The WEF, WHO, UN, and their government puppets, et al, have all gone completely insane with vile depravity. Our leaders (not our rulers, obviously) must undermine all efforts by the WEF et al to influence the people. The only thing it's time for is to make these psychotyrants illegitimate.

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"Only the mentally ill can refuse 'safe and effective' mRNA Injections" LOL - as though we don't know Gates et al did, in fact, refuse them. Mentally ill, indeed. And another LOL - as though we don't know "safe and effective" doesn't exist, except from their mouths.

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ALL GOVT BODIES are controlled by the WEF and the Khazarian Mafia. There needs to be a revolution. That’s it and that’s all.

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Every day I try, for my own spiritual well-being and growth, to not think bad things about the jab zealots. They know not what they are doing...

Then I read yet another thing that the pro-jabbers want to do to us. It gets harder and harder not to think of bad things happening to those who wish to force jabs on others. We are all being tested in so many different ways.

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Anti-vaxxers are a global menace?

We're all antivaxxers then because hardly anyone is taking the latest boosters.

To me this looks like desperation.

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They just haven’t been pressured enough yet. Once they are told they can’t travel, shop, work, or have bank accounts they Will comply. I met a nurse who paid $500 cash to be injected into a tampon rolled into her sleeve.

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Bibi Farber...

& Friends...

& (Other)s.


Thank you...so much.


"We Are All Artists...

[If you but endeavor]."

~ Jon Rappoport

Barry & Mum,

Are Smiling.

I reckon.

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Proudly "mentally ill".

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Those punks at Ontario College of Physicians are more than mentally ill.

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They are pure evil

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There are three groups of people in a PSYOP:

(1) First, a small group of psychopaths on top who scheme an agenda, often to accumulate more wealth and power, then indoctrinate and program the masses to implement their agenda.

(2) Second, the majority group, who have been programmed and brainwashed by the first group. This group may or may not profit from the agenda, but they are dogmatic in their efforts to spread the brainwashing and the illusion. They are enslaved to the first group. They are part of the “mass formation” described by professor Mattias Desmet.

(3) Last, the relatively small group who were either never programmed or have escaped the stupor and programming. They are conscious and aware and see through the lies and absurdities.

The third group is an existential threat to the first group, especially if the aware are outspoken and resist the push of the unconscious formation. They attempt to awaken the masses to the lies and illusions.

So the first group has many tools in their toolbox to dispose and eliminate the conscious people and to continue using the hypnotized for their gains. These are the tool of fear propagation, tool of threats and coercions, the tool of silencing and censorship, and the tool of shaming and shunning, which is a powerful motivator for conformation and obedience.

Plug in the elements of the Vaccine PSYOP into the formula above, and it will all make sense. 

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Hell will freeze over before I go see a death cult doctor.

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So, those refusing lethal injections via an inoculation will be labeled as mentally ill so they can then be euthanized. The GODless world has become hell on earth.

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so you mustn't enable "avoidance behavior" but you should indulge your patient's belief that they can swap genders willy nilly? i guess i'm confused

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I support your right to identify as immunized unassisted by big pharma's toxic injections.

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The CPSO and CMQ (College des Médecins du Québec) are two of the worst Medical Colleges in Canada. Sadly, I have to belong to both. Last year 95% of docs in Quebec were mandated to get jabbed OR ELSE. The CPSO has gaslighted several physicians who have spoken out about the risks of the jabs.

For those of you who still don't know, this whole agenda is an intentional genocide controlled by a medical tyranny, with captured politicians, colleges, medical associations, provincial departments of health and courts.

It used to be 'jabs or jobs', now it's 'shut up or get shut out'.

Welcome to Kanada and its Medical Gulag Archipelago.

Marc Mullie MD

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So sorry, doctor. I trust you're doing everything possible to keep your immune system healthy.

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There's an article in Expose about the massive numbers of Canadian doctors who have died from the vaccines.

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This is complete bullshit, at this point....all the Pfizer docs, VAERS, the maiming and dying in front of our eyes...oh, and the actual science...this is laughable now...... hey, Canada, you are a disgrace and wanted for genocide and treason, as well.... https://thecountersignal.com/breaking-exposed-105-million-liberal-partnership-with-wef-laid-bare/?utm_source=The+Counter+Signal&utm_campaign=71ae6ed72e-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_10_05_08_45&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3b53636f01-71ae6ed72e-562706639

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Nazi Germany 2.0. Oh wait, the same people are involved!

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I have observed that shot takers experiencing and reporting any range of adverse events are often subject to same.

I'm curious. Doctors and nurses that have left the field, what occupations do they take up?

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