Pilot Who Didn’t Know He Was Being Taped Admits To Dumping Toxic Chemicals In Chemtrails!!!
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the breaking news on the latest developments surrounding the use of chemtrails for the purposes of geoengineering.
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A pilot who didn’t know he was being recorded while being confronted about the dumping of toxic chemicals over people’s homes has not denied the accusation but instead insisted that what he was doing was not illegal and if anyone has a problem with it they can take it up with his boss.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the breaking news on the latest developments surrounding the use of chemtrails for the purposes of geoengineering.
Source: pressfortruth.ca
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Personally I do not give a dam if something is legal. IS IT MORAL AND ETHICAL is the only standard I care about and the only standard any one else should care about (IMO).
Otherwise we can all just throw in the towel and become lawyers to pursue law and law making in the pursuit of lawlessness
You can go to the most revered and respected IVY League schools to learn lawless lawyering at the highest tier level. No mystery why we have such moral vacuums.
The "is it legal" standard is one of the absolute lowest most reprehensible slimy standards one can follow.. It demonstrates that perhaps people get the government and society they deserve. It also demonstrates that in the end if a society does not have virtue and does not have virtuous people inhabiting and running it you're going to get nothing but a legally reprehensible society
Especially when you consider that so much lawmaking is done with the express intent to make the otherwise legal, immoral and harmful LEGAL. If you have a grift or a harm you've been doing or want to do but your a little uncomfortable about trusting the unwashed to keep turning their heads about it. Well then MAKE A LAW TO MAKE IT LEGAL. That's what A LOT of Senate and Congress time is spent doing. Making the morally illegal things legal, Just to cover all the bases. So go ahead Congress, do insider trading or whatever it is you do that makes all of you fabulously rich, because it is probably right there on the books AS LEGAL.
Just make sure that a private citizen doesn't do insider trading because of course it is illegal for THEM to do it. It's the Martha Stewart rule or something. (sarcasm) But it's legal for the privileged.
We have for example FASAB Statement 56 to make unethical and intentionally deceitful accounting LEGAL. Because our Senate and Congress recognizes the utility of making scumbag illegal behavior legal. Got to make sure the king criminals never see jail time. Just make sure you don't park your car in a no parking zone. They could tow your car and impound it with such harsh penalties you lose the car and go into a extended spiral of misfortune because of it but of course you deserve it because the parking in the no parking zone is illegal. THAT IS THE ATTITUDE FOR YOU AND ME but the big boys make sure they have cut outs to make THEIR infractions and abominations are legal
Right out of the gate, by what authority do government clowns think they have the right to be spraying "none of your business" (because they never tell you) in the air you breath. Bill Gates wants to spray enough none of your business to change the climate and apparently feels entitled to do it. Their assumption is they have the right and it is the exact same attitude as when they inject you with clot shots and you aske what's in it they say, "none of your business, it's proprietary"
Point of the rant is, "it's legal is one of the lowest most slimy standards there is even if it used every day. And when people use that standard and actually believe it makes them righteous they unmask who they really are. "It's legal" is a lawyer's standard which is why lawfare and law in the pursuit of lawlessness is so common. And financially rewarding.
Crime against humanity is the categorization this fits and is a capital crime. (murder)