . love death." Revelation 6:8 says the rider of the antichrist’s pale horse, ". . . and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
Satanic Rituals And Blood Sacrifice
Satanic rituals may be going on in your backyard... These rituals are old and are done in numbers off the scales. What is the main goal? To summon the dark powers and bring them to this side. How they summon is of massive importance...human sacrifice. Why do they do it? Well, these bloody rituals are done for themselves and their use but the greater issue is why the DarkSide is seeking to cross over at all...
The dark powers have, are, and will come to our side in off-the-scale numbers. They really do affect lives, families, cities, and nations. They are and will be sought for their personal, military, and destructive capacities.
Why so many rituals? Will they help open the doors for the coming dark chaos and anarchy? Will politicians be influenced and even seek their dark promises? And why is there so much denial/refusal to know about this underground lethal river?
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Thanks! I had to repent for a lot of new age nonsense I was doing, a few years ago. &Life improved . Sadly in America , Wiccan bookstores seem to be on every corner ( pre lockdown anyway ). Prayers to bind all that evil going on.
Once I learned the origins of Halloween and it truly is satans holiday I never looked back. Have not celebrated this disgusting holiday for over 20 years and believe me I was big on Halloween most my life. Truth sets you free!! You don’t want to give Satan any way into your life. Most see this day as just innocent fun but it’s far from that. Continue doing what is good in Gods eyes.