Ontario College of Physicians: Vaccine Refusers Need To Be Given Prescription Drugs or Referred to a Psychiatrist
Only the mentally ill can refuse "safe and effective" COVID Injections. The writing is on the wall
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In April 2021, I posted about Ontario family physicians being handsomely paid by the government for their COVID “vaccine” coercion.
“Doctors are offered $150 for their precious time plus $134 from OHIP for “group therapy” AKA group coercion sessions.”
What happens when the coercion efforts do not work?
The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has it covered:
“ It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. In cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy are available options.”

Only the mentally ill can refuse "safe and effective" mRNA Injections. The writing is on the wall.
Guess who will be eligible to be euthanized under the new “Doctor Assisted Death to Mentally Ill” law…
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The CPSO and CMQ (College des Médecins du Québec) are two of the worst Medical Colleges in Canada. Sadly, I have to belong to both. Last year 95% of docs in Quebec were mandated to get jabbed OR ELSE. The CPSO has gaslighted several physicians who have spoken out about the risks of the jabs.
For those of you who still don't know, this whole agenda is an intentional genocide controlled by a medical tyranny, with captured politicians, colleges, medical associations, provincial departments of health and courts.
It used to be 'jabs or jobs', now it's 'shut up or get shut out'.
Welcome to Kanada and its Medical Gulag Archipelago.
Marc Mullie MD
All of these doctors and organizations have lost their freaking minds! Thank God all of us pure bloods saw through this whole scheme and the plandemic to control the populations and kill many of the population. We have lost trust in most doctors who pushed this nonsense. Thank God our chiropractors and other naturopaths see through it as well and DO NOT recommend the jabs! Thanks for posting this to show how much they have lost their sanity!